Category: Video

June 23, 2011

Oh, My Achin’ Head…

Filed under: Canada,CBC,CPC,Video,WTF? — Dennis @ 11:41 am

There is some serious weirdness going on lately.  I don’t like it.  It’s creepy.

Our so-called “national broadcaster,” The Ministry of What You Should Think (aka the ceeb) has long been known as one of the great money pits of the Canadian taxpayer.  It has also been consistently hostile to anything and everything that bears even the slightest resemblance to a conservative — big or small “c” — thought.

The ceeb long ago stopped being the “voice of the Canadian people.”  If memory serves me correctly (and this was quite some time ago, remember), it was sometime around about the early 70s when the CBC stopped reporting on what Canadians were thinking and started telling Canadians what to think.  The federal Tories have, during their time in both opposition and minority government, frequently criticized this blatant waste and bias.  Rightly so, too.

So just why the hell are the Conservatives being so damn nice to it all of a sudden??  I think I might have an idea.  That the ceeb was is the Liberal party’s propaganda arm has been one of the worst kept secrets in the country for years now.  Are the Tories, now that they’re swinging the big stick of majority government, looking to put it to the same purpose?  It’s the only explanation I can think of for some of what’s been going on lately. (more…)

April 24, 2011

Boo the Boob

Filed under: Hockey,John Q Public,Ontario,Politics,Video — Dennis @ 11:41 am

Some things really do just speak for themselves, don’t they? 😀

Gee whiz, I wonder what it can be that they have against him? (more…)

April 14, 2011

I Like It

Filed under: Canada,Military,Video — Dennis @ 8:00 pm

’nuff said

April 9, 2011

Seriously, Folks…

Filed under: Canada,CPC,Politics,Spin,The MSM,Video — Dennis @ 5:37 pm

HUH???… I know that I’ve never had a very high opinion of the MSM, and I’ve never pretended to, but at precisely what point in this particular election campaign did they fall down the rabbit hole completely?

PMSH has been doing his best to keep all the hullabaloo confined to the issues (which is like herding cats at the best of times) this time around, but what are we getting from the MSM?

Utter asshattery and a surprisingly good impression of Harald the Missionary from Erik the Viking.

The big thing on Canadians’ minds these days is the economy — as in “it’s the economy, stupid” — but Alex Marland is hung up on “Why Stephen kisses Laureen.”  No, goddammit, I am NOT making that up!  Why does the PM kiss his wife????? [answer at the bottom of this post, if you really, really need it]

Hey, Alex, lemme ask you something… Have you ever kissed a girl? Maybe if you had, you wouldn’t need to ask such dumbass questions. (more…)

October 11, 2010

Beating the crap out of Mary Poppins

Filed under: Cluebat,Moonbattery,Politicorrect,Society/Culture,Video — Dennis @ 8:12 pm

It’s Monday; time to provoke the feminists…

October 5, 2010

Enter the Gestapo

Speaks for itself; some animals are more equal than others…

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