Category: Stupidity

February 26, 2010

Of Floodgates and Fraudulence

“I think of the fall of Jerusalem in 69 A.D., and the fall of Rome, and of the USSR — no civilization falls because of external threats. They fall because of internal corruption, because of failing to be who they say they are.”

Great BritainIt’s no secret to anyone, nor has it been for a very long time now, that the political Left are infatuated with the politics of ethnic divisionism.  Despite all their accusations of “divisiveness” aimed at their opponents, it is and has always been they who gain the most by pitting cultures, classes and races against one another.

It has also long been suspected that the Left’s fetish for multiculturalism and mass immigration — even the importation of cultures violently opposed to their own interests — has more to do with keeping assorted socialists and neoliberals in power than with any of the problems those policies are accused of solving.  Suspected and met with apoplectic denials.

As increasingly pissed off Brits are finding out, the suspicions were truer than most would have thought possible.  Turns out the far-right kooks were right after all. (more…)

December 21, 2009

Greedy Greenies

Filed under: Society/Culture,Y2Kyoto — Dennis @ 2:20 pm

This could be problematicWell now, who in the whole wide world woulda ever thunk this?  What, me?  Naw…

It seems that a pair of lab-coated high foreheads at the U of T recently did what all bean counters do best — namely, spending a poopload of time and cash to come to a conclusion that’s already obvious to those of us who don’t have our skulls rammed up our politically correct butts — and now the High Priesthood of Kyotology is going to have to get themselves all worked up into a into yet another royal snitlather… again.

So just what did they do, you ask?  Did they (shudder) deny the Great Truth of the Great Global Warming Slideshow of the Goracle?  Uh, no, not quite.  What they did do was to take a bunch of students and see how they acted after they were given a choice between buying some green goodness, like biodegradable laundry soap or organic yogurt (isn’t that one a little redundant?), and buying regular stuff like what normal people use.

The results are likely to put a little egg on the faces of the holier-than-thou crowd; it seems that the enviro-bedwetters are a bit of a weaselly bunch.

In a paper to be published in an upcoming issue of the journal Psychological Science, University of Toronto researchers Nina Mazar and Chen-Bo Zhong studied how students behaved after being given the option of purchasing environmentally friendly products, like organic yogourt or biodegradable laundry detergent, or conventional items.

They found students who chose green products were less likely to act altruistically afterwards than those who were simply exposed to green products.

The study, said Mazar, an assistant professor of marketing with the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management, builds on research into the idea of “moral regulation” – that people either consciously or unconsciously balance bad deeds with good ones.

“What has been shown so far is that when we engage in actions that give us some kind of moral, warm glow – let’s call it that – that afterwards we are more likely to transgress,” Mazar said.

Wow.  So… giving yourself a warm fuzzy means that you get to go out and misbehave afterwards?  Damn, I’ve got some naughty catching up to do; I get warm fuzzies all the time (no really, I do; I’m actually not this cranky all the time).

Amongst other things, the study noticed that the one group — ahem, let’s be nice and call them “environmentally friendly shoppers,” shall we? </sarcasm> — were more likely to keep money for themselves, more likely to lie for their own gain and more likely to just help themselves to money that just plain wasn’t theirs (a nice way of saying “stealing”).

Of course Mazar was quick to lay on the caveats about how this “doesn’t mean that you should not buy environmental products,” shouldn’t be seen as a character judgment of environuts, etc, etc.  Hey, come on; she works at the leftbot U of T, for crying out loud.  She knows where her funding comes from.

Talk about pots and kettles...What I don’t get is why this would surprise… well, anybody.  Anybody with a working pair of ears and eyeballs can plainly see that greenies, like all closet or not Marxists, are generous to a fault… with other people’s money.  The Goracle yowls from his pulpit that we should shiver in the dark as much as we can stand, and then some, while he hunkers in a mansion with the electric bill of a whole damned village.  Suzuki wants you to put toxic light bulbs in your house so you can buy more beer (give some credit, it’s a better marketing idea than Al’s) but seems to need not one, but two houses; one of ’em a sprawling $2 million monster on a swanky island off the west coast.

Please try and name me just one screeching envirokook out there, who runs around telling us what bastards we are for raping momma planet, who isn’t getting filthy rich in the process.  Go ahead, knock yourselves out; the comments are open.

And who the hell was that Englishman who said, “the odd thing about the socialists, they all live in the biggest house they can afford?”  That one’s been bugging me all day…

September 16, 2009

ACORN Atrocity

Some things require no explanation at all …

July 7, 2009

So Just Who Is He???

Judicial idiocyLet me start off by giving a little credit where it’s due for a change. Just for the giggles of it.

Here’s to Jane Sims and the Freeps for alerting us to the clear and present danger of “the man.” Apparently Sims and her paper felt compelled to give us a heads-up on this because “the man” is a real Class-A sack of maggot puke. You see, it’s kind of like this:

“The man” is a career pervert with a history going back 20 years or more, including “three sexual assaults, six convictions for invitation to sexual touching of a child under 14, two convictions of sexual interference and one for weapons possession,” according to the Freeps article. His latest conviction came when he pleaded guilty to a minor physical assault on his ex-girlfriend…

He was convicted of harassing her by threatening to harm any man she was with and telling her she had to go to him each week for sex.

He was also convicted of possession of child pornography for a photo on his computer showing a seven-year-old girl.

The common-law wife had to leave a job and move away because of the crimes. She fears for her safety.

Utter BullshitQuite the charmer, huh? For that, “the man” got 30 months. Lop off 18 months for Pizza Parlour Justice™, and that leaves him with a year to go. Unless you count that little statutory release thing that the leftbots don’t like you bringing up. That’ll knock off a third of the whole thing, meaning he’s gonna be out walking the streets in two friggin’ months.

Aw, don’t go gettin’ all freaked out, now.  After he gets spun out the revolving door, “the man” will be subject to a 10-year supervision order, where he’ll have to take his saltpeter, stay away from places with kids in them, and won’t be allowed to own guns or stick his pathetic excuse for a wiener in any more kids.  Ever ever again.  So there.  And we know it’ll all work out fine; we know it from past experience and what his shrink had to say about him:

Psychiatrist Philip Klassen from the Centre of Addiction and Mental Health examined the man and determined he didn’t suffer from a major mental illness but did suffer from “a personality disorder, paraphilias, a probable attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder and borderline intellectual functioning.”

Klassen said the biggest concern was the man’s “bisexual pedophilia” and said he was a high risk to re-offend.

Assistant Crown attorney Peter Rollings told Jenkins the man was warned in 2006 he could face a dangerous offender application if he re-offended. The man had not taken prescribed sex drive reduction medication and failed to comply with court orders.

Ain’t justice peachy?  And this sack of fertilizer is going to be back out on the streets in 2 months.  The same streets as your kids and mine.  There’s just one little question remaining:


That’s right, his name doesn’t appear even ONCE.

June 14, 2009

Nannies, Nincompoops & Ne’er-do-wells

Filed under: BS,Canada,HRCs,Mailbag,Nanny State,Rights — Dennis @ 10:28 am

The Nanny State(Gonna start off with a big ol’ tip o’ the tuque to Jeremy for dropping this in my inbox)

You know things are looking bad for Big Nanny when she’s getting hit from so many sides at once. Everyone knows that Big Nanny’s convinced that there’s nothing you can do that she can’t do better, including and especially deciding what’s best for your kids.

It seems like that sacred cow’s taking a bit of a beating lately:

Whether we wanted it or not, knew it or not, over time, the work of child-welfare organizations has become “parenting by the state and the imposition of their value system on other people,” says Marty McKay, a clinical psychologist who has worked on abuse cases in the U.S and Canada. Provincial agencies have the power to intervene when children are considered “at risk” of abuse or neglect – even if none has actually occurred. Or, where spousal abuse happens, but kids are untouched. And what they do with the children they take can sometimes be worse than what they suffered at home.

Utter BullshitThen we have another favourite social-engineering sledgehammer, the Human Lefts Commissions which have popped up across the land like warts on a toad’s arse. Curiously enough, they’ve been yelping a lot lately about how they want to “engage in the debate” that has swirled around their malfeasance lately. I call bullshit on that; and so does Ezra Levant.

Yup; this right here is totally how you engage in a debate. Not. This kind of buffoonery would actually be funny as hell under different circumstances…

This evening, Jennifer Lynch, the chief commissar of the Canadian Human Rights Commission, tried to have CTV Newsnet kick me off their interview program Power Play, hosted by Tom Clark.

To their great credit, CTV refused to be bullied — and it was Lynch who wound up off the show.

You can watch the episode here.

What an embarrassment Lynch and her CHRC have become to this government — and to all Canadians.

May 19, 2009

Big Nanny Goes Berserk

The Nanny StateSweet jumpin’ Jesus! I knew things were bad but just when the hell did things go this far off the damned rails???

For decades now, the illustrious forces of Those Who Know What’s Best For You have been passing one law after another, for no other apparent reason than trying to put the Darwin Awards out of business. There’s actually still a statute on the books against “sexual congress” with polar bears. 😯 How the hell that one ever came about in the first place, I do not want to know…

Naturally, all this meddlesome governmental busybody-ness led to greater and greater intrusion into our lives on the part of those who believe right down to their bones that an individual is just too damned stupid to be trusted to act in their own best interests. That was all bad enough, but Big Nanny seems to have totally lost it with her latest stunt. It seems we can’t even be trusted to ride a damned escalator by ourselves anymore:

Anyone who has ridden an escalator and bothered to pay attention has seen – and likely ignored – little signs suggesting riders hold the grimy handrail.

In Montreal’s subway system, the friendly advice seems to have taken on the force of law, backed by a $100 fine.

Bela Kosoian, a 38-year-old mother of two, says when she didn’t hold the handrail Wednesday she was cuffed, dragged into a small holding cell and fined.

Why can I never be making this stuff up? The article also mentions that the victim (because that’s what she is: a victim of a maniacally overweening state) “had been sick and feared catching a new bug.” I don’t know about you, but I’ve seen some escalator rails that I wouldn’t have grabbed with Pierre Trudeau’s hand!

And just what does the Société de transport de Montréal, the malignant Nanny in question for our story, have to say about all this? Well, it’s basically the same thing that all tyrants have to say for themselves, of course. Just with a little customization to their interests:Utter Bullshit

it is forbidden for all persons to disobey a directive or a pictogram posted by the Société.

Yes, indeed comrade; we can’t have those stinking proletariats disobeying the Holy Directives now, can we? Now let’s just sit back and watch the show as they try to backpedal when the shit hits the Public Outrage Fan®.

At least it should be a way to kill a slow afternoon.

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