Category: Courts

August 16, 2007

“But, They Know I’m An Asshole…”

Filed under: Alberta,BS,Courts,Crime & Punishment,Justice — Dennis @ 10:19 pm

Jeremy Allan SteinkeJusticeWell, of course they do, you son of a bitch. That’s the whole point. But now that everybody and their dog in Medicine Hat knows what a worthless bag of maggot shit Jeremy Allan Steinke is, he wants his trial moved to another venue. Maybe he’s hoping to get his trial moved to someplace where murdering sacks of shit that screw little girls aren’t seen in such a nasty, intollerant light. 🙄

Hell, for all I know, he’s hoping to get it moved to London in the hope that he’ll find himself in front of Jerkweed Jack Carrol… But that’s another rant, isn’t it?

Jasmne RichardsonFor those of you that have been living under a rock for the last year, Steinke is the diddler who helped Jasmine Richardson murder her parents, Marc and Debra Richardson, and 8-year old little brother, Jacob, in Medicine Hat in April of ’06. Jasmine has already been found guilty of three counts of first degree murder back in July and now Stinky is trying to get his trial moved to someplace where the heat isn’t on so much:

Jeremy Allan Steinke, 24, who once described himself as a 300-year-old werewolf, appeared in a local courtroom Thursday.

He is charged with three counts of first-degree murder in the deaths of Marc and Debra Richardson and their eight-year-old son, Jacob, who were found stabbed to death in their blood-smeared suburban home on April 23, 2006.

The killings made national headlines in part because Steinke’s co-accused was his 13-year-old former girlfriend.


Utter Bullshit Steinke’s Calgary lawyer, Alain Hepner, said Thursday he is concerned about the publicity the high-profile case has generated already through the girl’s trial.

Jurors in that trial were never shown websites entries from where she called herself “killer kitty” and where Steinke, a high school dropout, claimed to be a 300-year-old lycan, or werewolf.

Jasmine, meanwhile, is trying to milk that 2-for-1 presentence credit for time served for all it’s worth

CALGARY – Sentencing is being delayed until fall for a 13-year-old girl convicted of murdering a Medicine Hat family.

Psychiatric and pre-sentencing reports ordered by Justice Scott Brooker for the girl’s Aug. 23 sentencing date are taking more time than expected, according to the girl’s defence lawyer.

Sentencing is now expected to take place in October, according to lawyer Tim Foster.


The girl, who cannot be identified under provisions of the Youth Criminal Justice Act, was tried in Medicine Hat’s Court of Queen’s Bench.

She was found guilty July 9 of three counts of first-degree murder in the slayings of Marc and Debra Richardson and their eight-year-old son. She is the youngest person in Canada convicted of multiple murder.


The girl faces a maximum 10-year youth sentence, with no more than six years in custody.

The rest of the sentence would be served under supervision in the community. When the sentence ends, she will be free. Adult murderers are monitored for life.

A youth accused of murder must be at least 14 to be tried as an adult.

Why don’t we just cut the bullshit, ladies and gents? Try Stinky right the hell where he is and sentence Jasmine NOW. If she doesn’t like it, let her appeal. But at least the two-fer credit will stop and then maybe, just maybe, we can keep her locked up until she’s old enough to drink. Not that I’m going to hold my breath…

As an interesting side note: the Wikipedia article, “Richardson family murders” seems to not be there anymore…

May 26, 2007

Can We Ditch This Asshole Yet?

Filed under: BS,Law & Order,Ontario,Rants,Security,Stupid Judge Tricks — Dennis @ 12:30 pm

Why, yes, I AM PISSED OFF…  how can you tell?[PARENTAL ADVISORY: While I do try to do my best to tone myself down to make this site at least somewhat family-friendly, the following post contains the kind of language that you probably don’t want your kids to read. And lots of it.]

Well, as if we didn’t already have enough reasons to lose faith in our country’s balls-challenged “justice system” (there’s a fucking oxymoron for ya), the London courthouse’s Resident Retard®, “Jackoff” Jack Carrol has gone and fucked up again.

Ahmed Moalin-MohamedFor those of you not familiar with this black-robed bag of shit, he’s the dickhead that gave Ahmed Moalin Mohamed the keys to the revolving jailhouse door after he shot four people last Thanksgiving weekend. Nobody knows where the fuck that asshole is now. Yeah, that shithead.

So, what did this overpaid, walking sack of maggot jism do this time?

Why, he did what he does best, of course: letting criminal shitbags stroll out of the courthouse for no fucking reason! This time it was some little 16-year-old shit with 17 previous criminal convictions — five for not following court orders and two drug-related offences — that got his little pat on the head from Carrol before he strolled off and promptly robbed a gas station with a knife. Naturally, we’re not allowed to know who this little fuck is; thank you ever so fucking much, Chretien.

RantsYup, that’s right. You’d think that having Moalin-Mohamed go bye-bye on him would have smartened this shitskulled waste of my hard-earned tax dollars up, but nnnnoooooooo….. He’s just as big a fucking idiot as he ever was. Even London’s top cop, Chief Murray Faulkner is pissed as shit at this jerkoff and is thinking about bitching to the Ontario Justices of the Peace Review Council.

What’s possibly the worst of all this bullshit is just why he decided to spring this little bastard on the rest of us. This little son of a bitch got his get out of jail free card because Carrol got himself into a snit because the Crown Attorney was running late.

Without a bail hearing, a surety or reasons, a 16-year-old was released from custody May 15, just hours after his arrest, because justice of the peace Jack Carroll was irritated the Crown was late for court. Only a week later, the teen became the main suspect in a knife-point robbery of a gas bar last weekend.


He was taken to court that day but when Carroll opened proceedings, there was no prosecutor to handle the case. Carroll asked that one be paged.

Shortly after that, he told the clerk to tell the Crown’s office he would be “releasing everybody . . . if the Crown does not show up.”

Why can I never be making this shit up? Just once? Our judicial system is fucked up enough without having some cocksucker like Carrol sitting on the bench, acting like a petulant little brat!


April 25, 2007

Around And Around And Around She Goes…

Filed under: BS,Law & Order,Ontario,Rants,Security,Stupid Judge Tricks — Dennis @ 1:46 pm

Courts… Where the Revolving Courthouse Doorâ„¢ stops, nobody knows. Wish I could say that I’m somehow surprised by any of this bullshit anymore, but I’m not. Are you? Is anybody?

Seriously folks, if the shitskulls that pass for judges in this country can’t even be expected to keep an asshole locked up for killing a cop, who in their right mind is going to expect them to keep somebody behind bars for just assaulting a couple of cops?  Just one more example of how yet another judge is dumber than the average bear:

Utter Bullshit London’s police chief says he’s “disappointed but not surprised” a man accused of roughing up two officers at a downtown strip club was released on bail yesterday.

“There’s something that’s got to get fixed here,” said Chief Murray Faulkner. “It’s not getting better.”

Marcus Cornelisse, 32, is charged with three counts of assaulting police.

He was released on $20,000 bail. Justice of the Peace Elaine Babcock placed a publication ban on evidence at the hearing.

Why, yes, I AM PISSED OFF…  how can you tell?But of course there’s a publication ban. After all, we can’t have the integtity of our judicial system brought into disrepute by exposing the idiocy of the Robed ‘Roos® exposed to the prying eyes of the unwashed masses now, can we?  Hell, no!  If that happened, somebody out there might get the silly notion into their heads that some of these idiots should actually start having to seriously account to someone for the asshattery that they so regularly perpetrate on the rest of society.

I’ve said it before and I’m gonna say it again now (just on the off chance that anybody somehow managed to miss it):

  • Judges will get serious about theft when enough judges’ cars get stolen.
  • Judges will get serious about violence when enough judges get beaten up.
  • Judges will get serious about murder when enough judges’ brothers or sons get killed.
  • Judges will get serious about rape when enough judges’ wives or daughters get raped.

RantsThat’s it; that’s all there is to it.  Judges don’t give two shits about what happens to you, your family, or anybody else, because to them crime is just something that a) happens to somebody else, and b) keeps them in a cushy, overly-influential job.

I don’t give a damn if it’s an “American idea” or not; we need to start electing these buggers, so that they can finally be forced to explain themselves to REAL PEOPLE who live in the REAL WORLD.

That’s right: REAL PEOPLE, not a closed clique of over-educated idiots with skulls packed full of utopian, pie-in-the-sky, hug-a-thug social worker bullshit ideas that, to paraphrase Orwell, are so wrong that only a very educated person could believe them.  Because the mountain of evidence is showing, beyond a reasonable doubt, that we are smarter than they are.

Are you listening, Mr Nicholson?

April 24, 2007

And The Asshat Goes To . . .

Filed under: BS,Crime & Punishment,La Belle Province,Stupid Judge Tricks — Dennis @ 10:58 am

Courts. . . Quebec Superior Court Justice Jean-Guy Boilard (the same shithead that nearly screwed up the Hells Angels trial), for being the first idiot in the history of Canadian justice to let a cop killer out through the revolving door. That’s right: in spite of all the other idiotic crap the judiciary in this country has pulled in the past few decades, they have at least managed to refrain from springing cop killers at the drop of a hat. Not anymore. Basil Parasiris got his little pat on the head in a Montreal court yesterday, for technicality bullshit that could have come straight from the script of the cheesiest courtroom Law & Order episode:

Asshattery[…] Boilard ruled yesterday police weren’t justified in using a battering ram to enter Parasiris’s home. Boilard also noted a search warrant did not grant police permission to enter the home at night. The accused claims he thought a home invasion was being carried out when police barged into his south-shore residence to execute the warrant. While on bail, Parasiris has been ordered to live with his parents and obey a 7 p.m. to 6 a.m. curfew. But before Parasiris moves in, his father, George Sr., will have to remove two hunting rifles that are in the home.

Utter BullshitYup. Go to your room, mister and think about what you did. As if we actually needed yet another nugget of proof that judges in this country are both out of control and out of touch with reality. To the best of my knowledge, no cop killer has ever gotten bail in Canada. EVER. And along comes Butthead Boilard.

But hey, it’s all okay, right? After all, he’s going to have to live with his parents and we all know that, when a judge tells someone to stay at mommy and daddy’s house, they always stay put, don’t they?

After he skipped out on the Hells Angels trial back in ’02, Judge Bobblehead said that he wanted to “take time to ponder his future as a judge.”

The son of a bitch should have pondered harder.

And before anybody even thinks about giving me any of that “hey, buddy; that’s alleged cop-killer” bullshit, remember that this bastard admitted to what he did! And Boilard knew it, too:

Despite being advised several times after killing a police officer that he had the right to remain silent, Basil Parasiris confessed to what he did and expressed remorse.

Expressed remorse. Don’t they all?

January 30, 2007

Cartoonists Get It, Too

Filed under: 'Toons,Cluebat,Good Stuff,Stupid Judge Tricks,Stupidity — Dennis @ 5:08 pm

I love a good cartoon. Especially when it makes this much sense… 😆

Kudos to cartoonist Chuck Asay at the Colorado Springs Gazette (click the image to enlarge).

Catch and release

January 11, 2007

Why The Hell Am I On This Fence?

Filed under: Cops,Courts,Justice,Ontario,Skullduggery — Dennis @ 2:14 pm

JusticeThis doesn’t happen to me much. Usually, my first impression of a thing, whatever it may be, is pretty accurate and changing my mind isn’t something that I find myself having to do very often. Some people (okay, okay; most people…) will call that stubbornness but I prefer to think of it as just paying attention to what the hell’s going on in the first place. It usually works out quite well for me. Not always, mind you; but usually.

Sometimes though, I end up doing an about-face. Like today, when I started reading the Freeps this morning and found this:

Police say kin shares fault

Thu, January 11, 2007

The parents of a woman violently gunned down by her former boyfriend are partly responsible for her death, London police contend.

In just-filed court documents, a lawyer representing the force alleges Tom and Kim Bol didn’t report contact between their daughter Vanessa and her ex-boyfriend, Emerson Dominguez, when the parents knew he was not supposed to contact her.

The “WHAT THE F***?!?!?” that came flying unbidden out of my piehole was probably heard in Lambeth. Vanessa Bol The first instinct was, as you’ve likely guessed, pretty obvious and something that I think just about any parent in the world will be able to relate to…

What the hell is wrong with the cops? Have they lost their God damned minds? Just who the hell was the shithead that came up with this lamebrained idea in the first place? Even if it’s true and the parents were somewhat at fault, these people lost a daughter, for Christ’s sakes; they’ve suffered enough. LEAVE THEM ALONE!

Salvadoran sack o shit Emerson DominguezPretty standard stuff, right? Yeah, I thought so, too. But then I kept reading and lo and behold, there was a little detail about the whole affair that, with all the time that has passed, I had managed to forget all about: following Vanessa Bol’s tragic death at the hands of Emerson Dominguez in November of 2003, it didn’t take long for the lawyers to start circling the carcass. After all, it isn’t for nothing that so many in this world consider lawyers to be one step down the food chain from plankton. Dominguez is currently serving a life sentence for second-degree murder, with no chance of parole for 20 years (theoretically, at least; with our revolving-door justice system, you can never tell… but that’s another rant). Vanessa died on the third of November and the Bol family decided to sue the London cops a little over six months later:

In July 2004, the Bol family filed a civil suit against London police for nearly $1.4 million, claiming officers failed to protect their 17-year-old daughter.


The civil suit names London’s police services board, retired chief Brian Collins and two London police officers.

An amended statement of defence says the Bols “did not report Dominguez’s contact with Vanessa Bol to other persons or agencies of authority who might have intervened to protect Vanessa Bol.”


The statement says the Bols did not report threats or assaults by Dominguez against Bol.

So there you have it. Puts the issue in a slightly different perspective, doesn’t it? No doubt about it, there’s a turd in this punchbowl someplace. The questions is: which side is right and which side are being utter assholes and pulling some pretty lowdown crap?

On the one hand, if the allegations are true, it takes some kind of God damned gall to try to and cash in — to the tune of over a million bucks — on your own misdeeds by pinning the blame on someone else. We rely on police to serve and protect the public from scum like Dominguez but it’s a two way street; cops rely on us to tell them when we know that bad people are doing bad things. These folks ain’t psychics, ya know. If the Bols really did know about Dominguez stalking and even assaulting their daughter and they did nothing at all about it… then I say lower the boom on ’em. Bring the hammer down and make an example out of them for others that would try and grab for such a loathesome Munchausen lottery jackpot. On the other hand, though…

If these allegations are false, this represents stooping about as low as you can get. This would be the ultimate in kicking someone when they’re down, the cheapest of cheap shots, and something that we should damn well expect — indeed, demand — that those who are trusted to hold authority in our society place themselves far above. If this is some bullshit stunt, heads should roll for it.

The problem is that we don’t know which story is the truth and which is bullshit. So there it is, big as life and twice as problematic. And here I am, in territory about as unfamilliar as it gets for me… on the fence.

And I don’t like it.

When I see stuff like this, my nature practically demands that I take one side or the other and be quick about it. But make sure it’s the right side. I wish I knew enough to make that decision but I don’t. So here I sit, in the mushy middle, wanting to speak up for somebody but not sure who, and haunted by the words of Mark Twain:

“It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.”

Easier said than done.

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