Category: Justice

June 25, 2011

Rioters: STFU


Is this real,  or just another internet hoax?  (No, not the picture above — we all know who Bert Easterbrook is by now, right?)  I’m not sure and snopes doesn’t have anything yet.  Either way, it’s still good:

Dear 2011 Vancouver Stanley Cup Rioters,

Please stop saying you’re sorry. Stop posting YouTube videos begging for forgiveness. Stop writing letters asking that society cut you some slack and leave you alone. (more…)

October 5, 2010

Enter the Gestapo

Speaks for itself; some animals are more equal than others…

May 5, 2010

Here a Shut, There a F#@k, Everywhere an Up, Up..

RantsI’ve finally figured out how I’m going to get filthy, stinking rich.  I deserve it of course, for being the sunshiny kind of guy that I am.  I’m going to find a company that manufactures corks for flapping, leftist pieholes, and sink every penny I’ve got into it.  Recent events have proven to me that it’ll be a goldmine.

We’ll start off with the reddest Tory in the Chamber of Somnambulant Second Thought: the Senator formerly known by the Rowell-Jackman sur-monicker but now going, Roseanne-esque, by only the given names of Nancy Ruth.  Count Igula – likely following Frank Graves’ advice about setting off a culture war – recently tried his damnedest to drag out the abortion issue and run a few volts through the bolts in its neck.  (Apparently, it didn’t occur to Iffy that it might not be such a great idea to take strategic advice from a guy whose name sounds so much like the unfortunate bugger on the right. Go on, Iggy, grab the cables; you’ll be fine)  Well, that didn’t work out too well.  Harper pretty much gave him the Dion treatment and dared Ignatieff to huff, puff and blow the house down and now Nancy has some advice for the screeching chior of the infanticide congregation:  STFU. (more…)

February 16, 2010

Of Soldiers, Sleaze, Slander and Spin

Filed under: Canada,Crime & Punishment,Military,The MSM — Dennis @ 2:22 pm

The Canadian Armed ForcesWhere to begin with this one?

The sordid tale of Col. Russell Williams is starting to read like one of the more poorly written episodes of Law & Order, or maybe NCIS, take your pick. As bad as what he’s accused of is, the slime that some of our media outlets have been excreting over the whole affair might even be worse.

Let me get something straight to start off with; and I’m speaking here as someone who’s actually worn the uniform and is in no damned mood for any excuses from any quarter. (more…)

December 21, 2009

Well I’ll Be Damned… Wendy Wins??

Filed under: Cluebat,Cops,Gun Control,John Q Public,Nanny State,USA,Video,WTF? — Dennis @ 9:40 pm

I can’t believe it.  After all this time, it’s actually finally happened.  You have no idea how much I hate like hell to say this, but I really do have no choice.

The gun grabbers were right!

You have no idea how disgusted I am with myself right now.

Every time some jurisdiction down in the US loosened its gun control laws, organizations like the Brady Campaign fought those reforms tooth and nail.  And I ridiculed them.

They warned us over and over and over again that ONLY SOLDIERS AND COPS CAN BE TRUSTED WITH GUNS and putting guns in the hands of the average citizen would lead to mayhem — violence in the streets, shootings over the most insignificant perceived slight, gunfights over fender benders.

Yes, they warned us.  They did everything they could.  And we …  I … didn’t listen.  Now it’s happened.  Many of you have doubtless heard of the historic “Heller decision” of the US Supreme Court that struck down the District of Columbia’s wise and well-thought-out gun ban that had stood for more than 30 years, making sure DC stayed as safe as it was.  I remember it quite well.  I, fool that I was, rejoiced at it. (more…)

November 12, 2009

Once A Soldier…

…Always a soldier.

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