Category: Soc. Engineering

May 19, 2009

Big Nanny Goes Berserk

The Nanny StateSweet jumpin’ Jesus! I knew things were bad but just when the hell did things go this far off the damned rails???

For decades now, the illustrious forces of Those Who Know What’s Best For You have been passing one law after another, for no other apparent reason than trying to put the Darwin Awards out of business. There’s actually still a statute on the books against “sexual congress” with polar bears. 😯 How the hell that one ever came about in the first place, I do not want to know…

Naturally, all this meddlesome governmental busybody-ness led to greater and greater intrusion into our lives on the part of those who believe right down to their bones that an individual is just too damned stupid to be trusted to act in their own best interests. That was all bad enough, but Big Nanny seems to have totally lost it with her latest stunt. It seems we can’t even be trusted to ride a damned escalator by ourselves anymore:

Anyone who has ridden an escalator and bothered to pay attention has seen – and likely ignored – little signs suggesting riders hold the grimy handrail.

In Montreal’s subway system, the friendly advice seems to have taken on the force of law, backed by a $100 fine.

Bela Kosoian, a 38-year-old mother of two, says when she didn’t hold the handrail Wednesday she was cuffed, dragged into a small holding cell and fined.

Why can I never be making this stuff up? The article also mentions that the victim (because that’s what she is: a victim of a maniacally overweening state) “had been sick and feared catching a new bug.” I don’t know about you, but I’ve seen some escalator rails that I wouldn’t have grabbed with Pierre Trudeau’s hand!

And just what does the Société de transport de Montréal, the malignant Nanny in question for our story, have to say about all this? Well, it’s basically the same thing that all tyrants have to say for themselves, of course. Just with a little customization to their interests:Utter Bullshit

it is forbidden for all persons to disobey a directive or a pictogram posted by the Société.

Yes, indeed comrade; we can’t have those stinking proletariats disobeying the Holy Directives now, can we? Now let’s just sit back and watch the show as they try to backpedal when the shit hits the Public Outrage Fan®.

At least it should be a way to kill a slow afternoon.

March 29, 2009

Let’s Hear It For Dad!

I know I haven’t been posting so much lately — too many other projects are just eating up every spare moment that I have. But THIS needs to be talked about. This is where I call “bullshit!” on our bassackwards excuse for a justice system.

It’s bad enough that the liberal mindset has created a system that is unwilling, unable, or both, to protect decent citizens. That alone is enough to make the blood boil. But now we see that, not only is “the system” not going to protect you and your family, but if you do it yourself… it’ll be YOU that they come after.

Just who the hell do you think you are, defending yourself like that? How dare you? You should just lie down and take it, and wallow in your victimhood like we tell you to.

Now, before some excusemongering son of a bitch out there starts flapping his peckerholster about everything from “anger management” to “that’s what the police are for,” take a damned minute and ask yourself this: If it was YOUR family, just what would YOU do??

Personally, I think this guy was pretty restrained…

Dad charged for assaulting bully

Internet insults of wife, daughter, drove him to shove teenage trash-talker

Yeah, you read that right… he “shoved” the little punk. That’s all. Keep reading. (more…)

March 15, 2009

Little Surprises

I know I’m a few days late, but here it is anyway.

This is not a guy that I expect any profundities from… at all. I have to admit, he managed to surprise me a few times here (hokey-assed jokes notwithstanding).

It’s in ten parts, so you might want to grab a coffee first.


March 10, 2009

Is Islam Killing Free Speech?

Well, no, not yet. But they’re trying their damnedest…

A Little Clarification…

… on all that Obamassiah gun control mumbo jumbo

February 21, 2009

No Commentary Required

This is what your kids are being taught in our wonderful, leftbot-infested public schools these days. Race-baiting 101.

New Brunswick’s education minister has ordered the cancellation of a school assignment that asked children which lives they would save if they had to choose among different ethnic groups.


The assignment also included images representing each of the different ethnic groups that they could choose to save.

The controversy began after Jessie Lomax complained when her 10-year-old daughter was given the assignment, which, the woman said, is better suited for “concentration camp employees.”

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