Category: CBC

January 19, 2007

Who’da Thunk It?

Filed under: CBC,Media,Society/Culture — Dennis @ 5:59 pm

The idiot boxGee, I don’t know… How about damn near anybody?  To the surprise of no one, except of course the TO (Red) Star, the ratings for the Ministry Of What You Should Think’s latest flop took a header when the second episode was aired.  It seems that Little Mosque on the Prairie (Laura Ingalls Wilder must be whirling dervishly in her grave) just isn’t turning out to be the endearing new smash hit that the loopy Left all told us it was.  Or maybe the nearly 50% drop in viewership was due a million Canucks suddenly realizing they were out of beer at the same time and couldn’t get back in time to watch. 🙄

Gee whiz, I wonder how that happened?  Could it maybe be that the largest audience for sitcoms in the country is made up of white Christians and the show seems to portray every non-Muslim in the cast as a bumbling closet bigot?  In comedy, you can get away with making fun of your audience but not outright insulting them (unless you’re Don Rickles), which is exactly what Little Mosque seems to do.  In the show that Michael Coren called “visual drudgery“… well, I’ll let him say it:

From beginning to end the show thumps us over our non-hijab wearing heads with a clumsy hammer. Any fears about Islam, we are told, are based on our own ignorance and bigotry.

Everyone is a caricature in Little Mosque, but some caricatures are more obnoxious than others.

The Muslim characters are nice and kind and ordinary in that quintessentially Canadian way. Some of them may be silly and old-fashioned but they’d never hurt a fly, let alone kill an infidel.

The non-Muslim caricatures, however, are repugnant. Especially if they’re cops.

So scratch that demographic out of your audience.  Okay, maybe they’re targeting the Muslim demographic, that whopping 1.9% of the population, half of whom probably won’t approve of the show in any case.  Nah, I didn’t think so, either.

Even if it wasn’t a thinly-veiled backhand at anyone not a raving moonbat, it would still fail.  Because it’s crappy.  Crappy in that quintessentially CBC way.  It’s the kind of writing and production that can only be made by a bunch of lefties secure in their deathgrip on the governmental funding teat.  Your tax dollars at work.

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