Category: Spin

October 10, 2008

This Gift …

Filed under: Canada,Grits,Spin,Stupidity,Video — Dennis @ 9:58 am

… Just keeps on giving. And I’m lovin’ it.

As more and more people are finding out about The Absent-minded Professor®’s little deer-in-the-headlights moment on CTV the other day (even the Red Star couldn’t clam up about it), they are starting to get a really creepy feeling at the thought of this guy running the national till.

As if that wasn’t good enough, little Grit tadpole Geoff Regan had a chance to put the whole thing to bed and totally blew it. He could have said something like, “yeah, that was embarrassing; but the poor guy’s jet-lagged stupid these days, so what can you do, eh?” That could have been the end of it right there. People would have just assumed that Dion’s all tuckered out from dashing back and forth across the country for a month now and just had himself a brainfart. Could have happened to anybody.

But nope.

When Duff pointed out that this was reminiscent of Bob Stanfield and the football (best analogy so far, BTW), Regan fell back on the favourite HypoGrit tactic of ad hominem faux indignation, so beloved by them whenever they’ve been caught piddling on the rug and don’t think they should have their noses rubbed in it.

“Mister Dion has mentioned before that he has a hearing problem and that’s clearly what happened here,” he harrumphed. “I don’t think that we should spend a lot of time talking about someone’s physical impairment.”

When Duff quizzes him if it’s an impairment or just “a failure to comprehend,” Regan first sulks in silence, then tries to play dumb, and finally just goes all to hell in a handbasket amidst trying to deny that he just said what he just said when Duff calls bullshit on him.

Does it get better than this?

July 26, 2008

Enough, Already

Filed under: Afghanistan,Canada,News,Spin,The MSM — Dennis @ 2:58 pm

Okay, we get it.  It’s a story…

Who's going where now...?

July 14, 2008

Gun-Grabber Mentality Strikes In Vancouver

What a complete and utter crock of God damned bullshit! The Vancouver Sun had the story yesterday about 4 guys on their way to the range, minding their own business, and the abuse that they were subjected to, all in the name of our Great Anti-Gun Nanny State®.

This is a perfect example of just what the hell is wrong with all the anti-gun propaganda that proliferates throughout our country after too damned many years of meddling Letfbot rule in Ottawa and elsewhere. These guys did everything — EVERYTHING — by the book; right down to going along with the idiotic gun registry and taking more care than needed in transporting their firearms (see the photos below).

In spite of all this; what the hell happens? Some hoplophobic (son of a?) bitch sees a gun, shits his/her pants and, the next thing you know, four guys who were doing nothing but heading out for a nice, relaxing afternoon are staring down the business ends of a bunch of 12-gauges with a gaggle of jittery cops at the triggers. Just friggin’ wonderful, eh? Read the story (with my emphasis and commentary added) for yourself and then tell me: is this bullshit or is this bullshit:

VANCOUVER – Police seized five rifles and arrested four men Sunday in a dramatic takedown in the city’s West End after someone called 911 complaining about seeing a gun on the street.

Get a fucking clue, assholeBecause, as any sane person knows, just seeing a firearm can sear the soul and damn you to the Eternal Hellfires of Redneckdomâ„¢. Save me, Mister Policeman! Save my little liberal eyeballs from being violated so! Shitskulls…

Police later determined, however, that the guns were legally registered to one of the arrested men and released the four.

The weapons will remain with police until it’s determined if charges are warranted under the Firearms Act.

Oh, gee whiz, will you lookit that? Everything’s in order. Well, screw you anyway; we’re still going to shit on your rights and keep your rightful property … because we can. Heil Chretien! Viva C-68! Move along comrades, nothing to see here…

The 11 a.m. incident on Haro Street, just east of Denman, shocked residents.

“It was a little freaky, I have to say,” said Paul Kay, a supervisor at a nearby confection shop who witnessed the scene.

During the incident, police, with shotguns drawn, pulled over a black four-door SUV and ordered the men inside the vehicle to come out.

Witness Jack Simpson said he saw two young men, both Caucasians in their mid to late 20s, being taken into custody.

Police also removed four weapons from the vehicle, as well as several black boxes, Simpson said. In a media statement issued shortly after 1 p.m., Vancouver police department spokeswoman Const. Jana McGuinness said the four arrested men were released pending further investigation.

Further investigation of WHAT?!?!??? A few guys on their way to shoot some paper and clays?? See some pics from the Sun for yourself (just click on any of ’em to get a better look):

And to think, it was supposed to be a nice fun day at the range…

Never mind that your paperwork’s in order, just get in the back and STFU

Looks like proper transport to me. Hell, the guy’s even got nicer cases than I do

Eek! A gun! Scary Scary Scary! Run away before it jumps up and shoots you!

Complete and utter bullshit. Gangbangers and assorted other scumbags routinely carry concealed and otherwise flout the law but would the cops take them down just for looking suspicious? HELL NO! It’s profiling if they’re not white. But hey, obey all the rules and try to be a law-abiding citizen and you risk getting shot by the cops.

Being the Leftbot patsies that they are, CTV puts an even worse spin on it:

The incident began when an “alert citizen” called police after the person saw two men standing at the rear of a vehicle on Haro Street, holding a long-barreled gun, said Vancouver Const. Jana McGuinness.


But after checking police found out that the guns were legally registered to one of the men.

That doesn’t mean that the men won’t be charged

Hey, CTV: GO BUGGER YOURSELVES! Friggin’ moonbats… CP was just as bad:

Witness Walter Muller says he saw the guns on the sidewalk, and one looked like a machine gun.

Yeah, nice going assholes. Way to scare the shit outta the sheeple. Never mind that there wasn’t a single God damned automatic weapon there! Why let a little detail like that get in the way of the Great Glorious Gun Grabber Agenda®?

But the worst — the absolute worst — had to be The Province. Dripping with fearmongering goodness, it’s enough to make Landslide Annie reach for her vibrator…

“One of them looked like a machine-gun, and some of them had super scopes on them,” said West End resident Walter Muller. “The scary part is we could be caught in the crossfire.

Really, Walter? And just what kind of “machine gun” did it look like? And just WTF is a “super scope??” Why is this alleged media outlet quoting some dumbass who clearly doesn’t know his ass from a hole in the ground? Oh, but it gets better…

“With those weapons, serious things were going to happen.”

Like WHAT, you hoplophobic, agenda-driven son of a bitch?

Oh, wait, I get it now. How could I have missed it before? I must be getting old. I didn’t catch it at first but, now that I’ve had another look at all those photos, I see it plain as day:

They’re all white. With crewcuts or even (gasp!) shaved heads! And at least one of them even has tattoos!! Clearly, such men are the bane of civilization and we can never be too vigilant, whether it be in keeping an eye on them or just plain arbitrarily confiscating their stuff. After all, it’s not as if they have RIGHTS or anything.

We are NOT criminalsWhen is this bullshit going to stop, you ask? Simple: when gun owners across the country finally stand up and shout, in one voice: “Enough! We are SICK and TIRED of being your God damned scapegoats! You want our guns? Well, SCREW YOU! ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ!!”

Am I being radical? Am I being scary? Tough shit. We’ve been getting screwed in the arse by the do-nothings of this country — and for crimes we didn’t even commit!— for decades so that those parasitic bastards could give the illusion that they’re doing something to make us safe. I, for one, am nearing the end of my rope.

No more Mr Nice Guy...Every time some Leftbot special interest group holds a “protest rally” where the media outnumber the “protesters,” it’s national news and the Nanny State acolytes flock to it like maggots to a dead fish. What do you think would happen if just one percent of us were to hold a march, proudly displaying our guns? What would those totalitarian bastards do in the face of twenty thousand armed citizens?

Just wondering… 😉

May 20, 2008


Something’s got me wondering. Big time.

As most of you likely know by now, Ezra Levant spilled the beans earlier today about the fact the it looks like the RCMP has begun a criminal investigation into the ongoing skulduggery being perpetrated by Canada’s so-called “Human Rights Commission” (a mind-numbingly hypocritical title if ever there was one).

Something like this is news. Big news. Big, big, big. Here’s a little tidbit for you:

Just how bad does it have to get before the government stops saying that the CHRC follows “procedures specified by the law”? We’ve got the Privacy Commissioner and the RCMP investigating now. What does it take to get the government’s attention — a NATO airstrike?

And how about the claim that the government is “monitoring” the CHRC to ensure that it “remains effective”. Effective at what? Hacking Internet accounts? Shredding their records and deleting their hard drives? Staying out of jail? What exactly about the CHRC’s conduct could be called “effective”?

Question: when the RCMP investigates CHRC staff, will the CHRC pay for their criminal lawyers? If so, is that an indication that those CHRC staff hacked the website in the course of their duties?

Like I said, Big News. Big, biggitty, big-big-big. So… why is it, then, that CBC the Ministry Of What You Should Think has diddly, CTV has squat, and when I type in “CHRC RCMP” into a Google news search, all I get is…

Your search – CHRC RCMP – did not match any documents.

Make sure all words are spelled correctly.
Try different keywords.
Try more general keywords.
Try fewer keywords.
Try Google Blog Search.

Also, you can browse today’s headlines on the Google News homepage.

Très étrange, n’est-ce pas?

Well, I’ll Be Damned

Who’d have seen this coming? After all the eeks and awks from the surrender monkey crowd that we’ve all had to sit through for years now, things are still progressing such that even the Red Star has been painted into the corner of having to admit that we’re just plain winning the war. And don’t fool yourselves, either. No matter what the latest lingo is, it’s not a “NATO operation,” not a “UN mission,” and it’s sure as hell not “Dubya’s misadventure.” It’s a war. If you don’t believe me, just ask any soldier who’s been there.

It’s a war, and we… are… winning (I’m putting the whole thing here, with my emphasis added, in case it vanishes down some “subscription only” black hole later on):

Close callKABUL – In 2001, when the Taliban was abruptly toppled, there was no armistice.

No surrender was ever signed. No declaration of defeat conceded.

It seemed not to matter that much, then. It matters now.

The Taliban was ostensibly, and in fact, trashed, its command hierarchy skulking off to the frontier regions of northwest Pakistan to lick their wounds. And, with the passage of time, left largely unmolested in their foreign redoubts, to connive, to regroup.

Six years ago, after the capital’s liberation, the routed Taliban held not a single acre of Afghanistan soil.

Today, the roundly accepted estimate – not necessarily accurate but asserted as such by no less than the U.S. director of national intelligence – is that Taliban forces control 10 per cent of the country.

The government led by Western-backed President Hamid Karzai, its authority propped up by NATO and American troops, has purported control over 30 per cent of Afghanistan territory. Warlords, who may or may not align themselves with Kabul – depends on which way the wind is blowing – essentially lay claim to all the rest.

These are rule-of-thumb generalizations, often cited by critics who bemoan Afghanistan’s regression to patchwork fiefdom and lawlessness, the Taliban insurgency resurrected like a phoenix from the ashes of a vanquished, deranged regime.

“Those percentages of what the Taliban hold drive me crazy,” Christopher Alexander counters heatedly. “Because they don’t hold anything, really. There are some places where they hold out, where they’re holed up. And they’re able to do so because there isn’t an active challenge to their presence. None of that means that they’re in control.”

Alexander, a boyish 39, has been on the ground in Afghanistan for 4 years, first as Canada’s ambassador and latterly as deputy special representative of the secretary-general of the United Nations: The No. 2 guy for the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA).

Few outsiders know the Byzantine intricacies of this godforsaken nation better.

At a time of international weariness over any practical resolutions for the chaotic dilemma that Afghanistan remains, Alexander is jarringly optimistic. He might be accused of blue-sky dreaminess, but he’s too well-informed to be dismissed as naïve or wilfully blind.

For one thing, he knows the Taliban. Quite a few of its commanders have, if furtively, come to this very office, sat in these comfortable chairs, and broached the subject of an honourable truce, if not necessarily for the entire insurgency, then at least for themselves.

“That doesn’t mean reconciliation is happening. But it does mean the demand for it has grown,” Alexander says.

Such tentative overtures in the past two years – both to UNAMA and the Karzai government – is not being done from a position of strength. If the neo-Taliban were that hardy, none of its members would be seeking reintegration.

“Why are they making these approaches? First and foremost because they’re afraid for their life and limb. The commanders, in particular, feel that the Afghan forces, and ISAF, are zeroing in on them, as the command-and-control of the insurgency, much more successfully. The more they get promoted in the hierarchy, the more likely they are not going to survive.

“Secondly, a lot of these men, even though they’re still fighting, even though they’re still pretty angry with the government, can see that their cause is not leading anywhere.”

For all that the media focuses on ostensible Taliban achievements, they have not, in fact, taken or maintained control of any territory where forces – national and international – have been deployed to push back. Even in Helmand province, the insurgency’s heart, the Taliban are on their back foot with the recent arrival of aggressively on-the-offence U.S. Marines, driving insurgents downwards to the Pakistan border, whence most came.

A keyhole view is often favourable to the Taliban as the shadow-government in this district or that region. They get big splashes with increasing IED attacks and suicide bombings, especially now aimed at Kabul. That ratchets up the terror and discourages foreign investment but has not brought the Taliban any closer to regaining power. That, remember, is their objective – to drive out NATO, usurp or assassinate Karzai, shred the Constitution, dissolve Parliament and reimpose their puritanical dominion.

They are not remotely close to doing so.

If the situation often looks to the world as if Afghanistan is sliding back toward the insurgency’s clutches – it could happen but is hugely unlikely – that’s not a view shared by Taliban realists, who do not believe their own propaganda.

“They know what success looks like,” Alexander reminds.

This is a crucial point often forgotten in fretfulness over Afghanistan.

“Many of them were around the block in ’94, ’95, ’96, when they marched triumphantly to Herat and then to Kabul, when they cruised to victory, in a sense. This is very different. They are challenged from the moment they cross the border, let alone in the environs of Kabul or downtown Kandahar.

“Publicly, the Taliban set all these objectives: In 2006, Kandahar was going to fall. In 2007, Kabul would fall. None of that happened.

“The smarter ones, who are more realistic, see the writing on the wall. And the ideologues, the ones who want to die fighting, are a pretty small minority. They make the videos but they’re not setting foot in Afghanistan because it’s too dangerous for them. They’re back in Peshawar and Quetta.”

What Taliban commanders learned last year – when several key leaders were killed – is that NATO, the Afghan forces, and in particular the National Directorate of Security (the Afghan intelligence agency) has penetrated their communication network, the lifeline of command-and-control, and infiltrated their ranks, just as the Taliban and their sympathizers had successfully co-opted the Ministry of the Interior at a senior level and some vectors of the military.

“Even their high-profile guys can’t trust their own entourages, can’t use a cellphone or any other kind of communication . . . it’s too risky. And they have to communicate.”

From where Alexander sits – a perspective admittedly not shared by many outside the country, and assuredly not by most civilians in the volatile south – the insurgency has plateaued. It’s particularly reckless and a sign of desperation to turn that insurgency on Kabul.

“I’m not saying that this conflict is ending. Nor am I predicting that the going will be easy in Kandahar and Helmand. But within the borders of Afghanistan, the Taliban are losing momentum because they’re being challenged in more places, both politically and militarily.”

Also, crucially, there is just no stomach among the overwhelming majority of Afghans to be plunged back into that dark past.

“People are remarkably un-nostalgic about the Taliban days.”

It’s one of the oldest lessons in the book; one that every small-town boy learns while he’s growing up. Got a problem with a bully? The solution’s simple: start swinging and don’t stop until he cries like a girl. It’s real easy to push others around when they aren’t fighting back, but once you find that you’re going to have to take your lumps every damned time, you start to think twice. And all bullies are essentially cowards at the core.

Everything we set out to do in Afghanistan, we will do. And there’s not a God damned thing the Taliban or anyone else can do about it. The spin just isn’t working anymore. Sucks to be them, eh?

April 22, 2008

More On EC’s Skulduggery

Filed under: BS,Canada,CPC,Grits,News,Politics,Rants,Skullduggery,Spin,The MSM — Dennis @ 1:18 pm

I sounded off briefly yesterday about the so-called “in-and-out scandal” (sounds like the plot for some corny ’70s porno flick, doesn’t it?) that has the HypoGrits and their MSM lapdogs in such a lather lately. Now, I know that I don’t often go off about the same topic several times in a row very often — my ex has often accused me of having the attention span of a hand grenade 🙄 — but the sheer depth and breadth of the anti-Conservative spin that’s flying about in this particular turd typhoon makes me feel like more needs to be said on this.

Just try finding something in the MSM on this that doesn’t have a strong stink of judging the Tories as guilty-until-proven-innocent. Trust me on this one, you’ll have to do a hell of a lot of sifting.

Here’s a few links to help folks in figuring out just how far off into the left field of partisanism Elections Canada has gone… (more…)

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