Category: Gun Control

April 9, 2008

Explain Vermont

And while you’re at it, explain the District of Columbia, too.

For those of you that might be just awakening from your winter hibernation, His Blondeness, Dave “Da Dork” Miller, the Lord High Asshat of The Arsehole Of The Universe has once again begun burbling up his own butthole about attacking law-abiding firearms owners with a nation-wide handgun ban in Canada.

Where the hell am I going to start with disassembling this shitskullery? Well, I guess the best place to start is with the idiocy from Daveyboy’s on piehole: (more…)

March 23, 2008

Trust In Nanny

Filed under: Cluebat,Gun Control,Nanny State,Rights,Security,Video — Dennis @ 6:18 pm

Spouting offNot a lot of time for shooting my mouth off right now, I’m afraid. Not that that’s likely to shut me up, of course. 😉

I stumbled over a thread over at CGN the other day that brought to mind an argument that I got into with one of those anti-gun lamebrains. You know the kind of bonehead I’m talking about: “guns are the problem; less guns and more laws will fix everything.” Trust in Big Nanny®. Big Nanny® will take care of everything for you; you don’t need to look after yourself.

Yeah, those idiots. I, on the other hand, am one of those ones that believes that the solution isn’t less guns, it’s more guns… and give ’em to the right people.

So, since I’m too damned lazy to put up a whole post right now, here’s a few vids to watch and think about.

Yup, “gun-free zones” will solve it for ya.


Home invasion: no gun (no embedding for some reason?)…

Click here

Home invasion, got gun…

January 15, 2008

Why Not Just Ban Homicide Instead?

Explains a lot…Oh, wait… that’s already been done.

To the surprise of absolutely no one who finds themselves in possession of two brain cells to rub together, Toronto Mayor David Miller has once again hopped up on the “blame the inanimate object” bandwagon and is bawling into every microphone he can find for a Canada-wide ban on handguns. Because, as everyone knows, criminal scumbags don’t shoot people, guns just jump up and fire themselves. Yup, one second they’ll just be sitting there and the next, they’re bustin’ caps all over the place. Happens all the time, right?

But Miller just can’t seem to get it through that spongy skull of his that we don’t have a gun control problem in this country; we have an asshole control problem. (more…)

January 14, 2008

Freeze, Punk…

Filed under: Canada,Cluebat,Gun Control,Law & Order,Moonbattery,Security — Dennis @ 7:25 pm

WE’RE ALL GONNA DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!To all the nervous Nellies and assorted other naysayers who were eeking and shrieking that arming border guards was a suicidal idea and that the mean nasty Stephen Dubya Harper Evil Rightwing Government were just fearmongering, because nothing bad ever happens at one of OUR border crossings…

Blow it out yer social programs.

The Canadian Press put out a story yesterday about an incident that happened on August 4th of last year, just after Canadian border guards started being gun-totin’…

Thumbs up!Officer Grant Patterson immediately shouted: “Don’t reach for it! Exit the vehicle with your hands where I can see them. Do it now!,” says the censored report, obtained by The Canadian Press under the Access to Information Act.

The 27-year-old burly man co-operated, and a further search of the car turned up a second concealed weapon, a loaded pump-action shotgun.

A bulge observed in the man’s rear pocket suggested he might be concealing even more weapons, prompting another officer, Christopher Van Nes, to draw his sidearm – the first time a Canadian border guard has done so on the job.

The man was ordered to the ground and handcuffed. He was not carrying a weapon, but a thorough search of his vehicle turned up ammunition, a bullet-proof vest, a double-edge dagger, a black SWAT-style balaclava, and other gun paraphernalia in addition to the loaded 40-calibre pistol from the glove compartment.

“The overall picture formed from the contents of the vehicle in my mind was that of someone planning to use firearms for a purpose dangerous to the public,” Patterson wrote of the Aug. 4 incident.

RantsNo shit, Sherlock. Wherever he was goin’, he sure as hell weren’t lookin’ to play tiddlywinks. So just what do you think might have happened if this clown actually had been the only one there packing any firepower? Would he have behaved himself (sort of) and gotten down on the ground to be cuffed without too much fuss? Or would he have tried to blast his way out of there, secure in the knowledge that no one else at the scene would be able to shoot back? Hell, for that matter, would there even have been any guards there at all?? Anybody else remember this little farce…?

A police chase near the Canada-U.S. border forced the closure of the Peace Arch border crossing south of Vancouver for hours on Tuesday.

It also caused dozens of Canadian guards to walk off the job, fearing for their safety.

The incident started when two men, both murder suspects, tried to get into Canada. Officials say the two men, 38-year-old Ishtiaq Hussain and 22-year-old Jose Antonio Barajas, are now in custody. They are wanted on murder charges in California.

Face it, Cukier & Co.; arming those boys paid off. Bleep off

August 26, 2007

Farmer Bob Not Rolling Over

OFAHWell, I guess we can just file this one under “Well, DUH!” and move on from there, eh? Anybody who comes here regularly (and has two brain cells to rub together) already knows damned well just what I think about the Farmer Bob Varmint Gun Registryâ„¢. Specifically: we don’t have a gun control problem in this country, we have an asshole control problem. Locking up criminals reduces crime; hassling the shit out of farmers and duck hunters doesn’t. End of argument.

About twice a month or so (more often when I put up a post like this one), I get the usual, snarky email from some anti-gun Froot Loop, accusing me of everything from pro-Americanism a’ la the Second Amendment to plotting the assassination of all things cute and fuzzy. These little tirades invariably end with the assertions that I’m a) the lone voice in the wilderness with whom no one else agrees, and b) crazy as a shithouse rat.

Nice folks, huh? The problem — for them, anyway — is that I’m neither wrong, nor nuts, nor alone. And even the MSM is starting to agree. Laura Czekaj had a bit of an interesting writeup in the Ottawa Sun today, telling us that “Many flout firearms registry laws say experts“:

In neighbourhoods across the city, people are flouting the law by storing unregistered firearms in opposition of the federal gun registry.

No! Impossible! Not in Ottawa!! 😯

It’s impossible to tell how many people have opted not to register their guns with the Canadian Firearms Registry, but police and members of the firearms community get the sense that there are many gun owners who subscribe to this passive form of resistance against the controversial registry.

Impossible? No, it isn’t. As a matter of fact, I can tell you myself: it’s about four out of five long gun owners!

“On the whole, we do have records and people have registered firearms, but there are always firearms out there that we are not going to know about, registered or not registered,” said Sgt. Anthony Costantini of the Ottawa police guns and gangs unit.

Um… weren’t we told that having the registry would mean cops would know? About the registered ones, at least? 😕 The Grits didn’t lie to us, did they??

It becomes a concern if police are called to a residence and are confronted with someone carrying a gun, which officers didn’t previously know was in the house.

“But until you are confronted with that, you will never know,” said Costantini. “It’s like walking into a situation where you don’t know what’s behind the door.”

Um, guys? According to the cops that I know, EVERY call is like that: you don’t know what’s on the other side of the door. That’s where that whole “hope for the best but prepare for the worst” thing comes in handy…

It was that exact situation that played out in a Woodroffe Ave. home on Wednesday when Gatineau officers executed a court order to retrieve 14 registered firearms from Siva Yogi Shanmugadhasan, 48, and discovered additional guns that were not properly registered. Ottawa police were called and the weapons were seized.

Shanmugadhasan is facing several weapons-related charges, in addition to being the subject of a domestic dispute investigation that led Gatineau police to his door.

The weapons seized from the house included AK-47 and AR-15 assault rifles and an array of inoperable guns, such as a grenade launcher and handguns.

Ah, yes, the obligatory references to the top favourites of the anti-gun hit parade. Nothing scares the bejeezus outta the city folk like a reference to “AK-47 and AR-15 assault rifles.” And hey, how can you have an article about guns without trotting out the Domestic Violence Boogeyman®? You can’t, right?

We’ll cut Laura some slack here. After all, she’s writing for an Ottawa newspaper. There’s just a few little problems with this little bit of slight-of-hand…

Which one is it?Lie#1: the AR-15 is an assault rifle. No, it’s not. The M-16 (which is also based on Eugene Stoner’s design) is an assault rifle but the AR-15 isn’t. Yes, the ’15 looks like a scary piece of hardware, but the anti-gun crowd, and the MSM in general, rely heavily on the fact that most of the general public haven’t got the foggiest idea of what an “assault rifle” actually is. Don’t believe me? Alright then, smartass, take a look at the picture on the right (click on it for a better look) and tell me: which one is the “assault rifle?”

Go ahead, take your time; I’ll wait. I’ve got the time.

Okay, think you’ve got it yet? Which one did you choose? The top one? The bottom one? That’s what I thought. Would you like to know the answer? The answer is that neither one is an assault rifle. Nope, not either one; neither one. All those are are just a couple of little ol’ .22s. Sure, they’re all gussied up to look all big and bad, but they’re still only a couple of .22s, just the same.

Lie#2: there are no Kalashnikovs in Canada. This is also bunk. There’s one (Chinese made, I think it is) sitting in the display case of my local gun shop. I think they want about $800 for it, or somewhere in that area… Try actually walking into a gun shop sometime and taking a look around.

Lie#3: there is a quantifiable connection between guns and domestic violence. Sheer and utter bullshit that has grown more and more popular in Canada ever since we experienced our first incident of Islamist terrorism in Montreal. Even if there is a gun in the house, when some woman-beating sack of maggot shit decides to kill his wife, he usually grabs whatever’s closest at hand at that moment: a knife, a blunt object, a cord, his fists… Yes, it’s vile, but it has nothing to do with guns.


Shanmugadhasan will appear in court later this week to answer to the charges.

Speaking in general, George Perrin, a member of the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters, said there are many gun owners across Canada who have decided not to register their firearms either as a sign of defiance, or because they’re collectors who have guns that are now prohibited under federal laws.

“There is a fair number of people who have not registered and have refused to register because of the stupidity of it (the registry),” said Perrin.

The Canadian Firearms Registry contains data related to licensed firearms owners and to the registration of all firearms in Canada.

Can we kill that damned waste of money yet? We could have used the cash to build some new prisons…

July 27, 2007

Gun Totin’ Rednecks

Why, yes, I AM PISSED OFF…  how can you tell?Well now, isn’t this ironic? According to two recent articles on CKNX’s website (CKNX is the local station in Wingham for you folks that are “from away”), the OPP are starting to get their panties in a bunch over local folks deciding to tote around some firepower to keep themselves safe until that murdering sack of maggot shit, Jesse Imeson, is safely in either the hoosegow or the boneyard.

Now, I don’t blame cops for trying to be the level heads in a damned difficult situation but they’re going so far as to suggest that decent, otherwise law-abiding country folk could end up in the pokey for nothing more than exercising what seems to me to be simple, old-fashioned common sense:

[The first article; emphasis is mine]


OPP Say Don’t Carry That Gun

As tensions continue to run high through not only South Huron but many other rural communities, police say its not a good idea to arm yourself.

Ever since the Regiers were found dead in their Mount Carmel area farmhouse, residents have been locking doors and keeping kids close.

And as wheat comes off, some are even arming themselves in combines as they go through secluded areas alone – sometimes late at night.

Sergeant Dave Rektor says that’s not a good idea — noting it is illegal.

He says many times — the person carrying the gun is the one hurt.

Rektor says police are doing everything humanly possible to try and find Jesse Imeson.

Some of that can be seen with officers combing fields and bush lots in various areas through Huron County.

[The second article; emphasis is mine]


OPP Discourage Public Arms In Imeson Manhunt

The OPP continue the hunt for triple murder suspect Jesse Imeson and remind the public to be patient and let them do their job.

Many frightened residents namely in the rural community are reportedly “arming up” in the event Imeson should approach their farmhouse.

OPP Seargant Dave Rektor says its against the law and extremely dangerous for a citizen to arm themselves and those indivduals would be held criminally responsible for their actions.

He says police are doing everything they can to ensure the safety of the public while they search for the accused killer.

Rektor says in many cases the weapon ends up being used against them by an intruder.

Anyone with information on the location of Imeson or the 2006 GMC Sierra pick-up truck are asked to call 911, their local police agency or the new TIPS Line at 1-877-584-8477.

Talk about pots and kettles…Utter BullshitEverybody with two brain cells to rub together knows damned well that I respect and support the boys and girls in blue that make a living risking their asses for the rest of us but this is where I call bullshit! Decent folks are gonna arm themselves for their own safety until this asshole is caught and there ain’t a damned thing you can do about it. That’s right, Dave: they’re going to carry guns; JUST LIKE YOU DO!

Quit wasting time and resources threatening decent folks and get back to hunting down that scumbag! You want Farmer Bob to take the 12-gauge outta the combine? Simple: NAIL IMESON! Period.

Rektor is bang-on about one thing, though: if you’re going to arm yourself, MEAN BUSINESS and BE RESPONSIBLE! It really is true that homeowners who arm themselves often find their gun taken away from them. And for God’s sake, WATCH WHERE YOU AIM!! If you end up killing the neighbour’s kid, you’ll live with that until the day you die…

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