Category: Corruption

June 10, 2008

Boom & Boom


For those of you that don’t go there much, pop on over to the National Post’s Full Comment blog and get a good look at Tarek Fatah letting Machiavellian maggot Mohamed Elmasry — and “his political apprentice Khurrum Awan” — have it with both barrels. Fatah, for those of you that don’t know, is one of the few Muslims in Canadian media (Salim Mansur is the only other one that I know of) who has absolutely zero tolerance for Islamofascist bullshit.  His basic message: if you have some kind of problem with freedom of speech… don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out!

When Mohamed Elmasry declared a few years ago that there was more press freedom in Egypt than in Canada, it took me some time and effort to lift my jaw up from the floor. However, since then I have become accustomed to the outlandish statements and claims of the good science professor from Egypt.

Keep on reading here.

June 6, 2008

All The Dense Legalese … [Re-re-re-bumpeded]

Filed under: HRCs,Lotusland,News,Politicorrect,Rights,Soc. Engineering — Dennis @ 5:33 pm

… with twice the politically correct jargon!

For those of you that don’t know already, Andrew Coyne’s going to be live blogging C-Sixer Mark Steyn’s little chinwag with the B.C. Human Lefts Tribunalâ„¢ today, starting at 12:30 EST (in about 20 minutes) and going until… well, whenever the clowns get tired and decide to fold up the tent, I guess… Pop over and click your refresh button from time to time to keep updated.

Naturally, I’ll be brazenly plagiarizing/stealing the choicest tidbits and sticking them in this post as the days go on… 😉

Stay tuned.

-= THE BITS =-



Filed under: Canada,Funny,HRCs,Skullduggery,Video — Dennis @ 2:35 pm

This was driving me absolutely batshit. Really, it was.

No, I don’t mean the Human Lefts Commissions (although they do drive me batshit). I’m talking about that nagging, gnawing, “where the hell have I seen this before” deja drive-you-outta-yer-skull vu sensation. It bugged me for damned near two full days. It all started when I tripped over this vid in the first place. It shows Ezra Levant taking a bit out of Ian Fine’s little weasel ass. Check it out:

That’s where it started. And nevermind, just for now, the sheer and utter hypocrisy of what the son of a bitch keeps saying. Forget that, just for a few. I kept looking at Fine mewling about how they didn’t do this and they didn’t do that, with Ezra beating him over the head with the evidence the whole time, and part of my brain was screaming, over and over and over again, YOU’VE SEEN THIS BEFORE, YOU’VE SEEN THIS BEFORE, YOU’VE SEEN THIS BEFORE!!!!!” It was a pain in the ass, believe me. And then, like a bolt from the blue, it hit me…

May 29, 2008


Filed under: Funny,HRCs — Dennis @ 10:54 pm

Thanks to the Doggerel Party, I am giggling entirely too much.

TDPC researchers have investigated, and can report that no, they are not related. One is a megalomaniac bent on power, domination, harrassment of those less fortunate and money, while the other simply runs a power utility.

Haw Haw

Ok, gotta go now. Need to pee… 😆

May 21, 2008

Welcome To The Party

Filed under: Canada,Crime & Punishment,HRCs,Rights,The MSM — Dennis @ 11:27 am

Well now, isn’t this nice? And here I was yesterday, wondering just where the MSM had disappeared to when it came to covering this story. The Google search is still only coughing up one result so far (from CHQR in Cowtown), but I guess that’s a start.

The lovely Hunter over at Climbing Out Of The Dark, however, has managed to dig up a little something more (she’s such a cool chick). Here’s a vid from YouTube showing Ezra on Mike Duffy Live.

Still nary a peep from the Ceeb, though. Interesting, that; don’t you think?

Hunter also brings up another interesting question in her post: WHERE THE HELL ARE ALL THE TORIES?

May 20, 2008


Something’s got me wondering. Big time.

As most of you likely know by now, Ezra Levant spilled the beans earlier today about the fact the it looks like the RCMP has begun a criminal investigation into the ongoing skulduggery being perpetrated by Canada’s so-called “Human Rights Commission” (a mind-numbingly hypocritical title if ever there was one).

Something like this is news. Big news. Big, big, big. Here’s a little tidbit for you:

Just how bad does it have to get before the government stops saying that the CHRC follows “procedures specified by the law”? We’ve got the Privacy Commissioner and the RCMP investigating now. What does it take to get the government’s attention — a NATO airstrike?

And how about the claim that the government is “monitoring” the CHRC to ensure that it “remains effective”. Effective at what? Hacking Internet accounts? Shredding their records and deleting their hard drives? Staying out of jail? What exactly about the CHRC’s conduct could be called “effective”?

Question: when the RCMP investigates CHRC staff, will the CHRC pay for their criminal lawyers? If so, is that an indication that those CHRC staff hacked the website in the course of their duties?

Like I said, Big News. Big, biggitty, big-big-big. So… why is it, then, that CBC the Ministry Of What You Should Think has diddly, CTV has squat, and when I type in “CHRC RCMP” into a Google news search, all I get is…

Your search – CHRC RCMP – did not match any documents.

Make sure all words are spelled correctly.
Try different keywords.
Try more general keywords.
Try fewer keywords.
Try Google Blog Search.

Also, you can browse today’s headlines on the Google News homepage.

Très étrange, n’est-ce pas?

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