Category: Government

December 10, 2008


Say what you want about these boys, they really know how to cut through it.

To be totally honest with you, though, I didn’t see this one coming the way it did. Just watch and see for yourself (tip o’ the chapeau to this blog here).

I have to confess that I’ve been on this bandwagon a bit myself, albeit with a little more skepticism than some of the hapless do-gooders you’ll see in this episode. I knew that some recycling was a net loss, that aluminum was worth the effort, all that stuff. But I didn’t know just how craptastic the whole affair was.

Guess it just goes to show you really do learn something new every day. Hmm.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

December 5, 2008

Who The Hell Do We Think We Are??

How dare we?

Just what the hell were we thinking?

Just who the hell do we think we are to have the gall to try and speak out in defence of our democratic heritage on THEIR DAY without clearing it with the feminists first?

In case you haven’t figured it out, tomorrow’s Rally For Canada events, organized to protest the Sedition Coalition’s™ attempted coup d’etat, is falling on the same day as the annual National Never Hear The End Of It Day Montreal Massacre Memorial Antipenis Rally… and the Fembots® are pissed:

Holding a political rally on a day set aside to remember women who have been victims of violence is “a slap in the face,” a London MP charged yesterday.

An angry London-Fanshawe NDP MP Irene Mathyssen was joined by women’s advocates who also said rallies tomorrow to protest attempts in Ottawa to replace the Harper federal government with a coalition party are inappropriate.

“For them to use a day to remember our obligation to women . . . for their crass political purpose is beyond description,” said Mathyssen.

Yeah, right. And it’s not like the Leftoids used Gamil Gharbi and 14 dead women for their own political purposes or anything like that.  The Feminazis have been politicizing the whole damn thing for nearly 20 years and using Gamil Gharbi as a cudgel with which to guilt-beat an entire generation of males who never did a damn thing to any woman.  Yes, Gamil Gharbi. What do you mean, you’ve never heard of him?? Of course you have; he killed 14 young women and wounded 13 more with a Ruger Mini-14 at L’Ecole Polytechnic in Montreal in 1989. But you never hear that, do you?

It was the feminists who started this whole “crass political purpose” bullshit in the first place, so they’ve got no business whining now.  STFU.

Megan Walker, executive director of the London Abused Women’s Centre, called the rallies’ timing “inappropriate.”

“It speaks to me about how insignificant Dec. 6 has become . . .” Walker said, adding she’d feel the same way about any political rally being held tomorrow. “The government has failed in sending the message Dec. 6 is a national day of remembrance.”

No, Megan, your beloved Big Nanny Government® hasn’t failed anything. Canadians in general — and, let’s be honest, men in particular — are just sick and tired of being browbeaten over the actions of an Algerian-born son of a wife-beating Islamofascist, dressed up in the pseudonym of “Marc Lepine.”

Here’s a secret: Marc Lepine didn’t do it. There IS NO Marc Lepine. There never was. He only existed on paper. Gamil did it all.

But you didn’t know that, did you? After all, a name like “Gamil Gharbi” and the whole Algerian-born son of a Muslim wife-beater thing would be very politically incorrect to point out, not to mention rather unwieldy as a PR tool. No, a much better name is the one that he took in 1977. Flinging the name “Gamil Gharbi” around might raise questions about Islam, Algerian culture, his ancestry and upbringing, etc etc etc, and all kinds of other potentially politically incorrect implications that could prove pretty problematic for the malingering malcontents in the man-hater menagerie.

Gamil GharbiBut “Marc Lepine?” Aaahh, that’s perfect: it just sounds soooo… so Canadian; so white; so safe to demonize. And for ten long years, that was the only name that we knew him by.  It wasn’t until the TO Star published it that anybody knew. And so, every year, the sixth of December becomes a day not so much about honouring the dead as dishonouring the living, as “Marc Lepine” is held up as the symbol of the murderous misogyny that lurks within all men. He was held up as the perfect example of the evil — and, we were told, typical — Canadian male.

So go ahead. Get together tomorrow and have whatever the hell it is that’s the feminist version of a circle-jerk. We have more important things to do.

Besides, those from my generation are getting fed up with getting blamed, ad nauseum, for something we didn’t do and those of my son’s generation are sick and tired of getting nagged over something that happened before they were born.

If Gamil Gharbi’s my fault, then Karla Homolka’s your damned fault. Make sure to get back to somebody on that one.

December 4, 2008

Who should we blame for the Three Stooges’ Rebellion????

Filed under: Contributors,Government — Karol @ 10:46 pm

It is more and more apparent that Three Stooges from Quebec overplayed their cards and their Coup d’etat has failed.

Now, the question is; how and why did we get into all that mess in a first place??? Simple analysis of this year’s events indicates that the seeds of Three Stooges’ Rebellion were planted directly by Her Excellency the Right Honourable Michaëlle Jean the Governor General of Canada and Chief Justice of Canada, the Right Honourable Beverley McLachlin.

It all started with decision to appoint Dr. Henry Morgentaler, well known abortionist from Quebec, to the Order of Canada in June of this year despite Harper government’s objections and sustained and widespread public protests against such appointment. Morgentaler fiasco was compounded by Her Excellency’s decision to invest Dr. Henry Morgentaler into the Order of Canada on October 10, 2008 (Friday before Thanksgiving Weekend and Election Day).


Governor General Michaelle Jean, right, decorates Dr. Henry Morgentaler as a member of the Order of Canada at the Citadelle in Quebec City on Friday, Oct. 10, 2008. (Jacques Boissinot / THE CANADIAN PRESS)

It was a cynical ploy aimed at discouraging social conservatives, whose protests over Morgentaler’s nomination were ignored, from participating in electoral process. It was slap in face for the Conservative Party of Canada and the Right Honourable Stephen Harper incumbent Prime Minister of Canada.

This blatant provocation was just the beginning as it was soon followed by multiple acts of electoral fraud and “judicial recounts” that “judicially validated” four cases where Election Canada officials with the help of Canadian judiciary stole four electoral victories (three from Conservative candidates and one form Bloc candidate) and awarded these victories to Liberal candidates skewing results of federal elections and diminishing magnitude of electoral defeat of Liberal Party of Canada.

(See: )

Public protests over “judicial validation” of blatant electoral fraud by Associate Chief Justice Patrick Dohm, one of the courtiers of Chief Justice and the prominent member of the Court Party of Canada (Canadian Judicial Council) went completely unheeded. (See: this longass URL )

It was no very surprising that after such string of direct attacks on democratic process and will of Canadian electorate by Liberal appointed representatives of Canadian government, it was just a matter of time and right opportunity that defeated members of the “natural governing party of Canada” would try to stage Coup d’etat counting on unqualified support of Liberal appointees: Her Excellency the Right Honourable Michaëlle Jean the Governor General of Canada and the Right Honourable Beverley McLachlin, Chief Justice of Canada.

I am willing to bet that Her Majesty Queen Elisabeth II, is not going to be very pleased with such antics by Her Canadian Representative when she receives reports from ordinary Canadians.

To write to Her Majesty visit:

For more info visit:

Dumb? ORLY?

Filed under: Canada,CPC,Government,Grits,John Q Public — Dennis @ 9:30 pm

There’s been a lot of blabbing back and forth in the MSM (and in the blogosphere, too) about what a dumbass, stupid, politically suicidal track HMPM Harper has been taking in the whole Coup d’Twits ’08â„¢ affair. Even longtime, hardcore Harper faithful were weeping, wailing and gnashing their teeth over what a blunder it was and how it was going to come back and bite the whole C/conservative movement where the sun don’t shine.

Personally, I didn’t agree; I was of the mind that the PM had gone for the jugular and should just keep on going.

Well, as it turns out, Steve didn’t do things the way I would have liked, but the end result is hardly the doom and gloom we were hearing in the blogs — and are still hearing in the MSM. :roll:  Come to think of it, things are actually looking a little on the rosy side.  Go figure:

OTTAWA – Almost three-quarters of Canadians say they are “truly scared” for the future of the country and a solid majority say they would prefer another election to having the minority Conservative government replaced by a coalition led by Stephane Dion, a new Ipsos-Reid poll says.

The poll also indicates Prime Minister Stephen Harper and his Conservatives would romp to a majority victory with a record 46 per cent public support if an election were held today.


The poll indicates the prospect of the Dion-led coalition has prompted Canadians to rethink the value of an election so soon after the Oct. 14 poll. Fifty-six per cent said they would rather go to the polls than be governed by the coalition.

Funny as hell, how some things work out sometimes, eh?  But that’s not the only bad news for Celine Stephane.  Nosiree.  The rats are already hopping off the boat and the Lieberal cutlery is out and getting sharpened up for his hide again…

Within an hour of Prime Minister Stephen Harper winning a two-month reprieve, some Grit MPs were pulling back from the idea of trying to replace the Tory regime with a Liberal-NDP coalition propped up by the Bloc Quebecois.

Toronto MP Jim Karygiannis says the coalition idea is finished and is calling on Stephane Dion to resign the Liberal leadership sooner rather than later.

Gee whiz, who’d have seen that coming?

December 2, 2008

How’s This …

… for a chilling conversation fragment to overhear at your local pub?

“It could be done. It would take fewer than a hundred men to storm parliament and gun every one of those bastards down.”

No, I’m not making that up. But I wish I was.

Anybody who doesn’t live in a cave already knows what kind of Machiavellian shit has been going down in Ottawa lately. Never mind that they just had their worst electoral performance in the history of confederation (an even worse showing than they put in for the Diefenbaker and Mulroney landslides), the God damned Librano$ still think that they should be the ones to govern the country.

So what if the Canadian people didn’t elect us? So what if the Canadian people not only gave the Tories another government, but a strengthened one at that? Screw the Canadian people. WE rule this country as our God-given right because WE are the Liberals! If those unwashed idiots are too stupid to elect us, then to hell with them.

Lets’ get something straight: I’m not scared of this so-called “coalition” getting their hands on the national tiller. If it happens, it won’t last and as far as I’m concerned, if the Grits want to pull the pin on that political grenade and swallow it, I say “bon appetit!” You want to know what does scare me? This does (think damned hard about it, too):

  1. No matter what their protests to the contrary may be, this is about nothing more than greed and lust for power. Period. They couldn’t get elected and were threatened with having their lips pried loose from the public teat, so they plot the overthrow of the democratically elected government by coup d’etat. And that is exactly what it is.
  2. There are men in this country who will be sorely tempted to take matters into their own hands. No, I’m not talking about drunken braggarts; I’m talking about dead serious sons of bitches who will not fool around. And if that genie gets out of its bottle, God help us…

Here’s hoping things get a lot more boring real soon.

October 9, 2008

A Good Interview

Filed under: Antistupidity,Canada,CBC,CPC,Good Stuff,Government,Politics,Video — Dennis @ 12:11 pm

If anybody out there is still wondering whether or not Stephen Harper is the best man to guide the economy through the coming uncertainty, just watch this.

Yes, I know it’s the Ceeb, but it’s still good. Even a blind squirrel finds a nut some days, right?

Now, I’ll be the first one to admit that Harper (surprise, surprise) doesn’t come off as even remotely warm and fuzzy here. Mansbridge also hits him with a few curve balls as well but the PM handles them damned well.

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