Category: News

March 21, 2008

Down Time

Filed under: Site News — Dennis @ 1:42 pm

Site changes & stuffJust giving a heads-up to all who like to pop by every now and then that I’m finally getting off my lazy backside and upgrading the software that powers the site.  Everybody knows that I damned well hate doing this (something always seems to go wrong in the biggest possible pain-in-the-ass way), but it really is time to get this done.

Hopefully, the site should only be offline for a couple of hours or so.

Hopefully… 🙄

March 1, 2008

DO NOT Push The Button

Filed under: Blogosphere,flash,Funny,Random Junk,Site News — Dennis @ 4:08 pm

Site changes & stuffI’ve been fiddling lately. A lot.

I’ve been trying to find ways to make the site a little more versatile, without having to become an even bigger geek than I already am (my geekdom doesn’t quite extend to coding so far… yet) . One of the things that I’ve been thinking about for a while now, but never quite got around to, is using flash embeds on the site.

Well, thanks to a post that I blunderd across over at RightTurnOnly (thanks, Len), I’ve got something up and running that should do the trick quite nicely. And I don’t need to bash myself in the head with a shovel, trying to remember a bazillion syntactical parameters, to make it work, either. 😀

Now all I need is some good content. Oh, well, this’ll have to do for now. Try not to have too much fun with it… 🙄

[kml_flashembed movie=” KICKASS BigRedButton.swf” height=”250″ width=”400″ /]

July 4, 2007


Filed under: Reader Questions,Site News — Dennis @ 9:04 am


Okay, I’ve been getting quite a few grumpy emails lately from people that have been trying to post comments here, only to have them fall into the black hole of my Spammer Whammer®.  As a result, everybody and their dog seems to want to know when I’ll be getting rid of the spam filter on the site.

HUH???The short answer is that I’m not going to be getting rid of the filter any time in the foreseeable future.  Each and every day, I get about 600-800 entries in the comments that all promise me that I’ll be razor thin, with washboard abs, a $12 million Nigerian bank account, the world’s biggest trouser trout, and enough viagra to make sure everybody knows about it.

So, until HMPM Harper manages to get a majority in the House, dump all the Grit cronies in the Senate and pass a bill making it legal to shoot spammers, the filter is staying right where it is.

Sorry for the inconvenience folks, but that’s just the way it’s gotta be…

June 11, 2007

Confirmation (updated)

Filed under: Cops,Crime & Punishment,News,Ontario — Dennis @ 1:23 pm

CrimeI guess this just goes to show you that sometimes, a thing really is just what it looks like. Police have now confirmed what just about everybody had already suspected ever since last Thursday: the deaths of Acting Insp. Kelly Johnson and retired superintendent David Lucio were in fact a murder-suicide.

Johnson first shot Lucio and then turned the gun on herself. At this point, no one knows why.

The truth of it is that we may never know…

LONDON, Ont. (CP) — Police in London, Ont., have determined that the deaths of a high-ranking female police officer and a retired officer last week were a murder-suicide.

Investigators have concluded that Acting Insp. Kelly Johnson, 40, shot and killed retired superintendent David Lucio, 57, then turned the gun on herself inside the vehicle Lucio was driving.

Johnson and LucioThe regional coroner has determined that Lucio and Johnson both died from single gunshot wounds.

Police were called to the scene early Thursday morning by witnesses who saw a van crash into a building, and officers found the two bodies inside, along with Johnson’s service pistol.

Johnson and Lucio were ex-lovers, but the nature of their relationship was unclear at the time of their deaths.

Lucio’s funeral takes place today in London.


For all of those of you that have been wondering, speculating, and other things ending with “ing,” the answer may have come out:

London police officer Kelly Johnson learned two days before she killed David Lucio and herself that he was leaving her for his wife, Lucio’s best friend said yesterday.

Lucio, a retired superintendent, told acting inspector Johnson he was moving back home, retired RCMP officer Gord Brodie said yesterday.

The whole story from today’s Freeps is here.

June 8, 2007

What The Hell Happened??

Filed under: Cops,News,Ontario — Dennis @ 1:47 pm

CrimeBeing somebody that follows politics, you’d think that I’d be used to some things not making any sense after all this time. But there are some things that will get into your head and just won’t let go of your brain.

If you live in London — or even near it, for that matter — you likely know by now about what happened to Kelly Johnson and David Lucio. Just after midnight last night, the van that Lucio was driving slammed into an apartment building on Picton St. Neighbours rushed to the scene to be confronted with a gruesome sight. Both Lucio and Johnson dead from gunshot wounds.

Johnson’s service weapon was on her lap.

Speculation is that it’s a case of murder/suicide but, as Chief Murray Faulkner pointed out: “we need to have proof, not just speculation, not just opinion.” Amen to that. The fact is that, right now, nobody’s sure of anything

‘An irrational act’

Fri, June 8, 2007

Top-ranking female officer, retired superintendent found in scene of horror The service pistol used belonged to Kelly Johnson, a leader in fighting domestic violence.


Acting Insp. Kelly Johnso

Just before London police’s “rising female star” and her ex-lover, a retired officer, were killed in a murder- suicide, she made a mysterious stop at the police station. Then, Acting Insp. Kelly Johnson, the force’s highest- ranking female officer, jumped into a waiting van. Minutes later, two gunshots were fired inside a van before it crashed into a brick wall six blocks away from the station, outside Johnson’s apartment building at 7 Picton St. Stunned neighbours found Johnson, 40, dead, her face bloody, her 9 mm Glock service pistol — which she wasn’t authorized to have with her — on her lap. Beside her, the driver of the van and her ex-lover, retired superintendent David Lucio, 57, was slumped over with what witnesses called a bullet wound to the head.

I’m tempted, at first sight, to say that it must be just what it looks like. But that nagging little voice in the back of my head just won’t shut up. And the more I read, the louder it gets.

April 16, 2007

Dear Lord . . .

Crime. . . Not again. That’s what’s been running around in my head, over and over, for the last several hours. If you’re one of the three people that hasn’t heard yet, there was a school shooting at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Va. this morning (footage from CTV, CNN and the Ceeb).

As I write this, the latest toll stands at 29 wounded and 33 dead; including the shooter. You don’t need to be a genius to know that it’s going to get worse.

You also don’t need a PhD to know that this is going to end up being the latest and greatest cause celebre for the anti-gun nuts. Others will go the opposite way. Either way, these poor people and their families are damned likely going to find themselves yanked every which way by unsavoury types with an axe to grind from both sides of the issue.

Explains a lot…The anti-gun moonbats are going to say that guns are too easy to get, loose laws are at fault, if only guns were harder to get, this would never have happened, etc, etc, ad nauseam… There’s one little hole in all this: it gets pointed out over at LGF that, about a year or so ago, the widget waxers in the Virginia state legislature killed a measure that would have prevented public institutions (like Virginia Tech) from banning licensed conceal & carry of firearms on their grounds.

Virginia Tech’s governing board rejoiced, saying it would make their students, faculty and visitors feel safer.

Apparently Virginia Tech is very proud of its “violence prevention” policy, which bans guns on school premises.

Sounds like the shooter hadn’t read the policy.

Sounds like it. I don’t want to politicize this any more than I absolutely feel the need to but… is it just me, or does anybody else think that the body count could have been one hell of a lot lower if somebody on hand had been able to return fire?

Consider, if you will: Columbine, Edinboro, Pa, Pearl, Mi and the University of Virginia became household topics and gun control buzzwords in the ‘States and brought howls for stricter laws. But all the leftist, MSM coverage of these incidents left out one very important fact that you may not be aware of.

Three out of these four incidents were stopped by armed bystanders.

You read that right. Three of them were stopped, not by any namby-pamby gun registry or by finger-wagging from some pantywaist moonbat, but by superior firepower.

  • The Edinboro incident was stopped by nearby restaurant owner James Strand, who got the drop on the asshole the with a shotgun as he was reloading.
  • The Pearl, Mississippi incident was stopped when the assistant principal retrieved his his own firepower from his truck and stopped the killer. Like above, the attacker found himself on the wrong end of a 12 gauge and gave up.
  • The Virginia incident ground to a halt when two students pulled their own guns and forced the killer to drop his.

Then there’s the Civilian Gun Self-Defense Blog, which lists literally hundreds of cases of criminals running afoul of an armed “victim.”

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