Category: Rants

March 12, 2008

The Tyranny Of HLCs

JusticeWhat the fiddlesticks is an “HLC,” you ask? Why, I’m talking about Canada’s infamous Human Lefts Commissions®, of course. Sure, that’s not what they call themselves; they like to call themselves “Human Rights Commissions.” I don’t call them that, though (or, to be more honest, I can’t call them that; not with a straight face, anyway).

I’ve grumbled about these things before. The simple fact of the matter is that they have absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with human rights! What they are about is, trampling people’s long-established –not to mention hard-fought– rights and liberties and ramming a dystopian, leftist agenda down the throats of the Canadian public, whether they want it or not.

By now, just about everybody’s heard about the funhouse rides that Ezra Levant, Mark Steyn and MacLean’s Magazine have been dragged into by these kangaroo kourts. What you probably haven’t heard about (unless you’re a bit of a wonk for stuff like this, the way I am) are all the ordinary folks that have been beaten over the head over the years with this state-sanctioned blunt instrument. By “ordinary folks,” I mean the kinds of people that don’t have the buttloads of money and resources required to stand up to these Ministry Of Love bullies when they get dragged into Room 101. Traditionally, those have been the favourite targets of the HLC thugs. The reasoning is simple, really: like all bullies, they prefer prey that isn’t likely to be able to fight back.

You see, plaintiffs in HLC cases have all their bills picked up for them by the state (i.e., by your tax dollars and mine, whether you approve of what’s being done or not). The condemned, however, is entirely on the hook for every penny of his defense, whether he wins or not. We’re not talking chump change here, either: fighting off an HLC inquisition runs up a bill in the tens of thousands of dollars. That’s just if you win (not that anyone ever has; Miniluv has a 100% conviction rate). The process itself is a punishment before you’re even “convicted” of whatever the hell it is that you’re guilty of supposed to have done.

As if that weren’t bad enough, they only do anything about complaints that fit in line with their personal ideologies. That’s right: they pick and choose who they do and don’t listen to based on nothing more than their own personal prejudices! No guidelines enforced, no oversight, no accountability. Nothing. No rule of law, here; just a few little pisspot tyrants running their little fiefdom any way they damned well please. Ezra Levant points this out himself today in a pretty damn good post, titled “How the Canadian Human Rights Commission violates the rule of law (with my own emphasis added, of course):”

Andrew Guille filed a “hate messages” complaint with the CHRC. He complained that a website called, run by an “anti-hate” group, contained hateful messages that contravened section 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act, by discriminating against people based on race, colour, national origin, religion and sexual orientation.

So what happened? Did the “anti-hate” group in question, with all of the bigoted remarks on their website, become the first defendant ever to be acquitted in a section 13 trial? Or did Guille pull a Richard Warman — slam-dunk a bigoted website and collect a few thousand dollars for bringing the complaint to the CHRC’s attention?

Utter BullshitNeither, actually. The CHRC refused to take the matter to a tribunal hearing, ruling it a frivolous complaint. But look at the grounds upon which this complaint was dismissed: Andrew Guille, said CHRC investigator Dean Steacy, is the “sibling of both Melissa and Chris Guille”, who Steacy implies are racist. Steacy — whose job it is to investigate complaints of bigotry — indeed conducted an investigation. But not into the website and its hate messages. He investigated Guille himself. Steacy met with Sgt. Don McKinnon of the London Police Force to get the low-down on Guille; he spoke with “anti-hate” activists with their own axes to grind and books to sell. None of this was done under oath; none of this was done with Guille there to cross examine his defamers (or to challenge McKinnon’s right as a government employee to disclose Guille’s personal information without permission). But even those offensive procedures aren’t the point: the point is the CHRC simply wouldn’t accept a complaint from someone they didn’t like, for the most tenuous and circumstantial reasons.

Even if their hunches and their gossip was right — even if Guille was, himself, a racist — so what? If a website is bigoted, isn’t it the CHRC’s job (an immoral job, an improper job, but their job nonetheless) to investigate it? Does the offensiveness of the site in question depend on the character of the complainant? Is the question of whether the Canadian Human Rights Act, a law of Parliament, is violated depend on who brings an alleged offence to the attention of the commission?

Compare that sloppy, vindictive, capricious standard to the aforementioned lengths real police and real prosecutors go to, to ensure that the law is applied evenly to all citizens. What Steacy has done here is exactly the kind of arbitrariness the rape shield law was designed to prevent. If a prostitute complains that she was raped, it is improper for the police to say “she has no standing to complain about rape” or “we know that, in the past, she has consented to sex with strangers — no use investigating.” An even more exact analogy would be if a convicted rapist complained of having in turn been raped himself. That would not excuse the police from ignoring the rapist’s own complaint.

The CHRC isn’t governed by the rule of law. It is governed by the whimsy of men — in this case, Dean Steacy, who himself admits to making anonymous posts on bigoted websites.

Say whatever you like about Ezra Levant, but you have to give him credit for being a man that sticks to his principles even if it turns his stomach. It wouldn’t surprise me in the least if Ezra, as a Jew, found the thought of speaking up for a “white nationalist’s” rights to be a little… shall we say, distasteful? [Come to think of it, there’s probably more than a few chuckles to be had over what Guille might think about being defended by an Agent Of ZOGâ„¢, but those’re some giggles we can save for later.]

I don’t think Ezra’s too worried about that, though. He’s likely thinking about another fellow; one named Pastor Martin Niemöller. You might have heard of him. After 1937, Niemöller was imprisoned in the Nazi concentration camp at Dachau. He wrote something very profound, that goes something like this:

They came first for the Communists,
and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Communist.

Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Jew.

Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Catholics,
and I didn’t speak up because I was a Protestant.

Then they came for me,
and by that time no one was left to speak up.

In case you think Ezra’s making stuff up, here’s a .pdf of an internal CHLC document for you (taken from his site). There’s also Connie Fournier’s two cents over at Free Dominion.

RantsThen, there’s one other little thing that Ezra mentioned today: besides being wannabe Orwellian totalitarians, they’re also a bunch of God damned racists! No, Ezra didn’t put it quite in those words, but I just did and if some HLC out there doesn’t like it, well… Bleep off

What Ezra did do was to put up a link to a chart compiled by Marc Lemire (you can get it here, too) and make a very simple observation. The chart lists every section 13 decision up until November of 2007. What Ezra observed was the ethnicity of the respondents. There it was, over and over again: white, white, white, white, white… over and over again. The name “Richard Warman” pops up a hell of a lot, too (but that’s another post).

Come to think of it, I’m going to start a running tally of reasons to get rid of the HLCs altogether. If nothing else, it’ll give me something to do in my spare time (which I have too much of right now, anyway). So, what do we have so far?

  1. No more Mr Nice GuyThey only support Leftist causes (sound familiar?).
  2. The complainer gets all costs paid while the accused is forced to pay out of pocket (again: familiar?).
  3. The very process itself IS a punishment.
  4. The conviction rate is 100%!! (No, I’m not making that up) I don’t think even the Gestapo managed to pull that one off.
  5. They plant fabricated evidence and willfully use it against the accused.
  6. They only prosecute people of one race.
  7. The rules change from case to case, as needed to ensure that the accused’s rights are properly violated.
  8. Truth is not a defense.

How is it that I just know that that list’s just going to get longer?

March 6, 2008

WHAT “Honour??”

Filed under: Crime & Punishment,Multicultism,Politicorrect,Rants,Sick — Dennis @ 1:12 pm

No more Mr Nice GuyWell now, isn’t multiculturalism just such a wonderful thing? People from all backgrounds, living together in a lovely mosaic, in perfect harmony. And don’t worry; it’s not like they’ll be packing along any vile cultural baggage with them. After all, all cultures are of equal value, right?

Bullshit. Bleep off

Ashna KhannaIn case you’re wondering just what the hell it is that set me off this time, there’s a 14-year old girl from Alliston, Ontario who is fighting for her life in Toronto’s Sunnybrook Medical Centre after being stabbed multiple times by her father sometime on Tuesday. Last I heard, she was listed as “in critical but stable condition.”

Kamal Khanna, 44, is charged with attempted murder, aggravated assault and assault with a weapon. His sorry ass is in the slammer until he gets to spout his bullshit excuses at his bail hearing next Tuesday (gee, I wonder if the judge’ll just show him to the revolving door, or will he hold it open for the prick, too?).

And just why the hell would a man try to murder his own child? Gee, whiz, I dunno about you but I just can’t possibly imagine anything; anything at all

Other neighbours speculated the attack stemmed from a cultural rift between father and daughter because “she didn’t wear what he wanted.”

Hey, waitaminit, you can’t say that! That’s bigotry! That’s intolerant! That’s cultural stereotyping! Stuff like that doesn’t ever really happen, the NeoConsâ„¢ just make stuff like that up to make poor little innocent immigrants look bad!

Why, yes, I AM PISSED OFF…  how can you tell?Do piss off. Of course the usual suspects will be bending over backwards to make this look like anything but an “honour killing.” They’ll call it “domestic violence,” a “cultural misunderstanding,” or “incomprehensible” … ANYTHING but what we all know it probably is. If anybody dares bring up honour killings, look for the multicult crowd to start hurling accusations of bigotry like a cranky, poop-flinging ape on angel dust.

Was it an attempted honour killing? Hey, I’m taking bets. How much do you feel like losing? What, no takers? Could that be because, in spite of all your rhetoric, you just can’t get away from the gnawing certainty that I’m right? It’s not like it’s the first time this shit has happened…

Utter BullshitA 14-year-old female rape victim is strangled to death in March 2004 by her father and brother because she has supposedly tarnished the family name.

In April 2004, a man brutally kills his wife and daughter after finding out that his brother had previously molested them.

A teenage girl with a Turkish background has her throat cut by her father after he learns she has a Christian boyfriend.

All three cases — taken from a study by Memorial University psychiatry professor Dr. Amin Muhammad and resident Sujay Patel — involve unspeakable acts against females. And all were considered appropriate by the killers based on long-standing tradition and cultural beliefs.

While we’re at it: just why the hell are these things called “honour killings,” anyway? If you think there’s something “honourable” in murdering a 14-year old little girl, you’re a worthless piece of shit that’s not good enough to live in my country! Pack your sorry ass up and move to Outer Backwardsistan or wherever the hell it is that they put up with that shit, because you’ve got no God damned business being here!

March 1, 2008

Baby Killers

Filed under: Politicorrect,Pro-Life,Rants,Society/Culture,Video,WTF? — Dennis @ 2:35 pm

Well, WOULD YOU??It’s a slur that the granola-grinding, tree-hugging, pot-smoking hippy crowd loves to fling at soldiers to this day. The one thing that you’ll never hear from these Leftbotâ„¢ screechers, however, is anything at all having anything to do with the real baby-killers of this world: abortionists and those who lend their so-called “moral support” to this grisly, murderous industry.

Those who read here regularly — or who have even just stopped by a couple of times and poked around — already know damned well what I think of the “pro-choice” crowd: they’re one step down the food chain from whale shit.

Sometimes, though, these assholes manage to astonish even me. Call me an idealist if you want, but I actually do think (or thought) that there are some sick mindsets that had managed to fade from prominence, at least in the western world. I guess I just couldn’t get my brain around just how vile these bastards are. So, when I tripped across Michael Coren’s column today (a weekly habit of mine), my first gut reaction was, “he can’t be serious, can he?” As it turns out, he can

Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, was a feminist pioneer and is regarded by the women’s movement and supporters of abortion and birth control in Canada as well as the U.S.A. as a hero.

In 1932 she called for, “a stern and rigid policy of sterilization to that grade of population whose progeny is already tainted.” She referred to black people and immigrants as “human weeds,” “reckless breeders” and “human beings who never should have been born.” She said that the purpose of birth control was, “to create a race of thoroughbreds” and advised her followers that, “We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population.”

I suppose you’re wondering what the hell got Mike on that track of thinking in the first place, eh? Well, it seems that a pro-life publication in the States called “The Advocate” went and did a little digging into Planned Parenthood’s mindset and what they found was just plain disgusting (but, in hindsight, shouldn’t have been surprising for n organization that shared its roots with the American Eugenics Society). They had an actor call a bunch of Planned Parenthood offices and… aw, hell, just read it for yourself:

This could be problematic[Caller]: “The abortion — I can give money specifically for a black baby, that would be the purpose?”

PP: “Absolutely. If you wanted to designate that your gift be used to help an African-American woman in need, then we would certainly make sure that the gift was earmarked for that purpose.”

Caller: “Great, because I really faced trouble with affirmative action, and I don’t want my kids to be disadvantaged against black kids. I just had a baby; I want to put it in his name.”

PP: “Yes, absolutely.”

Caller: “And we don’t, you know we just think, the less black kids out there the better.”

PP: “Understandable, understandable.”

Yup, you got that right: too many blacks in this country, so can we thin the herd a bit? I’ll admit that at first, I was sondering for a few minutes if maybe Mike had gotten a little too deep in the Guinness the night before he wrote the column, so I did some digging. It took a little while (“the advocate” brings up a buttload of results on Google) but I managed to track it down. Their website is here and you can download the latest issue of the mag in .pdf format here.

Talk about pots and kettles…Now you’d think that in a nice “progressive” organization like Planned Parenthood, there must be at least somebody floating around there who’d take an apparent utter prick like that to task, wouldn’t you? Nope. Not a damned one. Not one single Planned Parenthood office they called told this guy to take his racist bullshit and bugger off. And this from a bunch that decries shrieks their heads off about how anyone who doesn’t buy into their little death cult is some kind of intolerant, totalitarian, misogynistic, patriarchal, oppressive, knuckle-dragging neanderthal.

Take a look in the damned mirror, you sanctimonious pricks. Naturally, you can look for Planned Parenthood to hoot and howl that it’s all nothing but a pack of lies (see the blockquote below) made up by wild-eyed evangelists who want women chained to the stove with a line running to the bedroom. Such a thing could never really happen. Where’s the evidence??? Well…

Somehow, I just don’t think that they’re going to have too much luck sweeping this one under the rug. But that’s not gonna stop ’em from trying now, is it? Hell, no…

Utter BullshitAccording to Planned Parenthood of Idaho, a recorded conversation released by a California-based anti-abortion group is not only misleading, but a race-based deceptive tactic.

“It’s an extremist, anti-choice group that has manipulated a 25-minute conversation,” said Rebecca Poedy, executive director Planned Parenthood of Idaho. “It’s not an accurate representation of the transcript.”

Not an accurate representation of the transcript???” What the hell, bitch?? It’s a Goddamn RECORDING, SHITHEAD! It doesn’t represent anything; it’s an audio reproduction of sounds picked up by the microphone. Period. Recordings don’t represent or misrepresent anything. Transcripts, on the other hand…

February 14, 2008

Screw The Day

Filed under: Rants — Dennis @ 11:15 am

February 1, 2008

Why I Like The General

Why, yes, I AM PISSED OFF…  how can you tell?Canada’s foremost chickenshit, Taliban Jack!â„¢ was at it again lately. For those of you who’ve been under a rock (or smoking some liberal-approved crap) for the last couple of days, Jumpin’ Jack Jerkweed was wringing his hands and running up the white flag on our mission in Afghanistan faster than you can say “who gives a rat’s ass about duty, morality or any of that other shit, when I can milk the coward vote in the next election:”

Utter Bullshit“It’s an endless mission. There’s no end in sight. We say it’s a dead end,” Layton told reporters Thursday.

“No one has laid out, anywhere, that it’s possible to ultimately win a war in this region.

“No one. And historical experience shows that it’s been impossible — whether it be Alexander the Great, the British in the 19th century, or the Russians in the 20th century.

“We’re saying let’s recognize these historical realities.”

Will somebody… PLEASE… kick this asshole in the balls for me?

What the hell am I thinking? Balls?? On this weaselshit little prick??? Dennis, lad, give your head a goddamned shake. Not to mention the fact that if you were to shove his brain up a gnat’s ass, it’d look like a BB in a boxcar.

First off, if you think that Alexander the Great got stopped cold in Afghanistan, you’re even dumber than ol’ Jack!ass Layton is. Alexander ploughed through the Afghans and marched clear through to India. He even founded Khandahar (named after himself) in the 4th century, BC.

Second, the Brits did put down an “insurgency” in Afghanistan. It was a little thing called the Second Afghan War, around about the late 1800s, and the Brits stomped a mudhole in ol’ Ayub Khan’s ass at the Battle of Kandahar in September of 1880.

And if you really think that the big, bad Mujahideen managed to whup the Soviet Union’s butt all by themselves, then you take the top pinhead prize. It was massive foreign involvement and support, most of it by the Yanks in the CIA, that broke the bear’s back.

In other words, when it comes to tackling a professional foreign army, the Afghans are long on reputation and damned short on substance. But don’t just take my word for it; look at what’s happening in country with our troops. All you ever hear about is, a roadside bomb, an IED, an attack on a [school/hospital/aid group/bunch of Korean missionaries/whatever], a bomb hidden in a… blahblahblah ad nauseum. Why do you suppose this is?

Our SoldiersThe answer is simple: the reason that you never hear about any “major engagements with the Taliban” anymore is that, every time they crawl out of their hidey-holes and try to face our soldiers in any kind of a real fight, they get their asses handed to them! So, they hide like vermin and plant bombs in the night and only dare to face those who can’t fight back. And if they can behead somebody for teaching little girls while they’re at it, well its so much better then, isn’t it? And these are the assholes that Jack!off Layton loses sleep over, wondering if they’re being treated nice enough when they get caught.

Explains a lot…So just what the hell does all that junk above have to do with the title of this post? Well, it has to do with where I ended it up: all the kumbaya moonbat bullshit worriying over the fates of the scumbags that fail to find their way to Allah and end up captured by our very own Jolly Green Giants. The loopy left thinks we should all pinch a collective loaf at the very thought that some medieval, murder-minded maggot might get a little banged up at the hands of their nasty turnkeys. General Rick Hillier, on the other hand, has a view that’s more in line with mine:

The general said he heard about the reports when he was on vacation in the Dominican Republic with his wife. “I was on my third rum and Coke and I really didn’t give a damn,” he said with a chuckle.

There you go. Come on, now… What’s not to like? 😀

January 3, 2008

Still Stuck

Filed under: Cluebat,Iraq,Military,Moonbattery,Rants,Terrorism,USA,Video — Dennis @ 11:16 am

Well, boys and girls, the brain blockage continues unabated. I’m still sitting at my keyboard for a bit every day, shaking my head like a thinking man at a Greenpeace rally, and nothing’s popped loose. Is there such a thing as ExLax for the brain?

So, since the only original stuff I seem able to write these days is Jack and shit (and Jack’s busy running the Dippers), kick back and soak this up for now.

A big ol’ tip o’ the toque to Paul over at CJ for finding this first.

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