Category: Good Stuff

January 16, 2009

Everything You Ever Needed To Know…

Filed under: Antistupidity,Funny,Gun Control,Video — Dennis @ 3:06 pm

… about gun locks and how they keep you safe:

January 3, 2009

On The Off Chance…

Filed under: Lotusland,Outdoors,Random Junk,Stupidity,Video — Dennis @ 4:02 am

… that going for a dip in the freezing friggin’ ocean in the middle of a Canadian frickin’ winter isn’t stoopid enough to satisfy you…

Aw, screw it. Just watch.

December 28, 2008

Winning Hardons and Minds

Filed under: Afghanistan,Funny,WTF? — Dennis @ 12:03 pm

This one is just too damned funny not to share. Seriously, I laughed so hard my beer came out my nose.

American President Lyndon B. Johnson has been said to have once quipped, “Once you’ve got ’em by the balls, their hearts and minds will follow.” It seems the CIA these days are taking that advice to heart. Maybe not the balls part, mind you, but they’re definitely in the same neighbourhood.

Behold the American Central Intelligence Agency’s newest secret weapon in the War On Terrorâ„¢: The Afghani Boner®!

God bless those little buggers at the Washington Post, because I sure as hell couldn’t make this kind of stuff up all by myself if I had to. I know I don’t usually reprint whole damned articles that I trip over but this one was just toooooo damned good… 😆 (more…)

December 23, 2008

Christmas Greetings from the Prime Minister

Filed under: Canada,CPC,Faith,Good Stuff,Military,Traditions,Video — Dennis @ 8:59 pm

Plopped down with no comment because I don’t have time for anything lately…

December 16, 2008

The Best Part

Filed under: Christianity,Good Stuff,Traditions,Video — Dennis @ 8:44 pm

I don’t care how many times I see this, it still puts me in a good mood…

December 15, 2008

Safety, My Ass

Filed under: Good Stuff,Government,USA — Dennis @ 3:04 pm

Somehow I get the sneaking suspicion that this has more to do with the mayor making the rest of the bums look bad. I’m not usually one to get very interested in what’s going on south of the border, unless it actually has something directly to do with my own country, but I’m about to make a bit of an exception here.

Working her tail off until the wee hours of the morning? I dunno about you, but that’s what I look for in a civic leader. But hey, we can’t have that sort of thing going on now, can we? After all, it might send the wrong message.

A message like, “Hey, if the mayor’s working her arse off at all hours, why can’t the rest of those bums on council do it too?” And God knows we can’t have the unwashed masses going around expecting those elected clowns to actually work… it’d be the end of bureaucracy as we know it. 😯

SOUTH EL MONTE, Calif. (AP) — Fed up with the nocturnal work habits of its mayor, a California city council has approved a curfew limiting how late she can work at City Hall.

South El Monte council members say they have safety and liability concerns for Mayor Blanca Figueroa, who frequently works until the wee hours of the morning. She must now leave the building by 11 p.m.

The mayor — a self-described night owl — calls the restriction petty. She says she needs to stay late because her daytime schedule is filled with meetings and her inbox is overflowing with letters from residents affected by the worsening economy.

The L. A. Times has some more on it:

Politicians are criticized for many things. Putting in too many hours at the office is not usually one of them.

But in South El Monte, a city of about 20,000 residents east of Los Angeles, the City Council has lodged just such a complaint against its most powerful elected official. Council members say Mayor Blanca Figueroa spends too much time at her City Hall office. So on Tuesday, they gave her a curfew.

The City Council, on which the mayor sits, voted 4 to 1 to prohibit its members and city staff from working in City Hall after 11 p.m. City officials, including City Manager Anthony Ybarra, admit that the ruling was primarily directed against Figueroa, who often works late into the night. “It’s a matter of security, safety and liability,” he said.

Mayor FigueroaFigueroa, who has been mayor since 1997, is incensed. [MSM-ese for “totally pissed” -D]

“In my opinion, it is an unfair policy,” she said. “My job is 24/7.” The mayor said she needs the evening office hours to do her job properly. She said she spends most of her days in meetings, so it is at night that she catches up on e-mails and paperwork. She does not have a fax machine or a copier at home, she said.

Figueroa said her workload has increased in the last six to eight months. She blames the worsening economy. “I have more work to do now than ever,” she said. “If I let it go by, it piles up.”

If her round-the-clock schedule makes her a workaholic, she says, so be it.

“Do I have a private life? No. Even on Thanksgiving I was here,” she said proudly. “I’m mentally exhausted, but it is my service to serve the city.”

Now, I normally have some serious moral reservations about the whole idea of human cloning, but in this case…

If you see this lady, buy her a drink!  Just make it a coffee, or something like that — she’s gotta work late…

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