Category: Funny

June 9, 2008

Do You Think It’s Easy To Load Websites??

Filed under: Canada,CPC,Funny,Grits,John Q Public,Politics,Y2Kyoto — Dennis @ 4:19 pm

I require a good guffaw. You likely could use one, too. Luckily for the both of us, I managed to find one.

All the squawking sheepleoids on the Loopy Left® love to bleat on and on about how c/Conservatives take everything too seriously and have no sense of humour whatsoever. To listen to them, you’d think we were a bunch of stone-faced golems without a funny bone in our bodies. Not so.

As you might know by now, the Tories have decided to respond to Dion’s carbon tax-and-grab in the only way that it really deserves to be responded to: with one hell of a good belly laugh. So get your tail on over to the website at, and don’t forget to play Tax Tag while you’re there…

(h/t to Reid over at Right from Alberta for the screenshot)

It's Tax Tag!

June 6, 2008


Filed under: Canada,Funny,HRCs,Skullduggery,Video — Dennis @ 2:35 pm

This was driving me absolutely batshit. Really, it was.

No, I don’t mean the Human Lefts Commissions (although they do drive me batshit). I’m talking about that nagging, gnawing, “where the hell have I seen this before” deja drive-you-outta-yer-skull vu sensation. It bugged me for damned near two full days. It all started when I tripped over this vid in the first place. It shows Ezra Levant taking a bit out of Ian Fine’s little weasel ass. Check it out:

That’s where it started. And nevermind, just for now, the sheer and utter hypocrisy of what the son of a bitch keeps saying. Forget that, just for a few. I kept looking at Fine mewling about how they didn’t do this and they didn’t do that, with Ezra beating him over the head with the evidence the whole time, and part of my brain was screaming, over and over and over again, YOU’VE SEEN THIS BEFORE, YOU’VE SEEN THIS BEFORE, YOU’VE SEEN THIS BEFORE!!!!!” It was a pain in the ass, believe me. And then, like a bolt from the blue, it hit me…

June 4, 2008

Switching Gears?

Filed under: Blogosphere,Funny — Dennis @ 10:28 am

Hm. I have to admit that I hadn’t considered this but hey, I guess it might work. It seems that ol’ Ezra might be thinking about switching tactics

(click pic to bigulate)
Appeasement tactics??

Whatever works, I guess… 😕

May 29, 2008


Filed under: Funny,HRCs — Dennis @ 10:54 pm

Thanks to the Doggerel Party, I am giggling entirely too much.

TDPC researchers have investigated, and can report that no, they are not related. One is a megalomaniac bent on power, domination, harrassment of those less fortunate and money, while the other simply runs a power utility.

Haw Haw

Ok, gotta go now. Need to pee… 😆

May 19, 2008

Sagely Advice

Filed under: Funny,Politics,USA,Video — Dennis @ 12:17 pm

Like I mentioned in my earlier post today, one of the things I like about McCain is his sense of humour and his willingness to take as good as he gives. After all, if you can’t take it, you shouldn’t dish it out, right? That’s what my daddy always told me, anyway.

But McCain’s not all jokes, nosiree. A little more poking around after the last post led me to trip over another clip that shows that McCain’s a man of fairness, too. And he’s more than willing to share his experience and wisdom, even with his opponents!

Now, I ask you: how many politicians can boast that kind of class? Not too damned many; you can bet on that.

Who’s Got The Oldness?

Filed under: Funny,Politics,USA,Video — Dennis @ 11:49 am

He does!

I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again: one of the things I like best about this guy is his sense of humour. I’m not too big on some of his policies, but anybody that can make good-natured fun of himself with such a straight face can’t be all that bad. Most politicians (especially Republicans, it seems, for some reason) don’t have the guts to lampoon themselves like this…

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