Category: Grits

September 11, 2008

Friends Don’t Let Friends Vote Liberal

In a bit of a hurry here, so I’ll be quick. Just got this forwarded to my email (thanks, Larry) and it’s too damned good not to share.


September 9, 2008

Day 3

Filed under: Canada,Grits,Politics,Skullduggery,Soc. Engineering — Dennis @ 2:00 pm

And on the third day, the Steffster had himself a “road to Damascus” kind of experience. Yes indeed, ladies and gentlemen, it seems that li’l Stephane has gone and seen the light when it comes to the Tories’ 1,200-buck-a-year child care allowance.

Never mind that his party fought it tooth and nail when the Conservatives first brought the idea forward (can you say “beer and popcorn,” boys and girls?). Like carbon taxes, this is just another bad-idea-become-good.

Oh, yeah… he also wants to resurrect up the CCP and give it give it a little jolt of juice while he’s at it:

MONTREAL — Liberal Leader Stéphane Dion has moved to trump the Tories with a promise to double the Harper government’s $1,200-a-year child care allowance and restore the court challenges program abolished by the Conservatives.

Um, Stef? You do remember, don’t you, that there was a reason why that damned thing was killed in the first place, right? Oh, wait… the reason they were killed was pretty much because they were a Lieberal end-run around parliament, weren’t they? Yes, they were:

CCP-funded groups have achieved through the courts new rights and laws they would never have been able to win democratically.

In that way, the

CCP is fundamentally anti-democratic.

But hey, since when do the Librano$ like democracy? After all, if they’re left to their own devices, the unwashed masses might vote wrong (ie, un-Liberal).

Pomo gets to start it off

As you’ve likely figured out, I’m totally pissed about Dion’s blatant ass-kissing of the gun-grabber crowd lately. You’re likely wondering when I’m going to sound off about it. Don’t worry, I will… just as soon as I cool off. In the meantime, PomoChristian does a nice job of keeping a cooler head than I:

Stephane Dion is trying to make gun control an issue in this campaign, and this morning his party posted this notice on what constitutes an ‘assault weapon’ (which he plans to ban):

Utter BullshitMilitary assault rifles are defined as fully-automatic and selective-fire rifles along with selected semi-automatic rifles designed for military purposes and possessing military features such as: use of a large capacity magazine, folding/telescoping stock, a protruding pistol grip, a bayonet mount, or threaded muzzle or flash suppressor. It is these military features – features whose sole purpose is to render the rifle a more effective tool for killing other people – which make these rifles a threat to public safety.

Let’s take these in turn:

Read the whole thing, he does a pretty good job.


I have NO bloody idea what they’re trying to get across with this, but it creepily reminds me of the axe-clanking cult in that Stallone movie, Cobra (anybody else remember that one?)…

Elly May boo-hoo du jour

Well, so much for putting all the blame on that big bully Stephen Harper for locking the Blathering Boogers® out of the leaders’ debate. Turns out that the Smirkin’ Gherkin® didn’t want her in the room, either. BTW, there, Elly: bawling that old “it’s all because I’m a woman” line is likely to come back and bite you on your Yankee-born ass…

And now, the latest enviro-hairball…

…from the Gang That Couldn’t Stay In Office. I’m not 100% certain, off the top of my head, but I’m pretty sure that if you lined all these bozos up nose to arsehole, they wouldn’t stretch to a full four-year term in 24 Sussex. These clowns represent some of, if not the, most disappointing PMs in Canadian history. And they’re presuming to lecture anybody on anything????

TORONTO — Four of the country’s former prime ministers have co-signed a statement demanding more be done to tackle climate change in Canada.

Paul Martin, Joe Clark, Kim Campbell and John Turner issued a joint statement today with a lost of business, academic and other leaders.

Clark says he is “very concerned” by a lack of decisive action on climate change and that Canada is “falling further behind.”

He adds Canada “cannot afford another round of posturing and denial” and a clear and honest commitment is needed for strong, simple and effective climate laws.”

Campbell says when it comes to tackling climate change, “there has been a persistent void at the highest political levels in this country.”

Two prime ministers did not sign the document from a group called Canadians for Climate Leadership entitled “Time To Get Serious on Climate Change” — Jean Chretien and Brian Mulroney.

Seriously, you twits; we couldn’t stand you before (that’s why we dumped your sorry asses) and we can’t stand you now. Go away.

August 9, 2008

“Don’t Look At Me…

Filed under: Canada,ELECTION??,Grits,Politics,Soc. Engineering — Dennis @ 9:53 am

… I don’t want a damn thing to do with it!”

Is it just me or has anyone else noticed how, for a Natural Governing Party®, the danged Grits just can’t seem to find enough schmucks that want to… er, naturally govern? It seems that there are yet two more little Gritlets that want nothing to do with the Eternally Imminent Downfall Of The Aberration Of Conservative Government In Canada©. Oops.

Stephane Dion’s Green Shift may not have specific targets or goals on how it will impact reductions in greenhouse gases, according to critics of the plan, but the Conservatives are suggesting that the Liberal plan is reducing the number of Liberal candidates prepared to run in the next federal election.

In Prince Edward Island, one of the Liberal’s star candidates, Robert Morrissey has stepped aside as the candidate. A spokesperson for the Conservative Party Robin Sparrow stated today, ““The Liberals can deliver their talking points all they want but everyone knows the deal. You don’t win a hotly contested nomination meeting for a long-held Liberal riding and then just quit,’’ Sparrow said from Ottawa. Morrissey is clearly feeling the heat on the carbon tax and doesn’t want to campaign on raising the price of gas, home heating fuel and groceries.”

Both seem to be causing a bit of a micro-kerfuffle, but the one in Spudland seems to be the most interesting.

Long story short: the potential candidate basically said, “thanks; I’m honoured and all, but I’ve got business opportunities that I’m chasing down right now.” Some other folks, like Peter MacKay, have wondered if maybe when faced with the thought of trying to spoonfeed a new bullshit tax to the Canadian public, he came up with other things that he’d rather do. Like sitting naked in a field in Skinner’s Pond in February, bashing his dingleberries with a claw hammer.

I think Peter’s got it figured out. Some guys just aren’t Liberal enough for that kind of masochism.

June 9, 2008

Do You Think It’s Easy To Load Websites??

Filed under: Canada,CPC,Funny,Grits,John Q Public,Politics,Y2Kyoto — Dennis @ 4:19 pm

I require a good guffaw. You likely could use one, too. Luckily for the both of us, I managed to find one.

All the squawking sheepleoids on the Loopy Left® love to bleat on and on about how c/Conservatives take everything too seriously and have no sense of humour whatsoever. To listen to them, you’d think we were a bunch of stone-faced golems without a funny bone in our bodies. Not so.

As you might know by now, the Tories have decided to respond to Dion’s carbon tax-and-grab in the only way that it really deserves to be responded to: with one hell of a good belly laugh. So get your tail on over to the website at, and don’t forget to play Tax Tag while you’re there…

(h/t to Reid over at Right from Alberta for the screenshot)

It's Tax Tag!

May 20, 2008


Filed under: 'Toons,Canada,Good Stuff,Grits,Y2Kyoto — Dennis @ 11:01 pm

Ahem.  Ah, gee… I really have nothing whatsoever to add to this…

May 5, 2008

Even In Ontario…

… it seems that there are still a few things left that politicians, if they’re smart, should refrain from buggering about with. One such thing seems to be the Lord’s Prayer.

Some of you might already know that, a while back, the Christianophobic McGuintyites got it into their pointy little heads that the time had come to scrap the reading of the Lord’s Prayer at the openings of the Ontario Legislature. So, in the midst of such brainy ejaculations as “It is time to move beyond the daily recitation of the Lord’s Prayer in the Ontario Legislature to a more inclusive approach that reflects 21st century Ontario,” McGuilty and his cohorts did what Fiberals do best: they blew a bunch of my money on some dumbass plan to study the issue to death before going ahead and trying to pull off whatever damned stunt they want to, anyway. One little problem this time: things don’t seem to be going according to plan

Speaker Steve Peters, who is heading up a committee to examine replacing the Lord’s Prayer with another reading, says thousands are giving their opinion on the divisive debate through the legislature’s website.

The traffic was so great when the committee first set up the online form that it temporarily crashed the website, prompting hundreds of calls to Peters‘ office. [That would be at 416-325-7435 in TO or 519-631-0666 (insert irony here) in St. Thomas, if you’re interested in giving this dick a piece of your mind. -D]

It’s not as if this crap hasn’t been tried before. But hey, if McGuilty thinks he can get away with it, more power to him. Anything that will rub my fellow Ontarians’ noses, good and hard, into the steaming pile of stupidity that was re-electing this asshole, can’t be all bad. How else will they learn?

Reap what you sowed, boneheads…

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