Category: Contributors

December 9, 2008

Ridiculous tales of Mrs. Myriam Bédard.

Filed under: Contributors,Skullduggery — Karol @ 2:05 pm

Ridiculous tales of Mrs. Myriam Bédard:

On Wednesday, March 24, 2004 Mrs. Myriam Bédard: testified in front of Standing Committee on Public Accounts during 3rd SESSION of 37th PARLIAMENT.


Mr. Jason Kenney: Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Thank you, Mrs. Bédard.

In your statement, you said, and I quote: “I had previously heard Mr. LeFrançois say that Groupaction was involved in drug trafficking. I was afraid and psychologically paralyzed.” Can you explain to us the context in which Mr. LeFrançois made that comment?

Mrs. Myriam Bédard: Yes, that happened in September 2001. Mr. LeFrançois was encouraging me to start up my own advertising company. I told him I liked my work at VIA Rail because I could do a number of projects there and that I didn’t see why I would set up my own advertising business. He then told me something else. I’ll try to repeat his words faithfully because I want to quote him right. He told me: “Groupaction is building a big castle and they don’t always do things right. They’re involved in drug trafficking.” He added that someone should eventually inherit Groupaction’s contracts. That’s why he encouraged me to open my own advertising company, which I did around September 26, 2001. However, one week later, he called me into his office and told me that he had said too much the previous week and that I should forget that. That’s what he told me. Is it true? Is it not true? That’s what Mr. LeFrançois told me.

That’s why, when they wanted to send me to Groupaction, I didn’t agree at all. There were some doubts about illegal things being done there. I especially didn’t want to be associated with those kinds of things.

Her testimony at the time exposed her to public ridicule. How much truth was there to it?? (more…)

December 5, 2008

The Fire Ships are coming!! The Fire Ships are coming!!!

Filed under: Canada,Contributors,Grits — Karol @ 7:15 am

The Liberal fire ship.

Liberal ship was taking so much water in that it seemed impossible to keep it afloat much longer. Abandoning it was was not so much of an option as a matter of timing. Question was what to do next as the Liberals felt trapped between Conservatives firmly entrenched on right end of political spectrum continuously expanding into the centre and New Democrats advancing from left and of political spectrum taking away voters and potential political donors. Saving the Liberal ship would not have saved political body of water where it could possibly sail even if it were in a good repair. There was only one way out of that bind and that was to secretly convert Liberal ship into a fire ship and use it to destroy NDP ship and kill their captain. It was the only thing that Liberal ship was still good for and that made the decision so much easier.

After secret conversion Liberal fire ship was anchored in an open harbour badly listing to one side, flag of distress was was raised and Captain Dion bravely stood on the bridge shouting commands, some old blind and hobbling sailors moved around pretending that they were still able to raise the sails and man the cannons. Other two ships decided to plunder it under a pretext that they were joining it to form a flotilla and attack Conservative Man of War. They were in for a very nasty surprise. As they boarded fire ship under the pretext of signing some kind of a treaty Conservative Man of War approached fired its canons and set Liberal fire ship ablaze. It was only then that the captains of the other two ships come to realise what kind of a trap they got themselves into.

As the crew of Liberal ship float about in their row boats they rejoice watching unfolding scene of mayhem and destruction.

Who said that it is only Captain Harper who is the master strategist??

Blog Central, Featured – Written by From the Editors on Wednesday, December 3, 2008 23:20
Where’s Iggy? Where’s Rae? Where’s LeBlanc?

Andrew Coyne’s Blog, Capital Read – Written by Andrew Coyne on Wednesday, December 3, 2008 23:49
Notes on a crisis: Where have you gone, John Manley?
Tags: coalition government, John Manley, liberals
The Liberal Party turns its lonely eyes to you. Or might.

The Shotgun Blog
Thursday, December 04, 2008
Liberal MP Jim Karygiannis says coalition is finished, Dion should resign

December 4, 2008

Who should we blame for the Three Stooges’ Rebellion????

Filed under: Contributors,Government — Karol @ 10:46 pm

It is more and more apparent that Three Stooges from Quebec overplayed their cards and their Coup d’etat has failed.

Now, the question is; how and why did we get into all that mess in a first place??? Simple analysis of this year’s events indicates that the seeds of Three Stooges’ Rebellion were planted directly by Her Excellency the Right Honourable Michaëlle Jean the Governor General of Canada and Chief Justice of Canada, the Right Honourable Beverley McLachlin.

It all started with decision to appoint Dr. Henry Morgentaler, well known abortionist from Quebec, to the Order of Canada in June of this year despite Harper government’s objections and sustained and widespread public protests against such appointment. Morgentaler fiasco was compounded by Her Excellency’s decision to invest Dr. Henry Morgentaler into the Order of Canada on October 10, 2008 (Friday before Thanksgiving Weekend and Election Day).


Governor General Michaelle Jean, right, decorates Dr. Henry Morgentaler as a member of the Order of Canada at the Citadelle in Quebec City on Friday, Oct. 10, 2008. (Jacques Boissinot / THE CANADIAN PRESS)

It was a cynical ploy aimed at discouraging social conservatives, whose protests over Morgentaler’s nomination were ignored, from participating in electoral process. It was slap in face for the Conservative Party of Canada and the Right Honourable Stephen Harper incumbent Prime Minister of Canada.

This blatant provocation was just the beginning as it was soon followed by multiple acts of electoral fraud and “judicial recounts” that “judicially validated” four cases where Election Canada officials with the help of Canadian judiciary stole four electoral victories (three from Conservative candidates and one form Bloc candidate) and awarded these victories to Liberal candidates skewing results of federal elections and diminishing magnitude of electoral defeat of Liberal Party of Canada.

(See: )

Public protests over “judicial validation” of blatant electoral fraud by Associate Chief Justice Patrick Dohm, one of the courtiers of Chief Justice and the prominent member of the Court Party of Canada (Canadian Judicial Council) went completely unheeded. (See: this longass URL )

It was no very surprising that after such string of direct attacks on democratic process and will of Canadian electorate by Liberal appointed representatives of Canadian government, it was just a matter of time and right opportunity that defeated members of the “natural governing party of Canada” would try to stage Coup d’etat counting on unqualified support of Liberal appointees: Her Excellency the Right Honourable Michaëlle Jean the Governor General of Canada and the Right Honourable Beverley McLachlin, Chief Justice of Canada.

I am willing to bet that Her Majesty Queen Elisabeth II, is not going to be very pleased with such antics by Her Canadian Representative when she receives reports from ordinary Canadians.

To write to Her Majesty visit:

For more info visit:

Seeing Double?

Filed under: Contributors,Site News — Dennis @ 10:45 pm

No, you’re not.

What you are seeing is that visitors to this site are now getting TWO loudmouthed right-wing arseholes for the price of one. Because, you know, we never stop finding new ways to give you more value for the money that you don’t spend to come here. 😛 Ain’t we nice?

Some of you have likely noticed Karol here before. As in “Karol of the Damn Long-winded Comments.” So I figured to myself, why clutter up the comments when posts will do?

Like I’ve said before, I have no problem letting others post here (as long as they ain’t friggin’ Libs). So, without further ado, mosey along and check out Karol’s first post and throw in your two bits.

How long’s Karol going to be posting here? Gee, I dunno… Is Karol a mean, nasty, evil, right-wing, gun-totin’, Harper-lovin’, liberal-hatin’, knuckle-draggin’, puppy-torturin’, socialist-slappin’, feminazi-baitin’…

We’ll see. 😉

November 19, 2008

Bonehead Bonanza

Filed under: Blogosphere,John Q Public,Moonbattery,Reader Questions — Dennis @ 11:47 am

Ah, well now, wouldya just lookie here? All the class acts are just poppin’ outta the woodwork like daisies through the snow in springtime.

As most longtime readers know, I’m not big on responding to the comments on this site. Yes, I know that makes me a very, very bad blogger but the fact is that I just don’t have the time to go sifting through all the stuff that gets fired my way. Seeing as how I’m not one of those clowns wanking away at his keyboard in his parents’ basement and have bills of my own to pay, other things just plain have to take priority.

So, to all the nice folks who have stopped by now and then to say something nice, or even something constructive that I didn’t agree with: thanks. Even though I don’t say it often enough, it’s always nice to know that someone’s listening to my cathartic little rants.

To the bozos that I’ll be talking about in today’s post: bite me.

Today, I’m actually going to take a little time to check out some of the latest comments to the site (in the last few days or so) and toss back my own two bits because, well… I have nothing else to do for a change. And you can only rant about diddling shitbags and Leftbot idiocy so much before it even starts to get on your own nerves.

So, without further ado, allow me to introduce you to some of the creme de la crap that have stopped by lately to hack up one of their little hairballs on my own little cyber-rug. The fun part is deciding where to start…

Anybody who’s poked around here at all knows that a) I’m a gun owner, b) I support gun owners’ rights and c) I support the right of each and every Canadian to be fully able to defend themselves from any scumbag that tries to hurt them. Some numbskulls, however, just can’t resist the siren call of the ol’ reductio ad absurdum. Guys like “Anonymous,” (is it just me, or does that clown seem to be every damned where in cyberspace?) who posted this little nugget from his Cowtown-based IP in my July 23rd post, here, just the other day:

There is an obvious problem with allowing Canadians to carry guns…then idiots like you and your reactionary friends will be walking around with lethal weapons as a substitute for brains. You are just the type of asshole who would shoot a “coloured feller” if he looked at you funny, you know, just to be safe. Hell you might even move from beating your wife to shooting her. Hey, I’m all for carrying guns, but only if right wing, fundamentalist nut-jobs like you are barred from doing so. Sigh, I yearn for the days when “conservative” meant “wise” and I was proud to call myself one. Now conservative is merely euphemistic for “crazy, uber-religious, Leviticus obeying redneck.”

I seriously hope you’re sterile. Seeing shitbrains like you reminds me of why I support eugenics.

The argumentum ad hominem is blatantly obvious: if you can’t win the argument, attack the messenger. Move along, folks; nothing to think here. Never mind that, like Anonymous here, a certain fellow with a ridiculous mustache (who, in keeping with Godwin’s Law, shall remain nameless here) also wanted to ban gun ownership… from certain people. No, he never outright banned gun ownership (as some on my side of the argument will, maddeningly, insist), but he did pass the 1938 German Weapons Act, which served to restrict gun ownership to “persons whose trustworthiness is not in question.” In other words: NotTheJews®. Come to think of it, the high-strung little nameless Austrian was big on eugenics, too.

And before I forget: my son likes to shoot, too. I got him his first rifle when he was 12 and he still has it. This year for his birthday, he’s getting his CFSC (restricted) and his minors license, paid for by dear ol’ Dad. 😉

Next up, we have little Norm from someplace deep in the heart o’ La Mooch Provence, where there are no problems that the ROC’s money can’t solve. Norm couldn’t pick a post, it seems, so he just hacked one up on the front hall rug. Two of ’em, in fact:

I don’t know what you are doing in Canada buddy, brain-dead turds like you belong in Texas. You are exactly the type of man to end up murdered by his own children, no wonder you’re so against the youth crime act. Oh wait, no woman would procreate with you. No kids. That explains your anger at the world! Now stick your long gun up your anus and dream of harper.

Is it just me, or do these clowns have a somewhat …ahem… unhealthy obsession with my reproductive habits? 😯 My li’l ol’ Furry Pogo Stick Of Loveâ„¢, where it’s been, and what I do with it when it gets there, are none of your damned business, boys. Get over it, already.

What I’m doing in Canada, Normie, is being a Canadian. If you have a problem with that, have yourself a little referendum, get the hell out, and quit acting like the surly teenager living in mom and dad’s basement. Then he has this:

Dear reader, do you notice how right-wing cowards are so afraid to post their last name or even an email address to contact them? If anybody can post this guys last name I bet we’ll discover he’s a got a criminal rap sheet longer than his favorite rifle.

Dear Normie, did you ever notice that it only seems to be knuckleheads like you that have trouble getting ahold of me or figuring out who I am? Plenty of smart people — and plenty of dumb ones, too 🙄 — have had no trouble at all either sending me an email or figuring out exactly who I am. Must be just you.

And yeah, I did have a few run-ins with the law when I was younger; never said I didn’t. But I never sold dope, or stabbed anybody, or raped anybody, or shot anybody, or mugged anybody, or murdered anybody, or swarmed anybody, or… well, you get the idea. And, because I got charged under the JDA and not the YCJA, nobody ever had any trouble figuring out what I’d been up to.

Next up, we have Anonymous again, this time posting from a US-based IP (damn, but that bugger gets around). Apparently, he has a thing for homicidal jailbait:

She’s kinda sexy; No?

And some folks are worried about me breeding. Sheesh… 🙄

Damn. That was more fun than I thought it would be. I’m gonna have to do this more often…

September 11, 2008

Day 5: Word From The Normals

Filed under: Contributors,Good Stuff,John Q Public — Dennis @ 1:57 pm

Joe LunchboxIt’s still Thursday and the election is still chugging along. On the one hand, I’m tempted to bitch about it; on the other hand, I can’t remember the last time I had this much fun. 😆

One thing that I like about times like this is that some interesting folks tend to pop by and say howdy.

I’m not talking about politicians or pundits or such. I’m talking about what King Ralph would call “severely normal people.” Joe and Jane Lunchbox. I like those people. They’re the reason why I have the comments enabled on this site. Here’s two from today so far:

Shawn stopped by to give us a heads-up on what Elly May seems to think about us:

“Politicians are scared to death to mention the word tax. They think Canadians are stupid, and I fundamentally agree with that assessment.”
[pardon me whilst I trim the link for length -D

Always nice to know what the EnviroElitesâ„¢ think of the rest of us.

Pyper stopped by to, but she seemed to have something specific on her mind…

Would you please contact me directly. We are looking for assistance with a get out and vote campaign and could use your help.
Many thanks,

Well Pyper, I have no idea what your politics are and guess what? I don’t care, either. If you’re interested in getting people off their butts and out to the polls, I’ll give you a hand. Nope, no strings. After all, it’s not like it would be the first time I gave space here to another point of view. Reply to the email I sent you and we’ll see what I can set up for you.

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