Category: Y2Kyoto

February 11, 2007


Awww, SHUT UP....And to think that I had made up my mind to steer clear of this particular turd typhoon. Not because I don’t have any opinion, mind you (anyone that’s ever spent any time on this site can easily tell you that I have an opinion on damned near everything), but rather because it just seemed — and still seems to me — to be so God damned overdone.

Everyone and their dog seems to be blathering one thing or another about the environment, global warming, Kyoto, etc, ad nauseum. One bozo even named his dog “Kyoto.” 🙄

So, after getting today what I reckon to be literally my one hundredth email asking just what the hell I think about all this mess, I’m going to start shooting my mouth off about it. But not today. This is the last day of my vacation and I’m damned well going to enjoy it.

So there.

Rest assured that I’ll be ranting away about it tomorrow. In the meantime, to give you some idea as to just how much this hysteria has consumed our collective braintime, check out what is being said across the MSM and in some blogs on the subject today. Bear in mind as well, that this is just one day’s worth of articles; and just the ones that I stumbled across without even looking. Talk about obsessive…

Licia Corbella, Calgary Sun
Whistleblowers get kiss-off

It’s too bad the world’s media doesn’t hold the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) to the same standards that it holds large corporations.

When Enron cooked the books, there were — rightly — no end of indignant columns and talk shows condemning these high-paid fraudsters who massaged the numbers to fit their agenda and bolster their bank accounts.

The whistleblower who tried to get Enron to change its evil ways — Sherron Watkins — was named, along with two other whistleblowing women — TIME magazine’s Persons of the Year for 2002.

But when it comes to scientists who whistleblow about IPCC reports cooked by politicians to fit their politicized agendas, those whistleblowers are either ignored or dismissed as “skeptics” or quacks and are libelled as haters of this planet and nature, even though most of them have dedicated their lives to studying nature and protecting it.

TrustOnlyMulder, Officially Screwed
Suzuki Math Indicates 4 x 0.4 = 2 : No Wonder EnviroNazis Are Wrong

Today’s Ottawa Sun has a Q and A session with David Suzuki about his carbon spewing bus tour across Canada and this is one of the questions.

Q: What role should Canada play on the international scene?

A: Canada produces 2% of C02 emissions, but represents just 0.4% of the world’s population.

So we produce four times more pollution per capita than the global average, and because of that, we have an obligation.

My 10 year old does better math, Mr. Suzuki.

Lorrie Goldstein, TO Sun
Greens aren’t always good

Global warming and the Kyoto accord are the crack cocaine of trendy causes for opportunistic politicians and chic environmentalists.

Since fighting man-made global warming involves “saving the planet,” or so they tell us, it is the King Kong of all environmental crusades.

Of course, the fact we have been warned in the past by this crowd that life as we know it was about to end over everything from “the population bomb” to “global cooling,” and that we survived, is now ignored.

Sandy, Crux of the Matter
This Kyoto Type Hysteria Has Happened Before …

There have been a number of excellent posts today about the Kyoto hysteria and likening it to a new religion. Visit Officially Screwed, Damnation and Joanne’s Journey. In Joanne’s case, her discussion of the hysteria surrounding DDT made me think about how easily people can be swayed from one point of view to another, even when it’s not in their best interests.

Peter Worthington, TO Sun
Global warming is a theory, not scientific fact

Last week — the day the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) issued its gloom and doom report on greenhouse gases — Larry King Live had a bunch of experts hashing over what it all means.

Of six panelists, the one who made the most sense (I’m tempted to say made the only sense) was Richard Lindzen, a professor of “atmospsheric science” at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Joel Johannsen, PTBC
Globally warmed-over liberal-left political and media rhetoric is making me sick

I’d rather hear more about Anna Nichole Smith and see more of those butt-ugly photos of those hideously ugly breastmorphatons than listen to one more thing about the ridiculous Kyoto Accord or the less ridiculous but still utterly ridiculous nonetheless “man-made global warming” freak-out scare-a-thon currently being presented by liberals and their media and (political) “scientists” like the great zoologist The Prophet Suzuki.

Tom Broadbeck, Winterpeg Sun
Give global warming skeptics their say

Last week’s news coverage on the release of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change was some of the worst journalism I’ve seen in a long time.

It was due largely to a disease that inflicts journalists from time to time — an illness known as pack journalism.

ALW, Wudrick Blog
Legislating The Impossible

Chris Edey exposes the fraud of Pablo Rodriguez’s Kyoto bill.

The bottom line is that C-288 is a political stunt, nothing more. Even if the government were to immediately collapse over it next week, and the Liberals were to win a huge majority in the subsequent election, the 2012 targets will still not be met. The Sierra Club knows this. The David Suzuki Foundation knows this. The Liberals know it. The Dippers know it. Yet everyone continue to peddle the fantasy anyway.

AsshatteryLike I said, this is just what I managed to stumble over today; without even trying!  What the hell is it with this monomaniacal fixation?  You’d damned near think that there suddenly were no other issues in the whole wide world.

More tomorrow…

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