Archive for: August 2006

August 19, 2006

Get the hell over it

Filed under: Politicorrect,Rants,Society/Culture,Stupidity — Dennis @ 2:55 pm

RantsWell, well; isn’t this nice? It seems that the gay male community, or “men who have sex with men or MSM (sorry, boys but that one’s already taken),” as they seem to want to be called these days, is feeling awfully left out after the big AIDS chinwag that just wrapped up in TO.

What’s the matter, boys? Feeling all bummed out (no pun, of course) that AIDS isn’t your personal little blanket of victimhood anymore? Did all those mean, nasty, dying Africans stick a big ol’ pin in your precious little Munchausen balloon? Well, tough shit. Get over it.

As most people that know me will tell you, I don’t have a lot of sympathy for the AIDS crowd to begin with. Personally, I could never see why AIDS was so special in the first place, especially when you consider that cancer, heart disease and a host of others kill a whole lot more people.

And let’s face it: unlike most other diseases, AIDS can be solved by personal behaviour more than medical science. I’m not one to waste time being politically correct when lives are at stake (not that I am at any other time), so I’ll come right out and say it. The answer, as columnist Michael Coren pointed out recently, is simple: QUIT FORNICATING.

Yes, you read that right. And get used to it, because it’s the truth. Don’t go whoring yourself around (regardless of gender; there are plenty of he-whores in the world and I’m sure we all know one or two) and you won’t get AIDS. Unless you’re raped, of course, in which case the bastard isn’t just a rapist, he’s a murderer too. That, and don’t stick needles full of drugs in your arms.

Yes, there are exceptions to this. Children are born with the disease every day through no fault of their own (the sins of the parent visited upon the child) and men who don’t know that they have it pass it on to their faithful wives (your past coming back to haunt you, chum).

Throwing money at this will not help, especially when the money finances so many lies. Rubbers may slow the advance of AIDS but they will not stop it. Only proper behaviour will. And until we get that through our heads, nothing will get better. Nothing at all.

August 17, 2006

Spare me the handwringing

Filed under: Cluebat,Crime & Punishment,Ontario,Rants,Soc. Engineering — Dennis @ 1:23 pm

JusticeAHA! I knew that this wouldn’t take long. I’ve been getting quite a bit of email in the past 24 hours, some of it reasoned but most just the usual “EEK! FASCIST!” panicspeak from the left, all about the question of what to do with little criminal brats young offenders aged 10 and 11. The howling left says that social services are the ultimate answer and the justice system has no business going there.

Well, a story from today’s Freeps proves my point better than I ever could. If this doesn’t prove that our “youth criminal justice system” needs a major overhaul, nothing will. Because it’s so good, I’m putting the whole damn thing right here. Go ahead, ya squawkin’ moonbats; make excuses for these ones if you can:

430 times later, youths in trouble
Thu, August 17, 2006

Three London teens — two of whom police have dealt with an eye-popping 430 times combined — were detained yesterday after an overnight chase of a car reported stolen.

The pursuit lasted about 35 minutes before the car lost a tire and rammed into two cruisers at Commissioners Road and Springbank Drive.

No one was hurt, but damage to the cars was put at $5,000.

All three teen suspects — two 16-year-olds and a 13-year-old — were being held in custody until a court appearance.

No charges had been laid.

A suspect in the car chased acknowledged police with obscene gestures, police said.

Police say they’ve had more than 430 so-called “contacts” with the 16-year-olds, a number that one youth justice expert called “extraordinary.”

“In all of my (30) years, I have rarely come up against young people that have that many occurrences,” said London psychologist Alan Leschied, an education professor at the University of Western Ontario.

The 13-year-old also has an extensive police background, police said.

Leschied said it’s likely the teens have been in custody, on probation or monitored by police before.

“It sounds like these young people will have a high probability of continuing into the adult criminal justice system,” he said.

Leschied said chronic persistent offenders usually begin their criminal careers before their 10th birthday.

Treatment programs are more effective the younger the offender, he noted.

“Those programs typically work on a vast majority of young people, but there’s a certain percentage of young people who defy even the best programs,” said Leschied.

Four hundred and thirty times. Let me say that again: FOUR HUNDRED AND THIRTY TIMES!! Is there anybody out there that really believes that a little exertion of firm, well-defined and absolute boundaries would have been no help at all if it had been applied to these brats earlier in life?

Toews is on the right track, whether the deluded hug-a-thug handwringers on the left want to admit it or not.

August 15, 2006

Hard questions getting asked

TerrorismMore evidence that cranial cobwebs are evaporating, even in the MSM, has appeared in the wake of the foiled terrorist plot in Britian. Columnist such as the FreepsRory Leishman and the Calgary Sun‘s Ted Byfield have been pointing out for some time that the hard questions are going to need to be asked if our society is to survive, and it is beginning to look like more and more previously denial-bound dunderheads are beginning to take notice.

The hard questions that I’m talking about are also the simple and obvious ones that occur to everyone, whether they admit it or not, but the screeching handwringers on the left constantly admonish us must never, ever be asked openly. To do so, they say, would destroy the little multicult utopia that “we have all worked so hard for.” Those questions are: When are we going to reexamine our immigration policies in a rational fashion and When we finally get pushed too far (which we likely will), what will we do then?

Terrorism is not as “home grown” as apologists would have us believe. And Byfield hit it right on the head with:

“Those who sought political asylum,” observes the London Telegraph, “continue pursuing old vendettas from their suburban British homes — and demanding British conformity to Islamic values.”
But if the attacks had succeeded, one wonders how much of this arrogance would we be prepared to put up with?
Or as we counted our dead, would the day have arrived when at last we say to the “Muslim Community”:
“Get rid of these guys or we get rid of you.”

Now there’s a thought that should keep your typical multicultist awake at night. Not particularily palatable to me, either. After all, just what would we consider to be too extreme after the bodies of our own started piling up? Germany found out the answer to that one the hard way. And don’t fool yourselves, this is a war, and it must be won.

Chicken Little goes to Ottawa

The sky's not going anywhereHere we go. The doomsayers are in full swing and crying their omenous prophecies of doom, gloom, social ruin and assorted apocalyptic apoplexy to the very heavens themselves.

Okay, so just what the hell set them off this time? I’ll tell you. The screeching barnyard fowl from the left have gone nuts over Justice Minister Vic Toews’ recent musings about letting the courts step in on matter involving little criminal bastards young offenders aged 10 and 11. To listen to the handwringers, you’d think that we were gearing up to warehouse kids in the kinds of places that even Dickens wouldn’t want to write about.

Even though the Tories have stated the agenda pretty bluntly, in language that you’d think that even a Liberal would understand:

“The issue here isn’t making a bunch of changes that will throw 10- or 11-year-olds in jail. The issue here is making sure that the kids that have the potential of falling through the cracks before they turn 12 are able to get the treatment they need. If it means the courts need to step in to make sure they get that treatment, then that’s something we should be discussing,”

career Grit fearmongers like London’s Sue Barnes still try to horrify the masses:

“Lies. The bottom line is that treatment programs are required and those should be existing right now and they shouldn’t be coming through a justice system; they should be coming through a social services system. This government is going too far in their lock ’em up and throw away the key approach to justice policy.”

The Grits, in typical full spin mode, flung out a news release with the screaming headline: “Justice critic condemns Conservative plan to jail 10-year-olds!”

Just how danmed stupid do they think we are? Why is it that every time the Tories try to actually deal with a problem (especially if it’s one that the Grits ran and hid from for years), these yoyos start bleating like somebody just suggested legalizing eating babies?

Yes, we understand that it’s not like there are homicidal 10-year olds running amok (although there are some very disturbing exceptions to that generalisation) but right now, if a kid 10 or 11 years of age the system can be utterly powerless to do anything about it. At least the Conservatives are moving on the issue. The liberals had more than a decade and did nothing but introduce the YCJA, which only made things worse.

August 14, 2006

More on MSM lies

Filed under: Antistupidity,BS,Israel,Lebanon,Skullduggery,Terrorism,The MSM,UN — Dennis @ 4:04 pm

Mainstream MediaMaybe I’m flogging this a bit, but I really don’t care. The MSM, along with all the other usual hand-wringing suspects, has been howling to the rafters about the “slaughter” that Israel is committing in Lebanon. Give me a break. LGF already put the smack to this bullshit but the critter don’t seem dead yet so I guess I’m just going to have to beat this horse a little more myself.

Anybody remember Jenin? Anybody? You can be excused if you don’t because I didn’t remember it either until I read a reference to in the the Calgary Sun recently.

Jenin was supposed to be, as WAFA (the official Palestinian news agency) dubbed it, “the massacre of the 21st century.” Supposedly, more than 500 “defenceless Palestinians” (if there is such a thing) were slaughtered by those mean, nasty, bloodthirsty Israeli soldiers in the spring of 2002. WAFA had themselves a happy little meltdown, declaring that there were “hundreds of martyrs.” The world media (supposedly “controlled by the Jews,” as any paranoiac will tell you) promptly went “HYUK!” and gladly pranced along with the parade.

One little problem: Once the fighting stopped and the dust settled, the UN had themselves a speedy investigation headed by oh-so-pro-Israel (sarcasm? me??) Kofi Anan, that found only 52 Palestinians had been killed “of whom up to half may have been civilians, and 23 Israeli soldiers were dead.” Oops. Came up a little short on the martyr count, did ya boys? It gets better. Human Rights Watch (not exactly known for taking sides) did its own investigation and found only 22 Palestinians were killed in Jenin.

And Israel gets condemned for this, even though Anan’s own report said that “From the beginning of March until 7 May (2002), Israel endured approximately 16 bombings, the large majority of which were suicide attacks. More than 100 persons were killed and scores more wounded.” Doesn’t sound like a “measured response” to me. It sounds like restraint.

So there it is. The Israelis lose 100 people (plus 23 soldiers), the Arabs lose maybe 52 (but probably 22), and Israel gets bitched at? Give me a God damned break.

Sure, the truth came out but it’s the lie that’s still shambling around like some damned in-law that showed up at the cottage and won’t leave. Some like to bleat that Israel should only make “proportionate responses.” Well, now, a “proportionate response” would have been killing 123 Arabs, not 22, right?? But hey, what are numbers when you’re bashing the victim, eh?

The lies don’t stop there, though. Arabs have become masters of flinging the bullshit fast and hard so it sticks, even after the truth comes out.

This past Monday, Lebanese Prime Minister Fouad Siniora howled that 40 people were killed in an Israeli air strike in Marjayoun. He was later forced to admit that the body count was… get ready for it… one.

Remember Qana? Where 54 people from two families (mostly kids) were supposed to have been killed in an airstrike? It was front page news everywhere. Human Rights Watch put the death toll at 28 (if that), almost all adults.

The Lebanese government is now bleating (and news agencies parroting) that more than 1,000 civilians have been killed in this war that Hezbullshit started. Yeah, right.

Everybody knows about the Reuters propaganda fiasco by now but that’s not all of it. More can be found here, here and here.

So the next time you hear a body count about some “Israeli aggression,” take the number and divide it by about 10. Then you might at least be in the same area code as the truth. Because believe me, you can’t trust these buggers.

More on MSM lies

Filed under: BS,Mideast,Skullduggery,Terrorism,The MSM — Dennis @ 4:04 pm

Mainstream MediaMaybe I’m flogging this a bit, but I really don’t care. The MSM, along with all the other usual hand-wringing suspects, has been howling to the rafters about the “slaughter” that Israel is committing in Lebanon. Give me a break. LGF already put the smack to this bullshit but the critter don’t seem dead yet so I guess I’m just going to have to beat this horse a little more myself.

Anybody remember Jenin? Anybody? You can be excused if you don’t because I didn’t remember it either until I read a reference to in the the Calgary Sun recently.

Jenin was supposed to be, as WAFA (the official Palestinian news agency) dubbed it, “the massacre of the 21st century.” Supposedly, more than 500 “defenceless Palestinians” (if there is such a thing) were slaughtered by those mean, nasty, bloodthirsty Israeli soldiers in the spring of 2002. WAFA had themselves a happy little meltdown, declaring that there were “hundreds of martyrs.” The world media (supposedly “controlled by the Jews,” as any paranoiac will tell you) promptly went “HYUK!” and gladly pranced along with the parade.

One little problem: Once the fighting stopped and the dust settled, the UN had themselves a speedy investigation headed by oh-so-pro-Israel (sarcasm? me??) Kofi Anan, that found only 52 Palestinians had been killed “of whom up to half may have been civilians, and 23 Israeli soldiers were dead.” Oops. Came up a little short on the martyr count, did ya boys? It gets better. Human Rights Watch (not exactly known for taking sides) did its own investigation and found only 22 Palestinians were killed in Jenin.

And Israel gets condemned for this, even though Anan’s own report said that “From the beginning of March until 7 May (2002), Israel endured approximately 16 bombings, the large majority of which were suicide attacks. More than 100 persons were killed and scores more wounded.” Doesn’t sound like a “measured response” to me. It sounds like restraint.

So there it is. The Israelis lose 100 people (plus 23 soldiers), the Arabs lose maybe 52 (but probably 22), and Israel gets bitched at? Give me a God damned break.

Sure, the truth came out but it’s the lie that’s still shambling around like some damned in-law that showed up at the cottage and won’t leave. Some like to bleat that Israel should only make “proportionate responses.” Well, now, a “proportionate response” would have been killing 123 Arabs, not 22, right?? But hey, what are numbers when you’re bashing the victim, eh?

The lies don’t stop there, though. Arabs have become masters of flinging the bullshit fast and hard so it sticks, even after the truth comes out.

This past Monday, Lebanese Prime Minister Fouad Siniora howled that 40 people were killed in an Israeli air strike in Marjayoun. He was later forced to admit that the body count was… get ready for it… one.

Remember Qana? Where 54 people from two families (mostly kids) were supposed to have been killed in an airstrike? It was front page news everywhere. Human Rights Watch put the death toll at 28 (if that), almost all adults.

The Lebanese government is now bleating (and news agencies parroting) that more than 1,000 civilians have been killed in this war that Hezbullshit started. Yeah, right.

Everybody knows about the Reuters propaganda fiasco by now but that’s not all of it. More can be found here, here and here.

So the next time you hear a body count about some “Israeli aggression,” take the number and divide it by about 10. Then you might at least be in the same area code as the truth. Because believe me, you can’t trust these buggers.

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