Archive for: September 2006

September 21, 2006

In a mother’s words

Filed under: Afghanistan,Canada,Military,Video — Dennis @ 10:35 pm

Our SoldiersI came across this over at PTBC and won’t bother trying to explain it. Suffice it to say that this is something that every true Canadian should watch and think long and hard about whenever thinking about what we’re doing in Afghanistan…

Video Click here to see the video.

This is losing?

Filed under: Afghanistan,Military,Terrorism,Video — Dennis @ 1:35 pm

Our SoldiersDoes anybody else remember how, not so long ago, Aiman al-Zawahiri (the number 2 turd on the al-Quaeda manure pile) was blabbing his sorry arse off about how Canadians were nothing but “second rate crusaders?” Remember how he was burbling on that we should “prepare to bury your dead?”

And now we have an assortment of squawklets whining and handwringing that we’re “losing” in Afghanistan. Somehow, I don’t think so.

If recent accounts can be trusted (and I trust even the MSM a hell of a lot more than I’d trust some nutjob like Zawasneezy), the casualty ratio for Operation Medusa was something like 300 to 1 in our favour (5 Canadians KIA, to some 1500 or so toasted Taliban).

So tell me there, Aimy; if those are the “second-rate” ones, what the hell are you gutless buggers going to do when we decide to throw some real hardasses at ya? Just wondering, ya know…

(Video player requires Flash Player.)

September 20, 2006

Sheer Depravity

Filed under: Law & Order,Pro-Life,Sick — Dennis @ 10:05 pm

Go on, do itI’m not even going to ATTEMPT to voice an opinion about this; it will degenerate into the kind of rant that is almost exclusively composed of language that (because kids surf too) I try to avoid here.

Found on the Backseat Blogger:

A Maine couple upset that their 19-year-old daughter was pregnant tied her up, loaded her in their car and began driving to New York to force her to get an abortion, police said.

The daughter, Katelyn Kampf, escaped Friday at a shopping center and called police, who arrested her parents, Nicholas Kampf, 54, and Lola, 53, of North Yarmouth, Maine. They were jailed on a kidnapping charge and were being held on $100,000 bail each.

Complete posting here.

Just wondering

Filed under: Islam,Stupidity — Dennis @ 6:27 pm

Just a quick something that I’ve been wondering about here… The cartoon below was drawn by Muslim cartoonist Emad Hajjaj, for the Al-Ghad Newspaper in Amman, Jordan. So, can anybody tell me: how long it will be before the Jordanians start rioting like chimps, burning stuff down, and threatening this Muslim cartoonist’s life for depicting the prophet Mohammed in a cartoon? Just wondering.

Oooooo...  cartoon blasphemy

Yerrr OUT!!

Filed under: Canada,Government,Law & Order — Dennis @ 5:25 pm

Good news from the Hill! The Tories, in keeping with both their election promises to get tough on crime and their typical don’t-give’me-bullshit style, have announced today that they will be introducing a bill this fall to enact a “three strikes and you’re out” policy against violent offenders.

From what I’ve heard so far, the bill would work hand in hand with the existing dangerous offender designation but with one difference: reverse onus. After three violent convictions, it would then be up to the scumbag to prove that he isn’t dangerous instead of up to the crown to prove that he is. Makes sense to me. If you have a habit of commiting violent crimes, you’ve pretty much done the crown’s job for them in the burden-of-proof department, haven’t you?

Chain gang (from Cool Hand Luke)Now, if we could just get ol’ Vic Toews to consider revisiting one other good old idea whose time seems to have come back again…

Did they know?

Filed under: Afghanistan,Canada,Government — Dennis @ 2:20 pm

Our SoldiersToronto Sun columnist Joe Warmington brings up an interesting (and disturbing) question in his latest column: Was the latest suicide attack in Afghanistan, which left four brave Canadian soldiers dead and dozens of soldiers and civilians wounded, deliberately timed to coincide with the return of our MPs for the fall session?

Are the Taliban taking lessons from the West’s history of warfare in the last half century? Are they being mindful of how the United States lost the war in Vietnam?

Yes, I know I’m going to get some heat for that comment (most of it likely from Texas) but it’s still true. The war in Vietnam was never lost on the battlefield, it was lost on the streets of America. The American public lost its stomach for the conflict and the Yanks finally cut and ran in April of 1975. In spite of winning every major engagement with the enemy (yes; including even the Tet offensive, which the peaceniks called a victory for the commies), the inexhorable, grinding lack of support for the war back home eventually knocked the pins out from under the whole damned effort.

The evacuation of SaigonThe usual Leftist suspects who are today comparing Afghanistan to Vietnam will howl any parallel that they can find, no matter how tenuous. What they won’t mention, unless you drag it out of them kicking and screaming, is the more than 5,000,000 (yes, FIVE MILLION) Cambodians and Vietnamese who were slaughtered by the communists after the Americans pulled out. Why the hell do you think we had so many boat people seeking refuge in Canada??

How many Afghanis will the Taliban murder in repraisal if we leave?

If a recent poll is any indication, however, the Taliban are in for a rude surprise if they think mere casualties are enough to shatter our collective will. The poll by Ipsos-Reid, taken in the days prior to this past September 11th, shows that Canadian resolve is hardening as the war goes on, not weakening.

We are, historically, not a nation given to heat-of-the-moment declarations of war (with the exception of 1939) but when we do get into a fight, we damn well finish it.

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