Archive for: November 2006

November 23, 2006

Gobblegobble — First Down!

Filed under: Traditions,USA — Dennis @ 6:01 pm

Happy Turkeyball Day!Okay, before I get back to banging my head away on the bomb / clanger / whatever the heck it is that Harper dropped in the Commons yesterday, I just want to take a moment to say a little something to all the nice folks south of the border that have stopped by from time to time:

To Debbie in Texas, Marion in California, Jack (currently in Iraq — get home in one peice, buddy) from Hawaii, April in Mississippi, Bob from Virginia, Allan from Montana, Steve from Michigan, and well, Enjoy the day!too damn many others to list ’em all here:

Happy Yanksgiving, everybody! Hope your team wins and hey, don’t eat too much turkey. 😉

Thanks for Giving

Silver Lining?

JusticeI know that I’ve already flogged this horse before, but this time is a little different. It seems that the sordid story of trigger-happy Ahmed Moalin-Mohamed may have a silver lining to it, after all. Prime Minister Stephen Harper has pointed to Mohamed’s little disappearing act as an example of just why we need reform to the “justice” system in this country and need it now. As the PM put it, describing how Mohamed got off scot free after shooting four people in downtown London:

Ahmed Moalin-Mohamed “Four people,” Harper repeated for impact.

“The judge, acting under the current law, ordered him to stay home with his mother,” Harper said at a Toronto press conference. “He promptly vanished.

“That means somewhere in Canada, maybe in London, maybe in this city, a man facing multiple violent firearm charges is freely roaming the streets,” Harper said. “And it’s hardly an isolated case.”

It feels kind of odd to say this, but if this little nugget of judicial idiocy actually results in changes to the way things are done in our courts, then maybe it will be somehow worth it. According to this article, cops in TO say that 945 crimes involving guns or restricted weapons have been racked up so far this year, with 37% done by some prick already out on bail, parole, temporary absence, probation or some other hug-a-thug bullshit. Not enough for ya? Try this:

Utter BullshitJeremiah Valentine, 24, charged with second-degree murder in the Yonge St. Boxing Day 2005 shootout that left Toronto teen Jane Creba dead was under three gun bans following convictions at the time of the incident.

Why, yes, I AM PISSED OFF...  how can you tell?Screw the “rights of the accused.” I’d rather put up with the odd rare case (and yes, they are rare) of an innnocent man having to cool his heels until his trial comes up than put up with this bullshit any longer.

Okay, Okay!

Filed under: Afghanistan,Canada,Good Stuff,Military — Dennis @ 1:52 pm

to much feedback...Alright; I get it. Bigger letters. Gotcha. I can take a hint. Since that last post, I’ve gotten over 150 emails! 😯 Yes, that’s right. And all of ’em basically said the same thing: bigger letters bigger letters bigger letters bigger letters bigger letters bigger letters bigger letters…. Never let it be said that I can’t take a hint.

So… I’ve GIMPed it and reworked the design a bit. Did I mention how much I loathe working with image editing software? Just thought I’d grumble about that a little. At any rate, here’s what I have so far:

version 2

And folks: PLEASE limit commentary, criticisms, etc to the comments sections. My email box is TOTALLY stuffed… 🙄

As for me now, I’m gonna go try to figure out just WHAT the H-E-double-hockeysticks Harper is thinking… 😕

November 22, 2006


Filed under: Afghanistan,Canada,Good Stuff,Military,Site News — Dennis @ 7:53 pm

Okay, I know I’ve been babbling about this for a while now, but this time I really mean it. Here’s the first draft for the first shirt design:

I’ll keep at it till it finally looks right to me.  When it does, I’ll make ’em available.  So, in the meantime, what does everybody think?

PS – Yes, I KNOW that I’m not worth a damn at image editing… 🙄

Byelection Buzz 11.22.06

Filed under: Canada,Government,La Belle Province,Ontario — Dennis @ 5:52 pm

CampaigningE minus 5 days and counting.

Hang in there. Just five more days. Must… keep… brain from… falling… out…

The scramble for votes in London North Centre is starting to look like a game of full-contact musical chairs. Even high school kids aren’t immune, it seems. Say what you want about the Canadian Action Party’s Will Arlow, but he sure seems to know how to talk to kids:

BullshitAnother cynical note was struck by Will Arlow of the Canadian Action Party, who advised his listeners “Politicians lie their faces off to get elected.” He urged students to press into service their “bullshit detectors” when measuring promises.

-Willy to an audience of about 700 students at Catholic Central high school

Nice going, Willy; real classy. Even a trashmouth like me at least tries to watch his language around kids. About those detectors, Willy: I think you already fried ’em. 🙄

The great Talker To Americans, Rick Mercer, popped up — fully clothed, thank God — to “endorse” Tory Dianne Haskett on his blog. Hey, Rick; a little hint for ya: you’re only the kiss of death when you actually endorse somebody. But nice try, anyway. 😉

Green leader/candidate Liz May-or-may-not, on the other hand, took a break from the campaign to appoint Adriane Carr and Claude William Genest as deputy leaders to her party. At least she wasn’t banging on my door.

In an interesting bit of turnabout-is-fair-play, the Haskett crew has fired one across Pearson’s bow over his silence on just who he thinks should lead the Librano$ into their next electoral defeat. Kind of odd, considering:

“Why is Pearson afraid to share his leadership choice with the people of London?” taunts a news release issued yesterday by the Haskett campaign. Pearson’s sudden vow of silence is rather odd, however, given that earlier in the campaign, he readily acknowledged his candidate was Stephane Dion.

The televised all-candidates debate at the London City Press Club (broadcast on Rogers) somehow evolved into one hell of a game of Go Fish:

Conservative Dianne Haskett played the tough-on-crime card, Liberal Glen Pearson the we-can-make-Canadians-proud-again card, Green Party leader Elizabeth May the make-history-with-me card and New Democrat Megan Walker the we-can-stand-up-to-Stephen-Harper card.

Fringe candidates Will Arlow of the Canadian Action Party, Steve Hunter of the Progressive Canadian Party and independent Robert Ede played the we-deserve-a- chance card, arguing all major parties are doing a poor job.

And when the hell did Stronach become a brunette, anyway? 😕

The Freeps
Debate draws best cards
CCH students get their fill of political baloney
New-look Belinda boosts Pearson
Campaign notebook

Catholic World News
cat got your tongue?

November 21, 2006

I’m Curious…

Filed under: Site News — Dennis @ 11:01 pm

Site changes & stuffCuriosity, as my mom always told me, killed the cat. But satisfaction brought him back. Luckily for me, I’m not a cat. What’s got me scratching my head lately is traffic. No, not the kind that makes you spew cusswords on your way to work. I mean the kind that hits websites. I’ve managed to get a stats monitor up and running but the darned geolocation isn’t working worth crap, so… I put up a new poll.

I’ve been wondering for a while just where all you folks were coming from so, now you can tell me yourselves. Don’t see your location in the list yet? No problem. In this poll, you will be able to add answers of your own to the list (sorry, but for some reason, that won’t work in IE6. It works fine in Firefox and I’m not sure about IE7).

So . . . where ya from? 😉

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