Archive for: April 2007

April 15, 2007

On Appeasement

Militant IslamIt didn’t take me long after I sat down in front of my PC today to stumble over Paul Jackson’s latest offering at the Calgary Sun, “Appeasement is pure folly.” As most of you already know, I have a bit of a habit of checking out what’s on Paul’s mind from time to time. Sure, he sometimes comes off a little too pro-American for my taste but more often than not, he has a habit of being spot-on.

In today’s column, he talks about a little something that was passed on to him recently:

A remarkable document came into my hands the other day from a Republican friend in Washington and it is something that should be read by all patriotic Americans and Canadians.

It should also be read by lib-lefters, appeasers, sell-out artists and cowards in all western democracies who want the U.S. and Britain to pull out of Iraq, and the U.S., Britain and Canada to pull out of Afghanistan, and the West to just give in to the demands of fanatics such as Iran’s Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and North Korea’s Kim Jong Il.

It’s entitled Europe — Your Name is Cowardice and was written, strangely, by a German, Mathias Dapfner, CEO of the huge publishing house Axel Springer (AG) and published in Germany’s largest newspaper Die Welt.

Alright Paul, you’ve got my attention. And after a bit of digging around, I find myself agreeing with you; this is definitely something to file in the “must read” column. The problem is: which version?

Thumbs up!Ever since German periodical Die Welt published the editorial by Mathias Döpfner on 20 November 2004, there have been literally dozens of versions of it popping up here and there around the internet, in just about every Western language you can care to name. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing — like I said, I consider it a must-read — but the problem is that a lot of the English-language translations of this editorial that have been circulated via the Internet include alterations and additional invective that weren’t present in the original. Judging from the quotes in the article, Paul must have gotten one of these. Not that I’m trying to beat Mr Jackson over the head or anything but if we’re going to quote someone, let’s at least do our best to get it right.

So… before I get any more long-winded than I’m already being, let’s cut this short. Reproduced below is the most accurate-to-the-original translation that I could find (thanks to Snopes). Even without the extra barbs, it’s still damned good…

UPDATE: for those looking to split hairs, click here. 

A few days ago, Henryk M. Broder wrote in the Welt am Sonntag, “Europe — thy name is appeasement.” It’s a phrase you can’t get out of your head because it’s so painfully true.

Appeasement cost millions of Jews and Gentiles their lives as England and France, allies at the time, negotiated and hesitated far too long before realizing that Hitler had to be fought, not bound to agreements. Appeasement stabilized the Communist Soviet Union and the former East Germany, those parts of Eastern Europe where inhuman, suppressive governments were glorified as the ideological alternative. Appeasement crippled Europe when genocide ran rampant in Kosovo, and we debated and debated and were still debating when the Americans finally came in and did our work for us. Rather than protecting the only democracy in the Middle East, European appeasement, camouflaged behind the fuzzy word “equidistance,” relativizes the fundamentalist Palestinian suicide bombings in Israel. Appeasement generates a mentality that allows Europe to condone the 300,000 victims of Saddam’s torture and murder machinery in Iraq and condemn the actions of George Bush in the self-righteousness of the peace movement. And in the end it is also appeasement at its most grotesque when Germany reacts to the escalating violence of Islamic fundamentalists in Holland and elsewhere by proposing a national Muslim holiday.

What else has to happen before the European public and its political leadership realize that there is a form of crusade underway, an especially perfidious one of systematic attacks by fanatic Muslims targeting civilians, directed against our free, open Western societies. This is a conflict that will likely last longer than any of the great military conflicts of the last century, waged by an adversary who cannot be tamed by tolerance and accommodation but is instead spurred on by such gestures, mistaking them as signs of weakness.

Two recent American presidents had the courage needed for staunch anti-appeasement: Reagan and Bush. Ronald Reagan ended the Cold War, and Bush — supported only by the persuasive Social Democrat politician Tony Blair — recognized the danger in the Islamic war against democracy. His place in history will need to be evaluated a number of years down the road.

In the meantime, Europe snuggles into its multicultural niche instead of defending the values of a liberal society with charismatic certitude and acting as a positive center of power in a delicate balance between the true global powers, America and China. We instead present ourselves as the world champions of tolerance against the intolerants, which even Otto Schily [Germany’s former Federal Minister of the Interior] justifiably criticizes. And why, actually? Because we’re so moral? I fear it’s more because we’re so materialistic.

For his policies, Bush risks the devaluation of the dollar, huge amounts of added national debt, and a massive and lasting strain on the American economy — because everything is at stake.

Yet while America’s so allegedly materialistic robber baron capitalists know their priorities, we timidly defend the benefice of our social affluence. Just stay out of it; it could get expensive. We’d rather discuss our 35-hour workweek or our dental coverage or listen to televangelists preach about the need to “Reach out to murderers.” These days, it sometimes seems that Europe is like a little old lady who cups her shaking hands around her last pieces of jewelry as a thief breaks in right next door. Europe, thy name is Cowardice.

April 14, 2007


Filed under: Africa,Outdoors,Stupidity,Video — Dennis @ 3:13 pm

AsshatteryWell, since I seem to be in a video kind of mood today, let’s add this one to the pile. SDA had this earlier and it’s pretty damned dumb.

Ah, ecotourism, isn’t it just wonderful? Happy little tree-hugging granola-grinders getting themselves back to the loving, gentle embrace of Mother Nature, where nothing nasty ever happens, there is never any violence, and all the goddess’s happy creatures live in perfect harmony with one another. Probably because there’s no conservatives around.

Cluebat timeMemo to the Ecotardsâ„¢:
Nature isn’t politically correct. Nature isn’t pacifist. Nature is downright violent. Nature has a word for vegans and that word is: “FOOD.” Animals fall into two categories: those that eat other animals and those that get eaten by other animals. Neither one gives a shit about you, how many petitions you signed in college, or how much you hate the east coast seal hunt. They do, however, give a damn about their young. And ELEPHANTS are something that, if you had two brain cells to rub together, you would stick right up near the top of your “I don’t wanna screw with that” column.

These idjits aren’t that smart, though. The price of their stupidity? I’m not 100% sure, but the quoted stat of “two were injured and one was killed” doesn’t stretch the imagination too much. Can you say “Darwin Award,” boys and girls?

Now THIS Is Just TOO Damn Cool

Filed under: Good Stuff,John Q Public,Video — Dennis @ 2:15 pm

Joe LunchboxContent Advisory: If you’re a chick, this will probably just bore the crap out of you. 😛

Just what the hell do I file this under? Yeah, I know it’s got bugger all to do with politics, bitching about Lefties or anything else that I usually put up here but COME ON NOW, this is just too damned cool not to post. I found this over at Celestial Junk today and I just couldn’t believe it the first time I saw it.

Like a lot of other people my age, I remember the shop teacher with the missing fingers. Well, this just might put an end to that. I’m not even going to bother babbling any more about this. Just watch the video…

Now tell me, was that COOL or what??

Crystal Ball Time

Filed under: Canada,ELECTION??,Government,Politics — Dennis @ 12:46 pm

The crystal ballSomething’s going on. I can feel it, deep down in the marrow of my bones. The signs and omens are everywhere.

I found an adder in the garden this morning. 😯 Last night at midnight, all my clocks stopped. 😯 Owls have been seen in daylight, dogs bay into the empty night and the Coach de Bauer was seen under a moonless sky, while the mournful wail of the bean sidhe echoes in the willows. 😯

Oh, what? You don’t believe me? Alright then, smartass, try this one on for size:

The Parliament of Canada website, whenever I’ve checked it before, has always contained a full schedule of the upcoming week’s agenda. Not so now. Monday has the usual slate of stuff that could make a meth-head yawn but Tuesday? Well, that’s interesting. Tuesday has one entry and one entry only [A tip o’ the toque to National Newswatch for this one, btw]:


Private Members’ Business

C-377 — Mr. Layton (Toronto—Danforth) — Climate Change Accountability Act — Second reading (resuming debate)

WE’RE ALL GONNA DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!That’s right, the only thing scheduled is the latest list of commandments from the High Priests of The Church of We’re All Gonna Die bag of climate-change claptrap from the loopy-Left, tinfoil-hat, moonbat, wish-they’d-all-go-splat Prophets of Envirodoomâ„¢. Yup, the “every time you exhale CO2, God kills a kitten” crowd are looking to leech of still more of your and my tax dollars to keep a bunch of otherwise unemployable envirotards in jobs. Never mind all the evidence that CO2 and human activity have less to do with global warming than, well… how about THE SUN?? But hey, we must all be wrong and they must be right because, c’mon… Al Gore made a movie. And we just know he’s smart, because he invented the internet. Dickheads.

Then there’s that little online poll over at canoe. Dr Roy diagnosed this last night but I wanted to wait a little longer, until there was a broader sampling, seeing as how there were fewer than 500 votes the first time I looked at it. Now while I could (and probably will, sometime) giggle and guffaw at considerable length about this, for now I’m just going to let you have a look at it and make up your own mind…

54%, huh?

You have to admit, 54% can be one hell of an interesting number in the right circumstances. Put all this happy horseshit together and I don’t know about you, but I can definitely smell something in the wind…

Update already (damn; that didn’t take long): Matt has noticed something, too.

Updated update: Jason at True North has sounded off about how the Tories are leading the polls… in QUEBEC?? How the hell did that one happen? 😕

Totally updated update: Well, the HOC Projected Order of Business has beefed itself up now, killing my best omen dead in its tracks and putting me in the asshat column for a while…

Heeeere, Stephie, Stephie ...

April 13, 2007

Harper’s Speech At The Vimy Memorial

Filed under: Canada,France,Good Stuff,Military,Traditions,Video — Dennis @ 2:55 pm

The Canadian Armed ForcesWell, I finally managed to find Her Majesty’s Prime Minster Stephen Harper’s speech at the 90th anniversary of the assault on Vimy (thanks to Daimnation for finding it first). The footage seems to be via Lowell Green over at CFRA in Ottawa.

Damn good speech and definitely worth taking the time to watch — and that’s coming from a guy that usually finds himself bored to tears by speechs.

Fish In A Barrel

Filed under: Funny,Ontario — Dennis @ 12:19 am

Hey, its funny…Good Gawd. And here I thought that old saw about some jokes writing themselves was just a bunch o’ bull. Well, I guess it just goes to show ya that truth really is stranger than fiction. Today’s self-writing joke is that a dude from Montreal by the name of Albert Neremberghe and a buddy of his made themselves a documentary film called… wait for it… Let’s All Hate Toronto. No, I’m not making that up.

For the record: Yes, hating TO is a lot like shooting fish in a barrel but it does have one redeeming virtue (Don’t even think about looking at me like that. It’s called loyalty. I suffered through the goddamn Harold Ballard years, fer chrissakes…!). But seriously… do we need a documentary to tell us to hate Toronto? Some folks are WAY ahead of that curve… 😀


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