Archive for: May 2008

May 18, 2008

The Things You Find In Google Cache…

I like Google cache. I think it’s a totally nifty thing. You can find all kinds of interesting stuff in there. Stuff that, for some reason, isn’t where it used to be.

It makes you think, really it does. Sometimes you think “what the hell was that arsehole thinking in the first place?”

Other times, you think “why was that deleted? Is someone afraid of the Thought Police® or did they just cool off and decide that they went off half-cocked?”

I’ll let you make up your own minds on this one:

I’ve spend a pleasant day or so talking with an old friend from Toronto. We agree on some issues, disagree on others, but what’s interesting is what came up repeatedly in his comments; an issue that is for all practical purposes underground.

That issue is immigration, and specifically immigration from Jamaica.

It seems there is a general consensus in Canada’s largest city that importing the culture of baby mommas, fatherless families and gun violence from the tropics was a MISTAKE!

No one can talk about it because the Charter of Rights and Freedoms deems such talk to be illegal. And since multiculturalists think all cultures are the same, there’s no oblique way to open the subject either.

All the same, I get the impression that if the choice were offered to Torontoinians, they’d ship the bunch of them back to the Island.

Incidentally, this attitude included Somalis, Ethiopians, Eritreanians and Sudanese, who, I was told, are the source of many legal and social problems.

The feeling did not encompass other groups such as Trinidadians, Egyptians, or even Lebanese. In fact, you can say that the majority of immigrant communities to Canada are assimilating well and are welcomed.

Of course we can’t discuss groups anymore. We can’t say one group assimilates better than another. We can’t make any distinctions because our wonderful Charter doesn’t allow us to.

Not that this matters in the real world where ordinary Canadians know what the problems are, know whose causing the problems and know what they’d like to do about it.

May 15, 2008

Meds Required, STAT!

Filed under: Moonbattery,The MSM,USA,Video — Dennis @ 2:55 pm

This has got to be, without any doubt, the worst damned case of BDS I’ve ever seen. But then, I’m not an American, so I might not see it as often.

This dude though, and I’ll freely admit that I don’t have a clue in hell as to who he actually is — I don’t watch MSNBC and I don’t think I’m likely to if this is the quality of programming they offer — totally kooks out over the American President in a way that I thought was usually reserved for lifelong Gritlets wailing about the Impending Doom Under The Evil Government Of Scary Stephen Harper®. Ah, hell, just take a look at this idiot and see for yourself.

I recommend antipsychotics. Strong ones. In bigass doses…

May 12, 2008

Some o’ This, Some o’ That…

Filed under: HRCs,Random Junk — Dennis @ 2:21 pm

Just some stuff...Not a whole lot of time lately, seeing as how I’ve been in SQL hell for the last 36 hours or so (don’t ask), so for today, I’ll just slap up a bunch of stuff that’s managed to catch my eye so far today. Hey, it’s what I do when I don’t have time to rant.

His Dorkness, Dion, seems to be back banging away on the “Scary Tory Agenda®” drum yet again. Is it just me, or is anyone else out there getting bored silly with this? If this is the best the Librano$ can pull off, how soon can we have our election already??

Liberal leader Stephane Dion says the minority Conservative government’s record contains a clear pattern that constitutes an undeclared “war on federal institutions” that, if left unchecked, could permanently destroy public confidence in vital organizations.

Speaking of bitch-slapping governmental institutions, Ezra has a post today on one little machiavellian machine that he Hypogrits set in motion that’s desperately in need of killing but the Tories have somehow managed to overlook:

Now let me state the obvious: the decision by the Justice Department to intervene was made before Rob Nicholson was the minister — even before the Conservatives were the government. It was made when Irwin Cotler, the Liberal, was minister, if I’m not mistaken. Ever since then, federal lawyers have been beavering away in support of section 13, along with other tax-paid lawyers from the CHRC (and the gaggle of Jewish censors from the Canadian Jewish Congress, B’nai Brith and the Simon Wiesenthal Center).

Putting aside politics, if a previous Justice Minister instructed his lawyers to intervene in support of censorship, it’s those lawyers’ duty to do so until their instructions change. And, since the Conservatives have not yet changed course on section 13 — or any other aspect of the Canadian Human Rights Commission — it should not be surprising that Justice Department lawyers are still serving up the kind of junk history and psychobabble that is evident in this memorandum.

As a nice little local note, London City Council seems to be growing a brain. It’s starting to look like $70 grand of local taxpayers’ bucks isn’t going to get pissed away in yet another dumbass “study” that will do nothing more that give more money to the Professional Studying Crowd. Seriously, kids, if London needs a performing arts centre that damned bad, let the damned rich snoots (who will be the only ones that go there anyway) pay for the friggin’ thing:

Coun. Stephen Orser takes it even further — Londoners simply don’t want a performance centre that, in his view, would cater to the rich.

“I’m not a wealthy person nor are most people in Ward 4 and this shouldn’t be placed on our backs,” he said. “We should stop this at the consultant’s stage right now.”


May 10, 2008


Filed under: Good Stuff,Government,Ontario — Dennis @ 7:22 pm

This is good. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

It looks like, even in a place as Leftbotâ„¢-infested as Ontario, some things are still no-brainers.  This one is such a no-brainer that 94% can’t find anything wrong with it (wondering what the hell is on the other 6%’s mind just creeps me out).

I have to admit that I’m a little disappointed that such a sensible bill wasn’t introduced by a conservative MPP. The truth is that the private member’s bill in question was put forth by a … ahem … Liberal. 😯 Aw, screw it. A good idea is a good idea, no matter where it comes from and the way things have been going in this province for a while now, I’ll take my good news where I can get it. Here’s to Liberal MPP Laurel Broten!  God bless the lady.

In case you’re somehow wondering, John Q. Ontarien is right behind this bill (no surprise):

“Woe to any party that obstructs this,” Nanos said. “I don’t think it’s the issue of whether this should pass, but if somebody does have a problem with it, it should probably be incumbent on them to figure out how they can fix the problem so it can pass.”

May 8, 2008

Heads Up In TO… Another Jr Scumbag

Most of you have heard by now about the Arsehole Of The Universe’s first ever shooting on a subway car, where an 18-year old girl was shot (in the crotch, no less) following a “confrontation with three males.” [TRANSLATION: three little maggots so gutless that they couldn’t even gang up on a girl without a gun] The cops have nabbed one so far, and given the rest of us something that we just don’t see often enough: the name of another shitbag, regardless of his age!

We don’t get this very often and God knows the Leftbot useful idiots will be busting their arses to sweep it back under the rug at the first opportunity, so grab the info now and forearm yourselves while the forewarnin’s good. From the release by the TO cops (my emphasis, of course): (more…)

Steyn On The Agenda

I’d been looking for this for a day or so now and finally managed to find it on YouTube, thanks to SDAMatt (nice job, mate). Mark Steyn was on TVO’s The Agenda the other day, having a go at Mohamed Elmasry’s SP3. As you can likely imagine, ol’ Mark comes out of the gate, practically barking his head off at the end of his chain, wanting to get right to it.

I have to admit that I felt kind of sorry for Steve Paikin at several points throughout the show — the poor bugger must have felt like he was trying to herd feral cats on angel dust at some points — but overall, especially under the circumstances, I think he did rather well. The sock puppets, as you can imagine, were outdone from the start. What I can’t quite figure out, though, is Steyn. He’s nowhere near in full form in this little fracas, apparently going deliberately easy on them at some points? Maybe he just figured that they were just a bunch of kids, being used as shills — the general tone of his post-show post would seem to support this — who had no idea what they were really stirring up (which is clearly what they are, particularly the sputtering Khurrum).

At any rate, have a look and see for yourselves. The whole thing’s chopped up into six chunks of about 10 minutes each, with a little tie-up at the end. Grab a cuppa joe and enjoy… (more…)

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