Archive for: June 2008

June 6, 2008

All The Dense Legalese … [Re-re-re-bumpeded]

Filed under: HRCs,Lotusland,News,Politicorrect,Rights,Soc. Engineering — Dennis @ 5:33 pm

… with twice the politically correct jargon!

For those of you that don’t know already, Andrew Coyne’s going to be live blogging C-Sixer Mark Steyn’s little chinwag with the B.C. Human Lefts Tribunalâ„¢ today, starting at 12:30 EST (in about 20 minutes) and going until… well, whenever the clowns get tired and decide to fold up the tent, I guess… Pop over and click your refresh button from time to time to keep updated.

Naturally, I’ll be brazenly plagiarizing/stealing the choicest tidbits and sticking them in this post as the days go on… 😉

Stay tuned.

-= THE BITS =-



Filed under: Canada,Funny,HRCs,Skullduggery,Video — Dennis @ 2:35 pm

This was driving me absolutely batshit. Really, it was.

No, I don’t mean the Human Lefts Commissions (although they do drive me batshit). I’m talking about that nagging, gnawing, “where the hell have I seen this before” deja drive-you-outta-yer-skull vu sensation. It bugged me for damned near two full days. It all started when I tripped over this vid in the first place. It shows Ezra Levant taking a bit out of Ian Fine’s little weasel ass. Check it out:

That’s where it started. And nevermind, just for now, the sheer and utter hypocrisy of what the son of a bitch keeps saying. Forget that, just for a few. I kept looking at Fine mewling about how they didn’t do this and they didn’t do that, with Ezra beating him over the head with the evidence the whole time, and part of my brain was screaming, over and over and over again, YOU’VE SEEN THIS BEFORE, YOU’VE SEEN THIS BEFORE, YOU’VE SEEN THIS BEFORE!!!!!” It was a pain in the ass, believe me. And then, like a bolt from the blue, it hit me…

Reagan At Pointe Du Hoc

Filed under: Audio,Good Stuff,Military,Traditions — Dennis @ 1:05 pm

Some things really can be posted with no commentary whatsoever.

D Day

Things like the speech delivered by American President Ronald Reagan in Pointe Du Hoc, Normandy, on the sixth of June, 1984. The 40th anniversary of the Normandy Invasion (careful, though; it’s kind of a big file)…


June 5, 2008

Das Kindergarchy

Filed under: Antistupidity,Society/Culture,Traditions — Dennis @ 5:29 pm

Not a whole buttload of time right now so all I’ll do is just say that there’s some serious chapeau acrobatics to Neo over at HOM for tripping over this before I did. It’s pretty long-winded but it’s TOTALLY worth the read. Every child a dauphin, indeed….

Well, in the words of Vladimir Illych Lenin, who had no children, what is to be done? Not very much, I suspect. When such seismic shifts in the culture as that represented by the rise of Kindergarchy take hold, there isn’t much anyone can do but wait for things to work themselves out. My own hope is that the absurdity of current arrangements will in time be felt, and people will gradually realize the foolishness of continuing to lavish so much painstaking attention on their children. When that time comes, children will be allowed to relax, no longer under threat of suffocation by love from their parents, and grow up more on their own. Only then will parents once again be able to live their own lives, free to concentrate on their work, life’s adult pleasures, and those responsibilities that fall well outside the prison of the permanent kindergarten they have themselves erected and have been forced to live in as hostages.

Check it out. You’ll see exactly what I’m talking about.

June 4, 2008

How To Shoot A Donkey In The Foot [updated]

Filed under: John Q Public,Politicorrect,Politics,USA — Dennis @ 6:42 pm

It’s not as tricky as you might think. All you need to is just give the gun to the jackass and he’ll take care of it for you. Don’t believe me? Just take a look at who’s running for president of the US of A. John McCain is now officially the American President-in-waiting.

Don’t believe me? Think about it. Just how many times do you think you can call someone a son of a bitch to their face before they decide to give you the back of their hand?

Jean B. Grillo, an “over 50” writer in lower Manhattan, was pretty straightforward: “I am so tired as a white, ultra-liberal, McGovern-voting, civil-rights marching, anti-war fighting highly educated professional woman who totally supports Hillary Clinton to be attacked and vilified as racist and or dumb.”

“Many of us feel slighted,” said Lynn Eyrich Harvey, 76, from Los Gatos, Calif. “We feel that years of supporting the party is unimportant, that we are to sit down and shut up — but be sure to vote Democratic in November.”

Angry White Woman® is pissed at Obabmi and Angry White Man™ hates Billary:

Most important, the Angry White Man is pissed off. When his job site becomes flooded with illegal workers who don’t pay taxes and his wages drop like a stone, he gets righteously angry. When his job gets shipped overseas, and he has to speak to some incomprehensible idiot in India for tech support, he simmers. When Al Sharpton comes on TV, leading some rally for reparations for slavery or some such nonsense, he bites his tongue and he remembers. When a child gets charged with carrying a concealed weapon for mistakenly bringing a penknife to school, he takes note of who the local idiots are in education and law enforcement.

He also votes, and the Angry White Man loathes Hillary Clinton. Her voice reminds him of a shovel scraping a rock.

Slice it any way that you want; it makes no damned difference at all. The Dems screwed themselves from the start.


Speaking of uberpissed white women… 😯 (more…)

Switching Gears?

Filed under: Blogosphere,Funny — Dennis @ 10:28 am

Hm. I have to admit that I hadn’t considered this but hey, I guess it might work. It seems that ol’ Ezra might be thinking about switching tactics

(click pic to bigulate)
Appeasement tactics??

Whatever works, I guess… 😕

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