Archive for: September 2008

September 13, 2008

Entirely Too True

Filed under: Funny,Random Junk,Rants,Video — Dennis @ 1:08 pm

Oh, yes it is (this post certified 100% Election Bullshit® Free)…

September 12, 2008

Day 6

Filed under: Canada,John Q Public,Politics — Dennis @ 4:09 pm

CampaigningWell, I gotta tell ya, after writing that last post, it sure feels good to clean off by rolling and wallowing around in some nice, filthy partisan politics.

Funny how contrasts can change a perspective, huh?

Day six of the silly season is upon us and, as you likely guessed, it just keeps goin’ and goin’ like some Satanic pink bunny on angel dust. Why can’t we just lock these three four five clowns in a room with some baseball bats and have them settle it without bothering the rest of us?

Hey, at least my guy’d likely win. 😉

17:09 – Fifteen WHATS?

Okay, this has gotta be some sort of fluke or something. It has to be. Don’t get me wrong, I actually like optimism — not that I practice a lot of it, but I still like it. But this just seems too good to be true. If it had come any time other than the end of the Week Of The Gaffe Du Jour®, (the poll was taken from Monday to Thursday this week) I’d have been able to sit there and say, “hm… cool,” but not today.

Personally, I foresee another Tory minority, with the Tories and Dippers gaining some seats each and the Grits shriveling to little more than an urban, Toronto-Montreal-Vancouver rump.

BUT… if this poll is accurate, then something damned big is afoot in the ranks of Bob and Sally Canuck out there:

OTTAWA — Stephen Harper may be closing in on his coveted majority despite being plagued by a series of miscues and bad news during the first week of the federal election campaign.

A new poll suggests the Conservatives have opened up a commanding 15-point lead over the Liberals, with 41 per cent of respondents supporting the governing party.

Typically, 40 per cent is sufficient to win a majority of seats in the House of Commons.

According to The Canadian Press-Harris Decima survey, the Liberals stood at 26 per cent, the NDP at 14 per cent, the Greens at nine and the Bloc Quebecois at eight.

The poll suggests the Tories have gained ground among key voter groups that have eluded them in the past, and in every region of the country. They took a seven-point lead in Ontario, a 10-point lead in urban centres and a 13-point-lead among women.

I’m not gonna hold my breath just yet, though.

18:21 – Oops

Oh yeah, yer smart alright...After acting like complete and utter hypocritical assholes — and getting lambasted up and down both the left and right sides of the blogosphere — the Boogers have decided that it’s time to backpedal, cut and run, whatever the hell you want to call it. I’ve gotta give Elly May and Co. credit for doing one thing that is almost impossible to do: that is to unite damned near everyone in the country, regardless of politics, on the same side of an issue. Too bad for the Boogers, it was against them.

The website for TVO’s The Agenda, which has been following the fracas, has the mea culpa from Green attack dog John Bennett:

Dear Mr. Buckdog,
I apologize for my hasty email yesterday. My actions came out of a concern to ensure that internet content is an honest and real representation of facts and I look forward to future positive dialogue with you and other bloggers.
In the TVO clip, Elizabeth May clearly says “they” think Canadians are stupid, referring to the opinions of some politicians. She then turns to the questioner and agrees with HIS assessment that a carbon tax is essential. No spin can change that.
I have included a video clip and quote from Elizabeth May that indicate her clear respect for the intelligence of Canadians.

“It needs to be explained, but I think Canadians are smart enough to understand the idea that we need to ensure that we reduce our use of fossil fuels, that the climate crisis is upon us, and this is not the only thing we need to do, but it is the foundation for a successful climate policy,” Elizabeth May said. CTV’s Question Period on Sunday, May 25, 2008.
John Bennett

Nothing more embarrassing than when totalitarian-minded buggers get caught acting totalitarian, eh?

19:35 – Whoah, Nelly!

Gawd damn. Yeah, it’s juvenile and yeah, it’s silly and yeah, it’s a whole bunch of other stuff… but I still gotta see how this ends up looking on THH22M

HALIFAX — The Harper campaign got a dose of comic relief today, when a well-dressed woman claiming to represent “single female voters” caused a stir at the morning news conference.

Catching the PM in mid-sentence at the serious event, the woman — later revealed to be Geri Hall from CBC satire show This Hour Has 22 Minutes — stood up, apologized for the interruption, then continued to shout as she was hauled away in cuffs by the RCMP security detail.

“Girls love a guy with a sense of humour. We can have a lot of fun!” she hollered. “I love you Stephen Harper. I want to love you!”

The PM was blindsided by the visit, but later met with Hall to make amends for the take-down.

A Harper aide said with a wink the pair met at the PM’s hotel room — but confirmed Mrs. Harper was present.

The PM’s opening line?

“So, you like handcuffs?”

I don’t know about you, but there’s a couple o’ looks on a couple o’ faces that I just gotta see… 😆

As If We Needed It

Filed under: Ontario,Rants,Stupid Judge Tricks,YCJA — Dennis @ 3:10 pm

Stupid Judge TricksAs if we somehow needed more proof (no, we don’t) that our laughably so-called “justice system” in this country has gone completely and utterly off the rails, a woman in Guelph, Ontario has gotten of light, thanks to Justice Cas Herold, with the cold-blooded murder of not one, but two children.  Not just kids, but babies!  Both of them were under three months old! It’s days like this that I sometimes question my opposition to capital punishment.

Both of the victims were her own children.

Some of you without strong stomachs of anger management issues might not want to read much further, just so you know.  Pieces of walking garbage like this so-called woman could gag a maggot:

GUELPH–A Guelph woman who admitted killing her two sons was acquitted of two counts of murder yesterday, prompting an angry outburst from one victim’s father and tears of relief from the other.

“You’re a f—ing murderer,” the woman’s former partner yelled at her before storming from the courtroom at Guelph’s Superior Court. “No matter what, you’re a f—ing murderer.”

The man, followed from the courtroom by his mother and grandmother, could then be heard screaming and banging in the corridor.

Yeah, he’s pissed, and who the hell can blame him?  The bitch murdered his son!

Let’s take a look at the facts of this case, shall we?  For once, they really are quite simple and straightforward…

  1. In Kitchener in 1998, she smothered her 7-week old son.
  2. Just 4 years later, in 2002, she killed her 9-week-old son in Guelph.
  3. She admitted to killing her children.
  4. She also admitted to thinking about killing her other two surviving kids. 😯

There you have it.  She’s 27 years old, has murdered exactly half of all the children she’s ever given birth to, and is thinking about finishing the job on the others (a boy and a girl).

Maximum sentence: seven years.  Toss in statutory release and the lovely 2-for-1 pizza justice that scumbags get for pre-trial custody, and she’ll likely be out by next summer.  Oh, did I mention the best part?  You aren’t allowed to know who she is.

That’s because, while she was 21 when she killed her second victim, she was only 17 the first time she killed a baby (and got caught), so she gets to hide behind the anonymity that the lovely little YCJA provides for all murdering little bitches/bastards under the age of 18.  Nice friggin’ job, Chretien & Co., the gift that just keeps on giving.

And you can’t return the God damned thing…

Speaking Of Americans…

Filed under: Politics,USA,Video — Dennis @ 12:26 am

Now THIS is what I call an attack ad…

September 11, 2008

Day 5 Pt. 3

Filed under: Canada,Politics — Dennis @ 4:59 pm

CampaigningThe goodness just keeps on a-comin’, doesn’t it? Time, I think, for a little bit from the opinion pages.

The bumbling professor 17:58

Over at the Sun, Greg Weston decided to take a look at what Dear Leader Dion was up to and… well, I guess he wasn’t exactly impressed:

He visits a school to talk about tainted meat and hiring more inspectors.

Maybe in the coming weeks, he’ll visit a meat packing plant to talk about education. […]

Campaigns inevitably become a metaphor for what kind of government voters can expect from a party and its leader.

In Dion’s case, so far, all signs point to a Liberal government, which, at best, would be confused, if not chaotic.

In Montreal this week, Dion casually mentioned in passing that a Liberal government would double the current $1,200 a year child care supplement introduced by Stephen Harper’s government.

There wasn’t a mother, child or other TV-friendly sign of daycare needs in the place.

And this twerp thinks he can run the country? Uh, no.

About time 18:15

Seems that Harper has gotten around to saying what everybody knows but no one wants to speak about the HypoGrits’ GreenShaftâ„¢ (not their (â„¢), of course; somebody else’s, but…. ah, screw it…). Everybody and their dog (except maybe Kyoto) knows exactly what that damned thing will do to us.

I, for one, am damned glad to see Harper coming up to the plate and saying it out loud:

MONTREAL — Liberal Leader Stéphane Dion’s proposed carbon tax would plunge Canada into a recession and reignite “old battles” over national unity, Conservative Leader Stephen Harper warned a Montreal business crowd Thursday morning.

Thanks for the heads-up, Captain Obvious.

Don’t screw with soldiers 18:40

And don’t screw with their families, either. Steve takes a dim view of that kind of crap.

After the program, Ryan Sparrow, the Tory’s director of communications, emailed CTV News saying Davis was a supporter of Liberal MP Michael Ignatieff

Harper, addressing a crowd in St.-Eustache, Que., Thursday afternoon, said Sparrow had “been suspended from the campaign (and) he has apologized to the individual in question.”

He said the email was “inappropriate” as it questioned “the motivation of a father of a deceased Canadian soldier.”

The “soldier’s father” in question, Jim Davis, showed plenty of class regarding the whole affair:

“That suspension upsets me,” Davis said. “We all learn from our mistakes and we become better people because of that. The last thing that I would want is somebody to have hardship over my son’s death. That’s not what this is all about, this is not politics.

“Ryan Sparrow made a mistake; we all make mistakes, and he apologized and I forgive him.”

Very kind of you, sir. No, I’m not being a smartass; I mean it.

But, as you likely know, our Prime Minister is a little more hard-nosed. The facts are that Davis’ comments were perfectly legit (I happen to agree with them) and he had every right to make them. I don’t like the turn that Harper’s Afghan policy has taken either, but Sparrow stepped on his own dick and now he has to pay for it.

For someone who demands to have her say…

…you’d think that Lizzy May would be glad to have her little piehole droppings spread as far and wide as possible. Not so, it seems. Buckdog got himself a nice little email from the Green Gestapo® because they didn’t like that he was letting May be heard…

From: John Bennett
Date: Thu, 11 Sep 2008 12:37:56 -0600

Please be informed that the if the video Canadians Are Stupid!” – Elizabeth May is not removed from your site with the hour the Green Party of Canada will seek means to prevent legal proceedings further slander.

John Bennett
Director of Communications
Green Party of Canada
(613) 562-4916 ext. 230
(Cell: 613) 291 6888
Fax: (613) 482-4632

You can check out Bucky’s barkback here, if you like. I don’t much care for the guy’s politics, but he’s gettin’ screwed here. So, with that in mind…

Friends Don’t Let Friends Vote Liberal

In a bit of a hurry here, so I’ll be quick. Just got this forwarded to my email (thanks, Larry) and it’s too damned good not to share.


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