Category: Nanny State

February 21, 2009

No Commentary Required

This is what your kids are being taught in our wonderful, leftbot-infested public schools these days. Race-baiting 101.

New Brunswick’s education minister has ordered the cancellation of a school assignment that asked children which lives they would save if they had to choose among different ethnic groups.


The assignment also included images representing each of the different ethnic groups that they could choose to save.

The controversy began after Jessie Lomax complained when her 10-year-old daughter was given the assignment, which, the woman said, is better suited for “concentration camp employees.”

February 10, 2009

A Ray Of Hope

Wish the hell I had more time to go into greater depth about this but, to make a long story short, it looks like the Ultimate White Elephantâ„¢ is finally going to get taken out behind the barn and mercifully (for the rest of us, at least) shot dead.

God knows it’s about time we saw something like this. Maybe now they can start to get the hell off the backs of harmless gun owners (yeah, you read that right: harmless) and start going after some real scumbags for a change (via Gun Owners Resource).

Saskatchewan M.P. Garry Breitkreuz has introduced a Private Members’ Bill to scrap the decade-old Canadian long-gun registry (see link below to Bill C-301).

The long-gun registry was originally budgeted to cost Canadians $2 million, but the price tag spiraled out of control to an estimated $2 billion a decade later. Breitkreuz says it’s time to pull the plug on this useless money pit, because the registry has not saved one single life since it was introduced.

“The registry is a political pacifier created to give the impression that Canada would be safer for it,” explains Breitkreuz. “Nothing could be further from the truth. I believe Canadians would rather see their tax dollars keeping guns out of the hands of criminals and gangs, instead of trying to control law-abiding citizens.”

February 7, 2009

Rights and Privileges

Rights, privileges… what’s the difference? Far too many of us don’t know.

This presentation (by a Libertarian named Michael Badnarik) discusses the topic in the context of the American Constitution but it’s still some damned good food for thought for us north of the border.

Be warned: this thing is damned loooooooonnngg, so grab yourself a coffee/beer/whatever first. Here’s part one of seven:

And here’s part two:

December 10, 2008


Say what you want about these boys, they really know how to cut through it.

To be totally honest with you, though, I didn’t see this one coming the way it did. Just watch and see for yourself (tip o’ the chapeau to this blog here).

I have to confess that I’ve been on this bandwagon a bit myself, albeit with a little more skepticism than some of the hapless do-gooders you’ll see in this episode. I knew that some recycling was a net loss, that aluminum was worth the effort, all that stuff. But I didn’t know just how craptastic the whole affair was.

Guess it just goes to show you really do learn something new every day. Hmm.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

November 25, 2008

Whose Petard?

Why yours, of course, Lynchie. And yer gettin’ a downright atomic wedgie by the danged thing, too.

For those of you who haven’t heard yet, constitutional law expert Richard Moon has finished his little PR stunt that CHRC uber-dachte-Polizistin Jennifer Lynch had commissioned for him and well… you remember how funny it always was when one of Wile E.’s contraptions went haywire on him and blew up in his kisser? Yeah, it was kind of like that.

The reason it’s so damned funny is because the whole purpose of this farce in the first place was that Lynch and her fellow operatives over at the Ministry Of Love were desperately scrambling, in the light of bad publicity (i.e., John and Sally Canuck were being told all about what kind of abuses these bastards have been getting away with for years now), to put on a nice little dog and pony show that would show everyone that they weren’t really conniving, totalitarian thought-nazis trolling the internet and drumming up their own business. So they enlisted Moon to make a pretty report that would say that they were doing very important work by policing so-called “hate messages” (Leftbot Codespeak for “politically incorrect ideas”) on the internet.

So Moon came out with his report today. His conclusion: HRCs should get the fudge out of the business of policing hate messages

An independent report recommends stripping the Canadian Human Rights Commission of its authority to police hate messages on the Internet.


Moon says the commission should get out of the business of policing hate messages, which should be dealt with strictly under the Criminal Code.

But… but… but… If the HRCs aren’t chasing down all those nasty Badthinkersâ„¢, who’s gonna prosecute all those Stalag 13 Section 13 cases that keep little Dickie’s bills paid? Who’s gonna take care of all that important stuff, huh??

Not to worry, little children, Mr. Moon — the guy that Lynch hand-picked to whitewash her dirty laundry — has that one covered too:

The report by constitutional law expert Richard Moon says Section 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act should be repealed.

The controversial section prohibits telephone or Internet communications that are deemed likely to expose the members of an identifiable group to hatred or contempt.

Hyuk. Lynch got Mooned. 😛 Sound too good to be true? Don’t take my word for it, read all about it right here or download it here. You can thank Ezra for the .pdf, and even he was a little stunned:

I’m surprised, because Moon was hand-picked by Jennifer Lynch, the Canadian Human Rights Commission’s chief commissar, and was paid more than $50,000 by her for his 42-page report (nice work, if you can get it.)

Welcome to the club, buddy. Like all good little tyrants with a well-developed sense of self-preservation (and a powerful liplock on the taxpayer teat), Lynch is already trying to toss Moon under the bus and wailing for a mulligan: She’s announcing “further reviews.” Of course she is…

“The debate on how to ensure that Canadians are protected against hate, while preserving freedom of expression, demanded fresh thinking. We commissioned the Moon report as an important step in our analysis,” CHRC Chief Commissioner Jennifer Lynch, Q.C. said upon releasing the report. “Professor Moon has now provided us with an excellent and thoughtful report. Today, I am pleased to share his findings and invite comments on the report’s conclusions, in order to further our review process.”

And to think… this lovely house of cards all came crashing down because of some sock puppets, and a self-aggrandizing bugger with a full deck of Victim Cards® who thinks any Israeli over 18 is a fair target for murder. Talk about shooting yourself in the foot…

Funny how things work out, eh? And just what does the Grand Sock Puppeteer have to say lately? Well, some highlights…

  • “The first point that I did learn from this exercise is that Islamophobia is alive and well in Canada, in the media and also in politics,” he said. “In all of this, we’ve been victimized.”
  • [about those puppets] Prof. Elmasry said both those men, in their numerous public and media appearances, were always acting “upon my instruction.”
  • Prof. Elmasry said Canadian law is deficient because it lacks the concept of “group defamation,” which would “make it easier” for tribunals to uphold complaints such as his.
  • “If somebody makes a joke that you’re white, who cares?” he said.

Hell, even the friggin’ Mop & Pail is jumping the hell off this boat:

Allowing a human-rights commission to police the country’s newspapers and magazines for their coverage of religious or other minorities is a terrible idea, yet that is the law, though most Canadians may not realize it. Now, an independent report requested by the Canadian Human Rights Commission recommends a repeal of the section on hate speech in the Canadian Human Rights Act. The report is a much-needed blast of common sense.

November 10, 2008

Lie Through Our Teeth?

YES, WE CAN! (via Gun Owners Resource)

In a move that should surprise absolutely no one who has two brain cells to rub together, United States President-Elect, Senator Bananafanafofama from Chicago has promptly backpedaled on his consistent claims throughout the campaign that he “supports the Second Amendment.”

The American NRA-ILA — God knows we could use a noisy bunch like that up here, but that’s another rant — is reporting on the latest (of many more to come, no doubt) bucket of cold water thrown on the American public’s sense of personal liberty by the Obamites:

Obama Announces Gun Ban Agenda Before The Final Vote Count Is In

Friday, November 07, 2008

Senator Barack Obama’s presidential campaign slogan, “the audacity of hope,” should have instead been “the audacity of deceit.” After months of telling the American people that he supports the Second Amendment, and only hours after being declared the president-elect, the Obama transition team website announced an agenda taken straight from the anti-gun lobby–four initiatives designed to ban guns and drive law-abiding firearm manufacturers and dealers out of business… [read the whole thing here -D]

Now, before anybody out there (especially any Americans reading this) even thinks about hooting and hollering about how they didn’t see this coming: STFU!

You all knew exactly who and what Obambi was: a typical Leftist, statist, social-engineering Democrat who never met a problem that more bureaucracy couldn’t solve and who wouldn’t trust an average citizen to wipe his own backside with any competency. And he got elected anyway.

So why am I bothering with this? It’s simple, really. If there’s one thing that history has shown, it’s that American Leftbot idiocy has a habit of slithering across the border and making trouble up here. And decent Canadian gun owners have enough problems already.  Look for things to get worse…

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